"Cold-face, you…!" The dwarf, Skinner, leaped onto his chair, pointing his sharp, mechanical claw at the ruthless female leader. His single remaining organic hand trembled with rage.

"Sooner or later, I will—"

"Enough! Sit down and listen."

Stakar Ogord, the legendary Ravager leader known as Justice, silenced the room with his commanding voice. Among the Marauder factions, his word carried weight. Even among criminals, different groups had their own codes, and Skinner's faction—greedy, brutal, and utterly unscrupulous—was disliked by many of the more disciplined Marauder leaders.

"Skinner provided intel about Angel Star," Stakar continued, fixing his piercing gaze on the room. "It's an unknown planet, discovered by Captain Svala purely by accident while hunting in deep space. Based on observation, the structures appear primitive, with minimal visible defenses. The estimated population of Angels exceeds two thousand."

A murmur ran through the room. Angels—beautiful, powerful, and rare—were worth a fortune in the galactic black market.

"Once known as Hope, Angel Star was fortified by the Skrulls before they abandoned it. However, when Keisha rose to power, she deemed their crude, inefficient weaponry unworthy of her rule and had them dismantled to make way for the Heavenly Palace."

A twisted smile spread across Stakar's face.

"This is an opportunity unlike any other. The Collector has already offered a fortune for an Angel, but do you realize how many civilizations would kill to get their hands on one? Each Angel could be sold for at least a million units to those seeking to study or experiment on them."

He let the words sink in before delivering the final blow.

"We don't just take a few. We take them all. Capture the planet. Dominate the species. If possible, keep some alive for controlled breeding. Their value will only increase over time."

A deep silence filled the chamber. Even among the Marauders, the idea of enslaving an entire species was extreme. But wealth—unimaginable wealth—had its own gravity.

"Remember," Stakar warned, "this might be our only chance. Recent intelligence suggests that in the past three years, Angel Star may have undergone a rapid technological evolution. If so, we extract their advancements by force and sell the knowledge for an astronomical price."

He leaned forward.

"If you're in, sign the Ravager Oath. We unite our forces, strike together, and share the spoils. But remember: the Code of the Ravagers cannot be broken."

At once, the Marauder leaders, including Skinner, clenched their fists over their hearts. Betraying a signed oath was unthinkable. It was this unyielding code that made the Marauders an indispensable force across the galaxy—reliable, disciplined in their own way, and feared.

"So," the cold-faced, black-haired woman spoke next, her sharp eyes fixed on the hologram display of Angel Star, "what exactly are we dealing with?"

Skinner exhaled sharply and activated the projection, showing footage of Angels in battle. The room watched in silence as an Angel, in nothing but celestial armor, pursued a Skrull warship through space, tearing through its hull with sheer brute strength.

The video ended, and the black-haired woman narrowed her eyes.

"Tougher than expected," she admitted, "no wonder you called us."

The leaders turned to one another, beginning to formulate their battle plan. However powerful the Angels were, they had faced worse before. The hunt was on.

Angel Star: The Gathering Storm

Ragna sparred with Valina in the training chambers of the Heavenly Palace. His movements, however, lacked focus.

Valina noticed immediately, stepping back and crossing her arms. "What's wrong?"

Ragna shook his head, his golden eyes gleaming with contemplation. He gazed beyond the palace walls, sensing the shift in the cosmos. Then, his lips curled into a knowing smirk.

"It's nothing." His voice was calm, yet heavy with meaning. "Our guests have arrived."

Beyond the atmosphere of Angel Star, the Marauder armada loomed. Their warships—massive and countless—cast an ominous shadow over the celestial city below. The sheer firepower aimed at Angel Star was enough to reduce it to ashes within moments.

Yet the Angels stood ready.

The First Angel Legion had mobilized, their radiant wings filling the skies. In perfect formation, they confronted the Marauder fleet.

Amidst the Marauders, Skinner's eyes gleamed with greed. "Hahaha! I knew this place would be a treasure trove beyond just Angels! We've hit the jackpot!"

The gathered Marauders had made an unexpected discovery: surrounding Angel Star were multiple natural wormholes—potentially leading to untapped resources or secretive trade routes. Their value was immeasurable.

"After we take Angel Star, don't celebrate too soon," the cold-faced woman interrupted, her voice like ice.

Skinner's face twisted in irritation. "Cold-face, you—"

"When the oath ends," he growled, "I'll deal with you personally."

The Throne of a God

From the highest point of the Heavenly Palace, Holy Keisha sat upon a floating cross-shaped throne. On either side of her, Angel Leng and Angel Yan flanked her, while hundreds of Angels circled above, their wings shimmering with divine radiance.

Keisha gazed at the Marauder fleet before her.

"Scum." Her voice was like thunder. "What gave you the audacity to step into the realm of a god?"

Her words dripped with disdain, but even she acknowledged the presence of a few beings among them strong enough to warrant attention. Yet, she remained unfazed. This was her domain.

The Marauder chiefs erupted into laughter.

"A god?" Stakar chuckled. "We've killed plenty of those."

"Tell us," another leader sneered, "who is your so-called god?"

Across the universe, primitive civilizations often worshipped higher species as deities. To the Marauders, this was nothing new.

Ragna, standing atop the palace balcony, arched an eyebrow. He was the god of the Angels. To insult him was to insult them all.

Without hesitation, the Angel forces erupted in unison.

"Our god shall not be blasphemed!"

"The dominion's majesty shall not be defiled!"

"Slaughter the filth!"

"Use their corpses to forge a throne worthy of a god!"

The battle for Angel Star had begun.