Chapter 62: Stuff Before Release

After the first official ZAGE meeting, the employees immediately got to work in their respective roles. Yugo and Yuna continued honing their skills in assembling the ZEPS consoles. By now, both of them had gained a solid grasp of the process, their efficiency increasing with each attempt. Sayuri, as diligent as ever, focused on structuring a detailed financial plan for the company. She spent long hours at the office computer, ensuring every financial aspect was accounted for. Meanwhile, Shinsuke left the office to continue surveying potential stores that would be strategic for selling the first batch of ZEPS.

As for Zaboru, he had another matter to attend to. He needed to inform both Toki and Satonaka that he would no longer be able to personally maintain the ZAS systems at their arcades. Over the past few weeks, he had already taught them how to handle basic maintenance, so he was confident they would be able to manage on their own.

His first stop was Bakudan Arcade. As soon as he stepped inside, Toki greeted him with a grin.

"Oh, hey, Zaboru! It's unusual for you to come by this early. Is your company all right?"

Zaboru smiled and nodded. "Actually, it's doing better than ever, Toki-san. I came here today to let you know that I won't be able to handle the ZAS maintenance anymore. My schedule is getting packed with work at my own company."

Toki crossed his arms and smirked. "Don't worry about it, Zaboru. You already taught me how to maintain the ZAS machines, and honestly, if any hardware issues come up, they're not too difficult to fix."

Zaboru scratched his head, relieved but still a bit concerned. "But in the contract, it states that I need to provide maintenance from time to time…"

Toki chuckled. "You must be inexperienced with contracts, huh? You actually forgot to include a valid contract period. But don't worry, Satonaka and I took care of that ourselves. We both knew you had big plans from the start—your dad told us all about it. So, we added an expiration date to the contract, which lasts until your company is officially up and running."

Zaboru's eyes widened in shock. He had completely overlooked such a crucial detail. If Toki and Satonaka had been less scrupulous, they could have exploited the oversight to their advantage. Yet, instead of taking advantage of him, they had looked out for him.

Toki grinned. "We may be business owners who need to make money, but we're not scumbags who exploit the goodwill of a bright young man—especially one who happens to be the son of an old friend."

Feeling a deep sense of gratitude, Zaboru nodded. "Thanks, Toki-san. I promise I'll pay this kindness back someday. Once ZAGE is stable, I wouldn't mind setting up a brand-new arcade just for Bakudan and Dream Catcher."

Toki laughed. "I'll be holding you to that."

With a final handshake, Zaboru left Bakudan Arcade and headed to Dream Catcher, where Satonaka had a similar response. However, Satonaka brought up something else that caught Zaboru's attention.

"Hey, kiddo, are you confident about your company's future?"

Zaboru nodded without hesitation. "Absolutely, Satonaka-san. I have faith in my company's potential."

Satonaka smirked. "That's good, but you should know that if your company finds quick success, the vultures will come circling. I strongly suggest you invest in security. You have no idea how the underworld operates. They'll bleed a promising company dry before it even reaches its true potential. I also know you have connections with the Hamazou family, right? If you want real protection, go to them. Unlike the usual 'protection' thugs that extort businesses, the Hamazou family actually looks after their clients. They're expensive, but they're trustworthy. Don't underestimate the importance of security, Zaboru."

Zaboru absorbed the advice, realizing that hiring protection wasn't just an option—it was a necessity. His employees, his assets, and his business needed to be safeguarded. He would have to visit the Hamazou headquarters soon to discuss terms. But first, he needed to run this idea by Sayuri.

Later that evening, back at the office, Zaboru sat down with Sayuri and explained what Satonaka had told him. Sayuri was visibly surprised.

"So, boss, you have connections with the Hamazou family?"

Zaboru nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Sayuri thought for a moment before speaking. "Back in Sonaya, we also hired them for protection. The Hamazou family maintains balance in the underworld. They're not just some street gang shaking down businesses for cash. They decide their prices based on what they consider 'valuable.' Sometimes they charge a hefty sum, and other times it's practically nothing. But one thing is certain: they keep their word. If one of their own steps out of line, they'll deal with them swiftly. I think hiring them is a smart move. However, since you have personal connections with them, I suggest negotiating the price. You might be able to get a better deal."

"Negotiate, huh?" Zaboru mused. 'Should I visit them tomorrow? Or should I wait a little longer? I have a good relationship with Ayumi, Akechi, and Asumi, but with their parents and grandparents… I barely know them.'

He decided to consult his father on the matter later.

Time passed, and now only two days remained before the ZEPS units were ready for assembly. The employees finished their work for the day and headed home. That night, Zaboru sat in the living room with his father.

"Hello, son. How are your new employees?" Zanichi asked with a grin.

Zaboru smiled. "They're great, Dad. All of them are professionals. They've been a tremendous help."

Zanichi nodded, his expression turning serious. "Are you ready for your company's launch?"

Zaboru met his father's gaze with determination. "I'm ready, Dad. I have to be."

Zanichi leaned forward. "Remember, don't focus solely on profit. Focus on quality and customer satisfaction first. If you prioritize those, the customers and the profits will follow naturally."

Zaboru nodded, absorbing every word. "I understand."

Zanichi continued. "Also, never forget that your employees are human, not machines. Treat them well, and they'll work harder for you. If you treat them poorly, it won't just be them who suffer—it will be your conscience. Your company might grow, but it won't be sustainable in the long run."

"I know that, Dad. I'll always prioritize my employees' well-being."

Zanichi smiled, rubbing his son's head. "You don't know how proud I am of you, Zaboru. I brag to everyone I meet that my son is going to surpass me. And now, here you are—not even in your twenties yet, and already running your own company. You already carry the aura of a true boss. Keep pushing forward. But remember, you're only human. No one succeeds alone. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask me. I'll always be there for you."

Zaboru felt a lump in his throat, his emotions welling up. "Thanks, Dad. Thanks for believing in me. I'll never let you and Mom down."

Zanichi nodded approvingly. As the conversation shifted, Zaboru asked about approaching the Hamazou family for security. His father responded without hesitation.

"Just go to their headquarters. But make sure to notify Ayumi or her brother beforehand. Bring them along when you negotiate. It'll increase your chances of securing a fair deal."

Zaboru nodded. "Got it, Dad. I'll call Ayumi tomorrow and see if I can arrange a visit. Thanks for the advice."

That night, Zaboru lay in bed, listening to music as he drifted off to sleep, knowing that the next few days would be crucial for ZAGE's future.