Fate is dead

Ying's 'informed' guess turned out to be wrong, and like every action, he was forced to bear the brunt of consequences.

The rotating silver discs were not after images, not in the slightest.

They were, in fact, real attacks. Weaved into being by a strange, almost otherworldly movement befitting a true master of the arts. Each lustrous cyclone represented its own doom, and they all bore down on Ying's frame.

The combined force crashed upon Ying's unprepared self, and the last vestiges of strength disappeared from his muscles. Ying collapsed.

There was no pain clouding his thought process... yet, but it would seem his body had hit its intrusive limit. Ying could no longer stand against his opponent - his virtual body simply wouldn't allow it.


As though that was not already enough, his Title force deactivated itself too.