Keelion shut his laptop close and shifted his gaze to Alexis who was seated on a bean bag close to the opened balcony door, chewing on her meal with a contented look on her face.
The cold wind was pouring in.
"You'll begin sharing the dorm room with Augustus and Lyndon tomorrow," he said.
Alexis paused chewing. "Is that…safe?"
"You're very safe with both of them. You'll be protected, just…don't let anyone figure out that you're not a man, because then you'll have much to explain."
"What if I want to dress up or change?" she blurted out the question before her brain could even process it. "I'm not going to do—"
"No," Keelion responded. The room I gave you is still yours. Use it whenever you like. Just be careful and don't make it too obvious. I don't want any of the staff wondering why you were given my room."