Alexis hobbled over and dropped down on the concrete floor on her butt. She pulled her legs to her chest, burying her face in her knees and grabbing the toes of her bare feet.
"You okay, kid?"
"I wish I was. My back aches, and my hands feel like they are being punched by nails." She'd been carrying around heavy things the entire day, she was near tears.
"Well, there are only a few hours left and it'll all be over. We'll have a nice warm bath in that big tub, and I'll even allow you to cuddle me to sleep, how does that sound?"
Alexis gave her an unimpressed tired look. 'Don't I do that every day?'
"Looks like you don't want it then."
Silence bubbled between the both of them before a sob racked through her. "I think he hates me."
"Why would you assume that?"