And to clarify

— Stop laughing, kid. — His father said, noticing a happy Jun-Ho. — Focus, you're losing.

Jun-Ho took steps back as his father advanced, throwing punches in his direction.

— He's been like this since yesterday, sir. — The boxing instructor commented.

Jun-Ho wore a smile.

— Let's keep going! — He said excitedly.

— I like the enthusiasm, but did the boy confess to you or something?

— Not yet, but it's just a matter of time. — With a sharp look, he began to return the punches.

But as soon as he heard the notification sound, Jun-Ho stepped back, and his father was surprised to see his son simply walk away and pick up his phone, absorbed in his own world.

It was 2 a.m.

Salin ♡ - [My mom is going into surgery tomorrow.]

Jun-Ho - [She'll be fine soon.]

Salin ♡ - [Thank you.]


I was sitting at the bar, the same one where I had seen Jun-Ho the night we kissed. It was strange how everything had changed so suddenly.

— Park Salin? — I heard a familiar voice, and when I looked, the face was familiar too.

— Jaemin?

— No, I'm Jaeho!

— Ah, you two really are identical. Who's older?

Jaeho laughed and sat down beside me.

— I'm the older one, 1 minute and 35 seconds older. — He smiled proudly. — I want to thank you, Sali. Ever since Jun-Ho started liking you, I have more freedom to go out with Lu.

— Why? — I was surprised. — You and Jun-ho know each other?

— Know each other? Way more than that, I work for Golden. Jun-Ho is like my little brother. He assigned me to protect you, so now I get to spend time with my Lucas.

I knew he was involved, but I didn't think it was with Min.

— To protect me? Am I in danger?

— Of course you are, but don't worry, it's nothing too serious. And honestly, I'm happy about it.

— Ah… I thought you didn't want to make things official with Lucas…

— Actually, I can't.

— Yeah, I understand that now. — I guess I misjudged him. He seems like a good person. — How close are you to Jun-Ho?

— I call him Honey.

— Cute… So, can you tell me a little more about him?

— Curious?

— Yeah, he's strange. He says he doesn't feel pleasure and things like that. Is it true?

— Yeah. One time we went… Uh… Anyway, we were in Miami. Just to have some fun, we went to a certain place… And well, he didn't participate. Someone even tried, but it didn't work. Before, I thought it was just a rumor. But it was true. He went pale, left, I followed him, and he got sick, like, really sick.

— But with me, he…

— Exactly! With you, all he does is talk about you. You managed to turn my little brother from a tiger into a kitten. When someone tried once, he even fainted. He either panics, gets sick, or just runs away...

— That happened with me too.

— Ah… That's right. Thomas André told me. Usually, he goes into a panic if someone makes a move on him.

— Are you saying I harassed him?

— No. But I think that's how he feels, he hates any kind of contact. But with you, it's different. In fact, he fell, but he was kissing you. At the very least, he must have overthought it, because he really wants you and is trying his best.

— I get it. You're the guy with spiky hair, right? You said the same thing. It seems like he's always been like this. So, there's nothing to be done. I'll just avoid those situations...

— No, it's the opposite! Keep going! If you want to. But he likes you. He even asked me some things about it. I hope you two work out. Even if he loses everything, maybe he'll still be happy to be with you, or happy to feel a little more like a normal person. So, I ask you to help him.

— But I… I'm not sure about any of this. Helping him… It's not easy for me, because I know myself. How would I even help? I felt awful when he fainted just because I touched him.

— He's turned down several engagements, got himself a terrible reputation, fought with his father, argued with the council. He killed his uncle.

— What? His uncle?

— It's not necessarily related, but to redeem himself, he had to take on certain jobs. Anyway, this is the first time he seems willing. He must have his reasons. Apparently, aside from liking you, he also wants to help. So, do what you think is best. Jun-Ho is strong and stubborn, if he wants this, he can handle it, even if you end up hating him. So, I just ask that you try to understand him, especially now that you're engaged to him.

— Engaged? What do you mean? I haven't agreed to anything yet! — I said, feeling my heart race.

— Well, you're here, and he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's always looking for you... So the rumor stuck. Good luck dealing with that! — With a smile, he said goodbye after giving me his number. I looked around. Apparently, I wasn't going unnoticed. Was everyone here either an employee or a client?

Jaeho really seemed to care about Min Jun-Ho. But Jun-Ho never made it a condition for me to help him with his trauma. I only agreed to marry him and kiss him.