Keelion drove off onto the road, neither him nor Alexis who was curled in the car seat saying a word to each other until he arrived at his mansion. He pulled over, and while the security opened the gate, he slipped off the jacket of his suit, tossing it over to her. 

"What is this for?" Alexis asked. 

"Cover your head. You look like a mess." 

Glassy eyes, flushed cheek, trembling lips as if she were shivering from a cold… No one wouldn't suspect something was wrong with her. 

Alexis pulled his jacket over her head and forced herself off the car seat to get out once he parked in the parking lot. 

Keelion came down, and she followed quietly behind him, arms wrapped around her burning figure. She was breathing out hot puffs of breath, eyes stuck on the large figure of the man who was walking in front of her.