Caedmon rested a hand over the pocket where he'd deposited the crinkled piece of paper. "Felt? And what exactly did this sensation feel like?"
Alistar thought about how best to explain it. "A warm feeling, sort of like somebody was trying to get my attention by waving a torch at night." Brushing a hand through his recently shortened hair, he sighed. It was quite a difficult thing to explain.
"And?" inquired Caedmon. "Do you still feel it?"
"Yes," Alistar said slowly. "But it's different, somehow." The feeling that had been coming from Caedmon's office was different from the others that he had sensed throughout the property. If he likened it to temperature, the distant signals were cool, while those nearby were warm, with the area around Caedmon's office red hot. "The feeling…has cooled off."
"But it's still there?"