The Marine life wasn't exactly what I had imagined.
Sure, I knew I wasn't going to be an officer overnight, but this?
"Oi, Lucius! You're on mop duty again!" Jack called out, tossing me a wooden mop as he leaned lazily against a pile of crates. "Better get scrubbing before Captain Kenny finds out you're slacking."
I groaned, staring at the bucket of water like it had personally offended me. "This is not what I signed up for."
Jack smirked. "Oh? You thought being a Seaman Recruit meant fighting dangerous criminals every day? Nah, buddy. We're errand boys first, Marines second."
"Great. Love that for us," I muttered, dipping the mop into the bucket and begrudgingly getting to work.
The Daily Routine of Seaman Recruit Lucius
Mornings started with intense physical training. Push-ups, running, dodging Jack's awful attempts at sparring (seriously, the guy had a mean left hook). After that, we got assigned various tasks around the base. One day it was cleaning, the next it was running messages, and if we were really lucky, we got assigned paperwork duty.
By lunchtime, we were starving.
Which brings us to today's particular incident.
Jack and I were seated at a street-side food stall in the marketplace, shoveling food into our mouths like we hadn't eaten in years. Yes as days passed by I had started hanging out jack the most, what can I say? I made a friend. The cook, a kind old man with a thick mustache, watched in amusement as we tore through plate after plate of grilled fish and rice.
"So," Jack said through a mouthful of rice, "you getting used to the whole 'Marine' thing yet?"
I swallowed and shrugged. "Kinda. The training's good, but the errands? Not so much. I swear Kenny's just making stuff up at this point."
Jack nodded. "Yeah, like the time he made me deliver an empty package across town just to 'test my speed.' The man enjoys messing with us."
I sighed. "I pity you."
Just as I was about to take another bite, a loud commotion broke out behind us.
"STOP! THIEF!" someone shouted.
I turned just in time to see a scrawny guy sprinting through the crowd, clutching a small bag. People leaped out of his way as he darted past, knocking over a fruit cart in the process.
Jack and I exchanged glances. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked.
"If you're thinking 'chase him down so Kenny doesn't yell at us for ignoring it,' then yes," I said, already getting to my feet.
The thief was fast, but I was faster. Well, actually, my wind was faster.
I took a deep breath and focused, feeling the air shift around me. With a flick of my hand, a sudden gust of wind whooshed past, sweeping under the thief's feet and whoop!—he was airborne.
"Wha—?!" The thief flailed as the wind sent him tumbling backward in an awkward somersault before he landed flat on his back.
Jack whistled. "Show-off."
"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" I grinned, walking over to where the thief lay groaning. The stolen bag had fallen out of his hands, and a very angry shopkeeper came rushing over to reclaim it.
"You Marines are useful for once!" the shopkeeper huffed before stomping off.
The thief looked up at me, still dazed. "D-Did I just get yeeted by the wind?"
I patted him on the shoulder. "Yup. Now let's take you to the base before you try to rob someone else and get blown into the ocean."
Jack laughed as we hauled the poor guy up and dragged him off.
Later That Day
Back at the Marine base, Captain Kenny had his arms crossed as he listened to our report.
"So let me get this straight," Kenny said, rubbing his temples. "Instead of chasing the thief like normal people, you launched him into the air with your Devil Fruit?"
I coughed. "Uh… yes?"
Jack snickered. "To be fair, sir, it was very efficient."
Kenny sighed. "You two are going to give me gray hair."
"You already have gray hair," I pointed out.
Kenny pointed at the mop bucket in the corner. "Mop duty."
I groaned. "Again?!"
Jack patted my back with a smile. "Welcome to the 90th Marine Branch, buddy."
As I groaned before Kenny looked at me.
"And one thing lucius, don't go using your devil fruit power in public. It might catch some unwanted attention from a annoying guy." He said as I looked confused before looking at Jack who sighed and mouthed 'Later'.
"Okay." I said and left with jack. Unwanted attention?