
"It's been a while, hasn't it, Xian Shan?" Ying queried, all the while framing a treacherous sort of innocence.

He visibly beamed, as he witnessed the Young Lady's eyes quake from tiny internal tumours. Her body quivered, and her face seemed devoid of life.

Her countenance froze, and her teeth chattered out of fear. The most primordial kind – The fear of the unknown....

The 'unknown' in question being the plans which the former had in store for her. Earlier, she had betrayed him without batting an eye. Now, it was time to face the music.

The question remained, however, was she prepared for the consequences?

Of course not.

No one is ever truly prepared for their death, especially not at such a blooming age. But it was too late for that. The moment she'd let him in here, her fate was already sealed.