Chapter 43

"I'll get to study swordsmanship?" he said excitedly.

"And magic as well, the moment that you come into your energies. Even if I have to hire a high arcanite to be your teacher." His voice taking on a tender tone, he said, "I promise you, Alistar, I'll do everything within my power to keep you safe, as if you were my own son." Stooping down, Caedmon pulled him into a tight embrace.

Just like that, Alistar's anger dissipated like fog in the wind. All he felt now was an overwhelming sense of gratitude. They hadn't known each other long, but Caedmon truly cared for him and was willing to do anything to keep him safe and content. His uncle's warmth reminded him of his mother's. Suddenly, he found himself endlessly grateful that it was Mister Alder that had found him on the side of the Winding Road and not a danger beast or a band of bandits. His uncle often mentioned his savior, whom he looked forward to meeting.