
Alexis scrunched her face. 


She flung her arm about to shake off whatever was disturbing, and the thing being Sereia, slammed her large paw on her head, shouting, "Wake up, ALEXIS!"

Alexis quickly shot up on the bed, chest rising and falling in heavy breathing. Her eyes snapped from side to side before her gaze fell on Reia, who was watching her with concern.

"Kid? Are you here?" 

"Why did you scream my name?" she asked. 

"Maybe because you sleep like a dead person!" Reia scoffed. "I'm not sure if I'm wrong or right, but I think you should already be heading out there." 

"W-what do you mean?" 

"Have you forgotten you work here?"

Her gasp slashed out of her lungs, and she launched out of the bed, rushing into the bathroom. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"