Brave, Strong, bold and a wonderful girl

*minutes earlier*

(The front of the hut)

Nathan was still busy with milking the cows.

"Nathan!!! " she screamed repeatedly, with fear in her voice. She was really going to die now, nooo. Her fear increased, when she felt the stable falling. 'Wait is the stable really falling or is it just my imagination ' she thought hoping that she was just imagining unreal things.

But it dawned on her. The stable really was falling with her clinging to one of it's bars for dear life.

"Nathan!!!! Where are you am going to die in here nooo!!! " she screamed on the top of her voice, as she felt her being overtaken.

She shot her eyes tight bracing her self for what ever pain that was to come even if it's her death. But none of that happened. She didn't feel any pain, neither did she die. She opened her eyes to grace the ruby orbs of the one she has calling for. Nathan he came to save her and he did rescue her from the falling stable and carried her out in time.

"Nathan" she said within deep breaths "You... You came. I... Th... Ought l was going to die but you came, you actually came" she cried in joy.

"Of course khalan, I would come to rescue you from any kind of danger what so ever even though your stubbornness brought it upon you" Nathan answered with a smirk while stroking her hair

At his words, she jolted from her lovey dovey mood and slapped his hand off her face. She didn't want to look like the weak one in this situation, even though she obviously was. She knew she was stubborn but wouldn't have him throw it to her face in mockery.

Immediately, she stood from his arms where he held her and adjusted her dress before walking out on him.

"You sure do know how to say a big thank you! " Nathan called after her sarcastically.

"Well, you are very much welcome Khalan!".

But she didn't look back as she just walked in haste to the front of the hut.

"Khalan l am talking to you Kha... "Lucifer kept calling to her but stop abruptly when she was no longer in sight.

She has been becoming too stubborn these past days, and knew quite well why. It was because her eighteenth birthday was drawing near, just few months to go and the Sheba he knew would soon awaken in whole and his innocent meek Khalan would be gone entirely and dead in Sheba. He would really miss her when she turns to be her real form.

He took a deep breath then went to meet her at the front of the hut. He met her sitting on the doorstep and sobbing silently. He looked her puzzled, not know what the cause was, nor why she was crying.

"Khalan?" He called softly as he sat with her. "What is wrong?".

She didn't answer him nor did she look up to him at least. She just acted like she wasn't there atall and kept crying.

"Khalan what's wrong?" He asked her as he creased her shoulder.

"Leave me alone Nathan" she cried as she removed his hands from her shoulders.

"I won't leave you alone till you tell me why you are crying" he replied her with a concerned look written all over his face.

"What do you want me to say Nathan! She yelled in frustration.

"I want you to say what is wrong with you" he replied calmly. "Tell me what the problem is and l will take care of it ok. Just tell me what it is, whatever it is".

Lucifer read her thoughts, since she wasn't ready to open up. But was very ridiculed at the cause of her cry. She was crying and feeling sad because she could protect herself from the falling stables. She was saved by him and couldn't rescue herself. She felt so mad, disappointed and angry with herself.

Lucifer felt the urge to laugh loudly at the reason for her tears, but realized why she really felt that way. 'Of course' he thought with worried look. It was because of the pride that real Sheba had. She would rather die than accept help from anyone and most especially, not from him Lucifer. That was how much she despised him.

He gazed was still fixed on his Sheba as she cried. He pondered on the reason why she was emitting these vivid signs of her true self where as she still has eleven whole months. It seemed like something was propelling her awakening to hasten up more than it should.

He didn't know if he was supposed to be worried about it or if he should turn a blind eye to the signs and claim her already, since he knew his time was cutting short and not as he knew it to be.

However, he would deal with that later but now he must calm her down at least since he was sure her pride won't let her speak, then he should just apologize.

"Khalan l am deeply sorry" he began with a voice full of care. "You are a brave , strong, bold and wonderful girl. And l am sure you would have made it out of the stables with out a scratch, even if l didn't come to help" he said with a broad smile on his face.

At his words, Khalan felt a lot better, Infact she felt proud and happy at the same. "You really think that? I mean you really think am strong, brave, bold and wonderful? " She asked calmly.

"Of course Khalan" Nathan affirmed "you are very perfect, much than you think and can ever imagine".

"Really?" She asked as her face was already lit with a very beautiful smile.

"Of course Khalan" Nathan smile back.

"So wipe the tears and stop crying OK". He helped her wipe her tears as he drew her into a not too intimate hug.

Lucifer felt a bit different with this hug. He had been hugging her in the past, but he never felt this way, even though the hug was not intimate. He felt his heart beat very fast, faster than he can keep up to and his body get excited.

Immediately, he read Khalan's thoughts to know if she felt the same way, and she did. She felt her heart flutter too and she was really accepting that she loves him.

He really wished she could say that to him, so that he could claim her already and not waste any time before the real her awakes.

He drew away from the hug and stared into her eyes, before speaking "let's get something to eat" he said as he stood up to walk into the hut, but she held his hand, stopping him from leaving.

Lucifer turned to her with a puzzled face. "Khalan what is wr... " he wanted to asked but was interrupted by Khalan's next action.

She pulled him to her and pressed her lips on his, make all the thoughts in his mind fly to the back of his head.