"I'll keep my ranking to myself for now. But to give you an idea about the weight of each class, a middle practitioner of the adept stratum will be respected wherever they go. A higher practitioner of the adept stratum will receive offers to become an officer in the military, or a body guard for an important person. The same goes for a peak practitioner in that category. Anywhere in the warrior stratum will land you a top military position, so long as you meet a few other requirements. As for the ascendant stratum, that's something best saved for your dreams."
"And the apex stratum?"
"Best not get your hopes up, kid. Only two people in all of history have ever reached that realm, and neither of them made it past the lower tier, not even Aglain the Betrayer."
Alistar felt the need to ask a question that he'd always wondered over. "If a magus and a swordsman were to fight, who would win?"