this is the reunion

It had been days since I last had any contact with Min Jun-Ho. In a way, everything seemed just like before, except for the paid-off debt, the sudden fame, and the house I was living in.

I couldn't stand the fact that it bothered me not hearing from him.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that, for the first time, I didn't even notice Yomin. I only realized he was there when he pulled out a chair and sat beside me.

— You look so cute.

— Thanks. — I replied, but then I felt his hands on my waist.

— How about we try a throuple? Jaemin wants to make it happen too.

I froze. I looked at Yomin, just to make sure I wasn't imagining things. He was leaning over my desk, his gaze unreadable.

— What?

— You heard me.

I panicked. My mind was a mess, and my heart raced at the absurd possibility of finally loving this man.

Yomin didn't hesitate and kissed my cheek.

He pulled away satisfied, but I was still confused.