Well ever since I got my ass whooped by 'No. 6' of Arthur III's elite knights, I have been trying to find ways to get stronger especially with someone like No.6 using haki, I can assume that the rest are going to be strong or even stronger.
But right now.....
me and Jack stood side by side, brooms in hand, sighing in unison.
"Remind me again why we're always the ones stuck with this?" I groaned as I lazily swept the courtyard.
Jack shrugged. "Because we're at the bottom of the food chain?"
"Right, right. The 'glorious' life of a Marine recruit," I muttered. "Swabbing decks, mopping floors, cleaning toilets—"
"Oi, you skipped sweeping!" Jack pointed out.
I rolled his eyes. "I'm currently sweeping, genius."
Jack smirked. "You're barely moving that broom. It looks like you're giving the floor a massage."
"It's called efficiency, Jack. I'm strategically conserving my energy."
Before Jack could retort, a bucket of water was dumped over both their heads.
"GAAAH! COLD!" I yelped, flailing.
Kenny loomed over them with his usual unimpressed expression, arms crossed. "Less talking, more cleaning."
Jack shivered. "Kenny, was that really necessary?!"
Kenny nodded. "Yes."
I wrung out my shirt. "I swear, when I get stronger, the first thing I'm gonna do is get revenge for all this abuse."
Kenny smirked. "I look forward to it."
I grumbled under my breath before an idea struck me. "Wait a second... That's it!"
Jack raised an eyebrow. "That's what?"
"Getting stronger! I found a way!" I declared.
Jack nodded. "Okay, but how?"
I grinned. "I know it's probably written in a book! Which means... to the library!"
How did I not think of it!?If I can't learn Haki right now then I can probably learn marine's most useful fighting style! I'm a fool sometimes.
Jack blinked. "Wait, we have a library?"
I facepalmed. "YES, Jack! It's the big building with books! Have you never been there?!"
Jack looked away. "...Reading is hard."
Third Pov
The library was surprisingly quiet, aside from the occasional creak of bookshelves and the soft scribbling of Marine officers doing paperwork. Lucius made his way through the rows of dusty books, scanning the titles.
"Okay... 'The Art of War'—boring. 'How to Tie Knots'—why is this even here? 'Sailing for Dummies'—tempting but no. Aha! 'Introduction to Rokushiki: The Six Marine Styles!'" Lucius pulled out the book with a triumphant grin.
He plopped down at a nearby table and flipped it open. His eyes widened as he skimmed through the descriptions:
Soru – Super speed.
Geppo – Jumping in midair.
Tekkai – Hardening the body to take hits.
Shigan – Turning fingers into deadly weapons.
Rankyaku – Kicking so hard it sends out a slicing air blade.
Kami-e – Moving like paper to dodge attacks.
Lucius whistled.
"Now this is what I'm talking about!"
He immediately stood up, ready to test something out. "Let's try Soru first! The book says it's all about pushing off the ground at high speed. How hard could it be?"
He crouched, focused, and—
Lucius was suddenly upside-down, his legs tangled in a bookshelf.
"Uhhh... I think I missed a step..." he mumbled, dazed.
The librarian shot him a death glare. "NO TRAINING IN THE LIBRARY!"
Meanwhile, in Kenny's office, a crisp white envelope sat on his desk, stamped with the royal seal of Camelot Kingdom.
Kenny narrowed his eyes as he opened it, scanning the contents.
"To Captain Kenny,
I formally request an audience with Marine recruit Lucius. His abilities have intrigued me, and I wish to speak with him personally.
Sincerely, King Arthur III."
Kenny sighed. "Well... that's not good."
Back in the training yard, Lucius was in full training mode—or at least, his version of it.
"Okay, attempt number one hundred at Soru!" he announced, crouching low.
Jack, sitting on a bench with an apple in hand, lazily watched. "Should I get the medic ready?"
Lucius ignored him, gritted his teeth, and pushed off—
"I DID IT! I—wait, wait, NO NO NO—"
Lucius had successfully moved fast—right into a wall.
Jack winced. "Oof."
Lucius peeled himself off the stone, dazed. "Progress... Ow."
Just as he was about to try again, Kenny approached, arms crossed.
Lucius groaned. "Not now, Kenny. I think I saw my ancestors for a second."
Kenny threw the letter at him. "Read."
Lucius caught it and frowned as he scanned the page. Jack peered over his shoulder.
"King Arthur wants to meet you?" Jack gasped.
Lucius frowned. "Oh. That's... not good. I was hoping to not see this at all for some reason."
It was true after getting his ass whooped, lucius hoped not being or seeing anything related to King Arthur III and his knights or Princess Magarett as he thinks he got his ass kicked because of her but when it was actually him being easygoing since he has a Logia Devil Fruit.
Jack blinked. "Wait, wait—don't people who get Arthur's attention disappear?!"
Lucius started sweating. "Yeah. And now he wants to talk to me. I don't like this."
Jack smirked. "Maybe he just wants to compliment your cleaning skills."
"Jack, I swear—"
Kenny cut in. "Lucius, listen. This isn't a request you can ignore. Arthur is powerful, and we can't risk offending him."
Lucius groaned. "So what do I do? Walk into his castle and hope he doesn't 'disappear' me?!"
Kenny sighed. "We'll figure it out. But until then—"
Lucius slumped. "More chores?"
Kenny smirked. "More training."
Lucius blinked, then grinned. "Now that's more like it!"
Jack groaned. "Great. And here I thought today was going to be peaceful."
As the sun set, Lucius stood in the training yard, determination burning in his eyes.
"If Arthur wants to meet me, then I better be ready. No more losing!" he declared.
Jack sighed. "At least let the bruises from your last loss heal first."
Lucius cracked his knuckles. "Nah. Pain is just motivation!"
Jack shook his head. "Yeah, okay. See you in the infirmary."
And with that, Lucius' training—and his impending meeting with King Arthur—had officially begun.
To be continued...