And the Unexpected Move

Salin didn't see it, but Mrs. Chu smiled, exchanging a glance with her son before quickly disguising it so she wouldn't be caught.

Jun-Ho held back a laugh. After all, his father's plan hadn't gone as intended, but the outcome was better than anyone had imagined.

Salin not only reacted but also knocked Min Kun down.

Jun-Ho knew his father was both impressed and embarrassed for having underestimated Salin. He would probably keep up appearances to avoid showing any humiliation.

But the truth was that Jun-Ho himself was surprised. He didn't know Salin was this skilled.

— Sali... — He said, proud and smiling, in contrast to the visible anger on Salin's face.

— I hated your family. They're horrible, and it's their fault that you're not okay, you know? Are you hurt?

— It doesn't hurt. — He answered, standing up.

— Idiots. Is this game over? Sit down and finish your meal! And you… — Chu looked at Salin. — Don't hit my husband again. — She threatened him with her fork.

— I'm not staying here another second.

Salin grabbed Jun-Ho's collar, intending to take him to the bedroom, but he didn't even budge and simply sat back down in his chair.

— Don't worry, this is normal, and it doesn't hurt. — He said.

— Looks like being an idiot is normal for you. — Salin replied, still processing the fact that he had just knocked the head and founder of Goden and MJ Entertainment to the floor.

Following Mrs. Chu's order, Kun easily got up as if the fall was nothing. He sat next to his wife, fixing his posture.

— That was a great move! — He said, excited.

Salin tried to understand what that meant.

— What are you talking about?

Instead of answering, Kun received a light slap from his wife, as if telling him to focus. Then, more seriously, he added:

— I'll give you one last chance to change your mind, Park. My son lives in a different world from yours. He couldn't prevent your brother from suffering, and he's stubborn. He's going to put your life in danger too. He says he wants to be a leader, but he still has a long way to go. At some point, Jun-Ho will be weak, and you'll have to be strong for him. Even if this engagement is fake, you need to keep that in mind. Goden can commit to taking care of your family without this ridiculous contract.

Salin was bothered by how Min spoke about his own son. Was all of this really just a test? To Salin, Mrs. Chu genuinely didn't like him. But Min Kun's words sounded as if he was trying to understand Salin's true intentions and how willing he was to go through with it.

— We both agreed to this. I'm not being forced! — He said, irritated, then sat down again to give his final verdict to that crazy family. — I really want to help improve his reputation.

Salin's response lifted the atmosphere, as if the dark shadows had been lit by the sun. There was satisfaction in the Min family's eyes.

— I hope you don't regret it.

Everyone seemed relieved, and in a lighter mood, they finished breakfast.

And Jun-Ho had no intention of admitting that everything had been staged. At least, not yet.

Before leaving, Chu fixed her son's hair.

— You're very handsome and a good young man. The family you're born into isn't your choice, but you can build one. — His mother patted his shoulder lightly. — Don't mess this up, my son. — Then, she leaned in to whisper. — Make that boy fall in love with you.

Jun-Ho smiled.

But Chu, still maintaining a serious posture, looked at Salin with distrust.

— I don't like you, but I hope I'm wrong. — She said to provoke him, then walked toward the door, dragging her husband along.

Salin was speechless.

— You said it would just be a test so I wouldn't freak out, right? But your family is like this all the time, aren't they?

— I won't say we're normal. But it was all staged.

— What??

— Like I said, it was a test. I didn't do anything the whole time because the goal was to see how you'd react. My parents don't raise submissive children, but they do correct us if necessary. And not in that way. You can relax.

— This is insane! Jun-Ho, your family is crazy! But your mother definitely hates me. — Salin said, suddenly deep in thought.

— My mother is really suspicious of people, but you truly surprised all of us. My father definitely didn't expect to be taken down. — Jun-Ho flashed a proud smile, leaving Salin incredulous.

— I don't want us to be like this. — Salin muttered.

— Like what?

— Your family feels the need to test everyone, as if no one is trustworthy until proven otherwise. That's not healthy.

— They became like this after 40 years in the underworld of business, married, with kids, and after losing many important people. Trusting the wrong people can lead to death.

— It's still crazy. Have you lived your whole life with parents like that?

— I had a good life with them. They wanted me to have a normal life.

— I don't know what "normal" means to you… You kill people, you have no common sense!

— I don't kill just anyone…

— Ugh, your weird family makes me nervous! Can I touch your face to check if you're really okay?

— Hm? Sure.

Salin carefully examined Jun-Ho's face.

— Are you really okay? — The younger one chuckled.

— As you can see, I'm fine. It was all staged.

— Good. — Salin quickly withdrew his hand. He didn't want to trigger anything in Jun-Ho.

— I'm going to take a shower.

— Again?

— I do it often, don't worry.

The younger one stared at Salin for a few seconds. He was happy. His great love had defended him in front of his parents, had not hesitated to fight his father. Even though Min Kun had gone easy on him, Salin had done well.

Park was the perfect ideal his family was looking for, despite being a man. But Jun-Ho felt like he had won the jackpot. Salin was beautiful, bold, courageous. He made his heart race. He made his blood rush.

But he still couldn't just grab Salin and cover him with kisses. And oh, how he wished he could do that right now.