Chapter 27: Freddy Wants Sandra's Fear

Sandra wasn't going to let them know she was scared. She twirled back around and faced the bathroom mirror.The clouds disappeared in the image of her bathroom mirror. Appearing in the mirror, was an image of the graveyard. Where the zombies were still staggering around their graves, eager to start the zombie midnight party. 

Then, Sandra started to quickly turn away from the mirror. But she stopped herself. 

Sandra wasn't going to let Freddy show how much she feared him. "The undead occult wants you to walk the earth with us, Sandra," Freddy continued. "If you don't come celebrate everlasting life on earth with us, you're going to be no use to me," Freddy said. 

"Did I make myself clear, Sandra Starbright, you belong to me with us in the Better Place?" a voice belonging to the ghost boy, Freddy appeared in the image of the mirror. He looked unhappy and he was floating above his grave.Sandra was washing her hands at her bathroom sink. Suddenly, there was a swirl of wind all around her. Turning to look at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, it was covered in storm clouds. A bolt of electricity shot off from the clouds in the sky in the mirror at Sandra's bathroom lights. Making it dark and eerie again.

"I'm too young to die, Freddy!" Sandra explained. "I just want to be patient. And when the time is up. Then, I'll be ready to join you on the Better Place. I just want to experience life normally. And never see you again until I'm ready to die," Sandra said.

Freddy laughed and twirled around lazily on top of his grave in the graveyard he was in. "You don't understand. You don't have to die to join me to be a ghost spirit to walk the earth with me. I'm going to welcome your soul through the bathroom mirror with my good luck charm. And spend time with me and other dead longing to seek redemption," Freddy said.

"The dead don't seem too happy to be alive," Sandra noticed. She saw in the image on her haunted bathroom mirror the undead zombies were just staggering lazily around the graveyard. Moaning and just walking about their lives, like they aren't happy the way they are.

 Freddy disappeared as the fog covered the image on the bathroom mirror. Then it flickered and the bathroom mirror image returned to normal. Sandra gasped when she saw her shocked expression staring at her normal girly reflection back at her.

Her lights in the bathroom turned back on. She didn't understand what was happening. It was like it never meant anything wrong. Just an ordinary bathroom mirror with no ghost powers to control her.

Sandra walked out of the bathroom and turned out the lights. That's when Sandra screamed. As she stepped out into the hall, she faced Freddy! The little ghost boy who haunted Sandra's bathroom mirror at the top of the staircase!

Freddy was normal and not glowing or turning invisible on Sandra. He started walking toward Sandra, his arms outstretched, eager to catch Sandra. But then, Sandra screamed again. She hurried back into her dark bathroom and slammed the bathroom door at Freddy's face! 

Sandra heard Feddy laugh outside the bathroom door. Sandra quickly turned on the bathroom lights. And locked the door. "Your fear smells so yummy!" Freddy taunted Sandra out in the hallway.

He was getting closer. There was nowhere to hide from him! Then, Sandra spotted the shower. Where she could easily get inside the bathtub and hide behind the shower curtains. So she did, quickly.

Sandra closed the purple shower curtains and watched the bathroom door closely. She jumped a couple of times, when she heard and noticed the jiggle of the doorknob rattling. Trying to open. Scaring Sandra to death, she covered her mouth to keep from screaming.

Fog started to come underneath the cracks of the bathroom door. Sandra watched closer by the door, as she waited for Feddy's footprint shadow to walk off. Suddenly, Sandra couldn't help but scream! 

Sandra watched and jumped back as Freddy suddenly went through the locked bathroom door. Where he could easily appear anywhere he wanted to be. "Sandra, why are you trying to avoid me?" Freddy asked, his voice echoed and sounded mad.

"I don't believe in you!" Sandra yelled. "You don't scare me!" she continued. Trying to make the ghost disappear, Sandra got out of the bathtub. Before getting Freddy to notice what she was doing. Sandra quickly turned on the hot water in the faucet and turned on the shower. 

Grabbing hold of Freddy roughly by the shoulders, Sandra forced Freddy into the bathtub. Running the hot water from the faucet, and closing the shower curtains over Freddy. Sandra then unlocked the bathroom door and bottled out of her foggy bathroom.

She ran screaming through the hall upstairs calling for her parents to be home. But as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She stopped and gasped. She saw her parents were talking Mr. and Mrs. Kendricks at the front door. Which was open.

They were visiting and didn't know anything unusual going on with Sandra's haunted bathroom. "I'm sorry we couldn't stay as long as we wanted to this time," Sandra overheard her father, Mr. Starbright saying to Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick.

"But we really need to do some grocery shopping and take Sandra to her doctor's appointment, tomorrow," Mrs. Starbright continued. They were smiling and Sandra's parents were hugging each other. "How about we do something next weekend? We shouldn't be busy then," Mrs. Starbright said, honestly.

"It's been a pleasure being your next door neighbors," Mr. Kendrick said. "Maybe next time Sandra will be invited. And she can play with our little grandson, Freddy," Mr. Kendrick suggested. "He has a video arcade in his bedroom. They play games and enjoy each other's company," Mr. Kendrick said.

Sandra couldn't believe it! The little boy haunting her bathroom's mirror was Kendrick's grandson! "No!" Sandra suddenly burst out screaming. Startling them, Sandra stood up and walked over to them. They looked unappreciative and rejected.

"I mean," Sandra continued, "I just like to be alone and read my library books from school. I have a lot to keep busy. I don't mind being alone," Sandra said. Mr. and Mrs. Kendricks nodded and understood. They remained quiet. 

"It's getting late," Mr. Starbright said. "We should say goodnight to you both. It's always a pleasure entertaining us," Mr. Starbright said. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kendricks smiled and held onto each other. They walked out the front door and Mr. Starbright closed the door and locked it. Mr. and Mrs. Starbright turned to their daughter with a confused expression.

"You need to be nice to people, Sandra Starbright! They are our next door neighbors," Mrs. Starbright whined and begged Sandra. She just walked off into the kitchen and ignored her parents. Sandra grabbed a cold Coke soda pop out of the refrigerator and popped it open. Let it fizz open and take a sip.

Sandra whipped off her wet lips from the soda she took a drink from. "I was being nice! I just feel uncomfortable around someone who doesn't know me very well," Sandra continued, taking another sip of soda pop. 

Mrs. Starbright took off her coat and put around the coat hanger next to the front door. Mr. Starbright took out his keys and wallet from pocket and put them inside a desk drawer next to the kitchen. 

"Don't stay up too late, kid," Mr. Starbright said, yawning. Sandra burped from the soda pop and said excuse me. She watched her parents walk upstairs to go to their bedroom down the hall.

Sandra didn't know how to explain she had a haunted bathroom. And our next door neighbor's kid is connected to it somehow. Sandra didn't want to go back upstairs, either. To her room. She feared the ghost boy would still be hiding around her bathroom. Waiting to jump her the next time she got the chance to be alone again.

Sandra took her can of Coke in her hand and walked into the living room. She plopped onto the couch and turned on their large widescreen television. A rock music video from some music channel was on. Sandra turned the channel…She wanted to find a comedy to cheer her up.

When suddenly, something upstairs made a loud bang. Knocking out their power downstairs. Plummeting Sandra and her parents into darkness. Grabbing a flashlight plugged in a wall next to the front door, Sandra quickly ran upstairs to see what happened.

She noticed the bathroom door was open. Mr. and Mrs. Starbright walked out of their bedroom and checked on their daughter. They also carried a flashlight. 

Sandra pointed to her bathroom. They stopped halfway out the bathroom door. Hearing a ghost howling. Made them all shiver with fear. Then, Sandra slowly opened the door and screamed…