So it begins.

Upon arriving at Caldwell's mansion, Elena and Ethan found themselves just in time for lunch. They joined the Caldwell family and the Fords, little Mia's grandparents on her father's side, at the table.

The Ford family was renowned in the field of agriculture. They authored numerous books that improved crop quality, which earned them praise from universities and established them as national treasures.

This made Elena intrigued by their impressive background.

"Granddaughter, these are my in-laws, Henry and Catherine Ford," Grandpa Caldwell introduced them.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ford. You can call me Elena," she replied warmly.

Seeing Elena's calm and elegant demeanor, the Fords couldn't help but smile. Grandma Ford said, "It's good to see you, Elena. Little Mia has been talking about you all day. She said you're the prettiest sister she has, and now that I see you, I can tell she's right."