Chapter 16- The Slum Terminal of Camelot

The night air was crisp, and the streets of Camelot Kingdom were unusually quiet. Lucius walked beside Magarett, hands in his pockets, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. Her face was unusually serious, her steps purposeful.

"Alright, Princess, level with me," Lucius said, breaking the silence. "Why are you so set on taking down your brother? You really hate him that much?"

Magarett didn't answer immediately. She kept walking, her eyes fixed ahead. "It's not about hate," she finally said. "It's about justice. It's about the people."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "The people? From where I stand, Camelot looks pretty well off. Fancy castles, clean streets, people walking around like they don't have a care in the world."

Magarett let out a bitter chuckle. "That's because you've only seen what Arthur wants you to see."

She turned down a narrow path, leading Lucius away from the well-lit main streets and into the darker, more hidden alleys. Lucius hesitated for a moment before following. As they walked, the scenery changed. The pristine walls and polished roads gave way to crumbling buildings and dirt-covered paths. The air grew heavier, carrying the stench of filth and desperation.

"Welcome to the Slum Terminal," Magarett said quietly.

Lucius frowned. "Slum Terminal?"

Magarett gestured around them. "This is the part of Camelot my brother wants no one to see. The part he pretends doesn't exist."

Lucius took a slow look around. His stomach twisted at what he saw. People, barely more than skin and bones, lay curled up against broken walls. Some were unmoving, their chests barely rising. Children with hollow eyes clung to each other, their clothes little more than rags. The sounds of crying, coughing, and weak murmurs filled the air.

He had seen poverty before. He had seen people struggle in his old world. But this—this was something else entirely, just like as he thought the one piece world had it's dark side as well, no after all this was now his real world.

"What the hell is this…?" he muttered under his breath.

Magarett clenched her fists. "This is what Arthur built. He raised taxes to the point where commoners couldn't afford to eat. He abandoned entire districts in favor of his 'perfect kingdom.' And the worst part? If anyone dares to speak against him, they disappear."

Lucius didn't respond. He just stared, the weight of what he was seeing settling in his gut. He had camelot was like any kingdom with just another ass king. A place of knights, honor, and grandeur. But this? This was worse than any pirate-infested town he had thought of.

A frail voice broke the silence. "Princess…?"

Lucius turned to see an elderly woman, her back hunched, reaching out towards Magarett with a shaking hand. Magarett immediately knelt beside her, taking the woman's hands in her own.

"Madam Elza…" Magarett whispered, her voice trembling. "I'm here."

The old woman smiled weakly. "You came back… you always come back…"

Lucius watched as Magarett's composure cracked. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I haven't done anything to help you all. I—I swore I'd change things, but I…"

Elza squeezed her hand. "You care. That's more than your brother ever did. That's why… we still have hope."

Magarett bit her lip, trying to hold back the sob threatening to escape. She stood up and wiped her face before turning to Lucius.

"This is why I have to stop him. Not for revenge. Not for power. But for them."

Lucius exhaled, running a hand through his hair. "Damn it… This is messed up."

Magarett nodded. "Now you see why I can't stand by and do nothing."

Lucius looked around once more, then back at Magarett. He saw the fire in her eyes. The sheer determination in her stance.

"You're really serious about this, huh?" he asked.

"I have to be," she said. "If I don't stop Arthur, no one will."

For a long moment, Lucius said nothing. Then, with a sigh, he crossed his arms.

"Alright, I'll bite. How did things get this bad? I mean, how the hell did Arthur even become the king? Last I checked, monarchies don't exactly work on 'whoever kills the most family members wins.'"

Magarett's expression darkened. "It wasn't supposed to be him. Arthur was never meant to rule. My father— our father— was a good king. He was loved by the people. My eldest brother, Lionel, was supposed to inherit the throne. But one by one, my family members started… disappearing."

Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Disappearing? You mean—"

"Murdered," Magarett said coldly. "Arthur eliminated everyone ahead of him. Our father, our uncles, my brothers. One by one, he took them out. And when he finally sat on the throne, no one could challenge him. The nobles fell in line. The military swore loyalty. And anyone who resisted was silenced."

Lucius let out a low whistle. "That's some next-level insanity. And what about you? How did you make it out alive?"

Magarett hesitated. "...My mother saved me. She got me out before Arthur could finish what he started. She always told me…"

Her voice wavered as she recalled a memory.


A grand chamber, candlelit and warm. A gentle hand brushing through her hair. A soft voice whispering words of comfort.

"Magarett, my love… The people of Camelot are not just subjects. They are family. A true ruler does not sit above them. They stand with them. Always remember that."

A soft kiss on her forehead. The last embrace she would ever feel from her mother.

End Flashback

Magarett took a deep breath, composing herself. "I swore that I would never let Arthur's rule go unchallenged. He doesn't deserve the throne. He never did."

Lucius absorbed everything she had just told him. He wasn't exactly the 'heroic' type, but even he couldn't ignore something like this after seeing it. Does the other marines even know about this!?

"Alright," he said finally. "One more thing's bothering me. If Arthur's so powerful, why the hell do the Marines have a base here? What do they get out of this?"

Magarett's expression became unreadable. "That… I don't know. But I do know that the Marines didn't always have a presence in Camelot. They came after Arthur took the throne. And whatever deal they made with him… it's not for the good of the people."

Lucius exhaled, placing his hands behind his head. "So, lemme get this straight. Arthur murdered his way to the throne, abandoned half his kingdom to rot, and is buddy-buddy with the Marines for some shady reason?"

Magarett nodded.

Lucius whistled. "Yeah, I'm starting to see why you want him gone."

Magarett clenched her fists. "Then help me. Help me take him down."

Lucius looked at her, then back at the suffering people around them. He let out a long sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. "I gotta be honest, Princess. I don't do revolutions. But… I do like knocking arrogant people off their high horse."

Magarett smirked slightly. "That's a start."

Lucius cracked his knuckles. "Alright then… Let's start with this: What exactly happened between Camelot and the Marines? And do you even have back up?"

To be continued...