"Why do you stink of my sister's aura?"
Sheba was now awake. She was floating on the air when she made that blast at him and came down when Mogous cowered on the floor, whimpering in pain.
She walked slowly to where he lay whining in pain. She stoop to his level and raised his face up to meet hers while she spoke.
"A priest I see" she threw him against a tree not to far from where she stooped.
"Ugh!" Mogous shrieked in pain as his back hit hard against the tree. "You force of darkness" he still mustered the courage to speak.
"What ever you maybe, leave my sister alone! Leave her body now before l call on the rot of goddess Moist against you" he tried to stand and face her, even though he knew he didn't stand a chance.
She looked like a goddess herself, with her black hair with it's green ends floating behind her back and her whole body glowing emerald as the color of her eyes which no longer possessed their normal color but sparkled with bright light, making it impossible for him to look directly into it.
"How pathetic" she cursed, while walking closer to where he stood by tree's support. "You are at the verge of death and you still believe Moist can save you?! How come you humans trust her that much! I am way better than her!" her rage was now uncontrollable and the vested them all on a blast she gave him with all frustration in her and it sent him flying deep into the woods landing where she didn't know for sure but was determined on finding out.
She was so angry that she would never remain calm till she has killed him and even if he was dead already, she wanted to be sure.
As she was about to take off and search for him in the woods, she heard a very familiar voice call her name with both pain and affection, mixed together.
She turned back to meet a near to death Lucifer. He was in deep pain with look of things and it indeed a big surprise to her.
She had not seen him in centuries now only for her to see him now on the floor like a weakling pleading for mercy.
"Lucifer? Isn't this a nice surprise. Long time no see" she smirked as she removed her attention from Mogous and focused it on Lucifer.
"Sheba" he called her again within unsteady breathes. "My Sheba" now this seriously got her mad.
"What did you just call me?" she lifted him on the air with her telekinesis and threw him into the remains of the destroyed hut. "Call me yours again and l will rip you apart!" she threatened as walked to where he lay, obviously in pain.
She was not done with him yet and promised to make him pay the price for distracting her from her prey earlier.
"Besides, what are you doing here? Did you come to welcome me back from oblivion? Or did you purposely interrupt me from teaching that man a lesson with your stupid possession?" she crouched to his level and raised his face up to meet hers. "What happened to you Lucifer? Why are you so weak?" she kicked him hard on his abdomen.
"l must say a lot of things have changed since l last saw you. Then you were alot stronger..." she kicked him again. "Faster..." she grabbed him by the hair and squeezed it very hard making him shriek in pain. "And a thorn on my flesh!" she slapped his cheek.
"But now that l am back, you are so assailable and l would savor the favor to torture and kill you myself in my coven!" She banged his head had on the destroyed woods of the hut.
She looked around for a while, like she was looking for something in particular. "Nyx" she suddenly called. "Can you hear me?" she focused all her energy on the call, but no one answered. "Denna!" she called again after she recieved no reply from Nyx.
"What is going on?" she puzzled. The witches of the first order always appeared before at the instant of her call what was going now, or did they not know that was back? "Shyla?" she called finally before turning back to Lucifer with a frown on her face.
"What did you do to my witches?" she asked him, looking at him with disgust written all over her face. He was already dying and it did not please her that she won't get enough time to torture him in her coven with her own hands.
"Sheba... go back to sleep, it's not time for you to awake" he answered her which seemed to offend her the more as she held his neck hard, almost choking him but Lucifer did not fight it even though it was obvious he was hurting.
"You are unbelievable Lucifer. You are in this pitiable state and you still have the guts to ask me to go back to sleep? Never! I have waited for this moment for such a long, long time, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me from having my revenge on Moist!" She forcefully let go, hitting his head on the hard wood again.
"Please Sheba your untimely awakening is hurting me, please go back to sleep so l do not loose my body" he pleaded with her with every affection he could muster within him and it seemed like it worked as her glowing eyes turned back to their normal color but that didn't mean she has gone back to sleep. Infact, she spat on his face before speaking again.
"l don't care about you Lucifer. I don't care to know why you are like this or why you are hurting but l promise that if you dare ask me to remain trapped again in my own body then l will have to make your supposed torture seven times worst".
"Sheba!" a beautiful female voice she knew very well called her from behind.
"Elisha? Is that you?" She turned to meet the owner of the voice and it was indeed Elisha. She ran to embrace her immediately even though her arms were not wide open to recieve her. "l am so glad to see you back. I missed you so much" she kissed her lips.
"I missed you too Elisha. The last time we saw, it was short lived, what happened" she asked
"Lucifer here is the reason" Elisha pointed with anger.
"Why am I not surprised" Sheba turned to Lucifer. "Will there ever be a time that the devil will atleast amount to one good?".
"Oh Sheba" Elisha creased her face drawing her in for another kiss before speaking again.
"I have been searching for you for a long time now and luckily for me, l ran into the devil" she glared at Lucifer who still looks like he was in unbearable pain.
"He was searching for you too but we ended up fighting each other. Not long after that, we sensed your presence again, for some reason it was gone before. I was determined to find you first, but he summoned his league of demons against me and l was delayed by them. But as soon as l was just done sending them back to the pit they came from, I decided to come meet you immediately. Are you alright" she brushed her face with her palm and tucked her loose hair behind her ear.
"l am Elisha" she answered "but l am confused?"
"About what exactly?" she asked looking worried.
"lt seems to me like the witches of the first order have abandoned me as their leader, they no longer see me as the enchantress supreme" She looked very disturbed.
"And why would you think that?"
"First they do not answer my call, second they do not come to welcome me and give me a grand entry to the coven. What is going on? Also, not just that baffles me but the fact that Lucifer was searching for me and why he is in pains now for no just course and most of all, why he called me his"
"He what?" Elisha was fumed.
"He called me his Sheba" she replied with the most irritated look she could make.
"Well my love, that goes to show how things have changed since you were no more".
"What do you mean?" she puzzled.
"Your precious witches of the first order made a deal with the devil on your behalf, that he will retrieve the amulet from Moist for your reincarnation, and in return you would be his mate" she ended in a very upset tone that could get Sheba fueled up, that is if she was not already burning in rage.
"What did you just say?! I and Lucifer, Mates?!"...