She thought about not returning. He didn't text her or call her again and she could tell that he didn't visit her apartment while gone. But he was waiting for her at work, standing tall, arms crossed. God, she had not seen him in almost a month. She was wearing jeans. She never wore jeans. Jeans were not easy to get off. He watched her go to her desk and boot up her computer.
"Need the stock report?" She asked not looking at him.
Her quiet day went by slowly. He hid in his office, she didn't enter.
She watched the clock and at 4:55pm she was up and down the elevator. No late night, no see ya later; nothing.
She was out of the building by 5, just in time for another rainstorm; it was a bad one.
She didn't say more than she had to, didn't look at him more than she had to.
She went home, ate a frozen dinner, and watched the weather channel. She missed the beach. Even though she had been lonely and upset, she felt at peace.
But now she was back.
She looked at her watch, it was 6:30. He was probably leaving, or going on at date… or sleeping with the enemy. She sighed, maybe she should get laid?
She decided to take a bath instead.
After her bath, she put on the same outfit as last time it rained like this,
His socks, the CK underwear he liked and the crop oversized sweater she liked.
It was sexy yet, easy.
She went to the window in her room again and watched the rain fall, listened to the angry thunder roll, watched the lightning strike. She placed her hand against the glass. It was cold, it would be fall soon.
He stood there, at her doorway watching. She didn't even realize it, a scary fact that was. Of course, he was holding his aura in.
She had been gone almost a month. She left, came back, and then proceeded to ignore him. He kept calm, but the night called to him and he wanted her.
"Thinking about me?"
She didn't move. Her breath caught- but she didn't move.
She was wearing that outfit, he was hard the moment he laid eyes on her. Standing there all innocent.
"Why are you here?"
He pushed off the wall and walked her back, but he didn't touch her. "Kagome,"
She ignored him
"You can't ignore me,"
"I won't,"
"You are,"
She turned, placed her body against the glass and looked at him. She was glad the glass was cold because her body was so hot.
He moved and she turned her head when he leaned down, effectively cutting off his kiss.
"Don't," She whispered,
He had to touch her, had to. So, he touched her neck with his nose and inhaled. She placed her hands on his chest and his mind screamed yes, but then she pushed him away. He looked at her "No," She whispered, but he saw her eyes, her mouth was saying no, her body was saying yes, and her eyes were begging him.
But for what?
His lips parted and then she reached up and ran her thumb across his lips, he saw the question in her eyes.
"I didn't kiss her,"
Not that it made it any better but,
Kagome went to her tiptoes and placed her lips on his. He moved his hands to wrap around her, but she stopped him. Holding them at the wrist, her power crackled, she was in control. He would have to allow it.
She pulled back biting his lip just a bit as she did, then she went back on her feet. "No" She shook her head, released him, walked to her bed, and laid down on her tummy.
She had cut him off.
He could not stand it, she was denying him. Straight denying him and his beast was livid. He had to leave, he could not stay there. It was getting too deep. The past came to the forefront of his mind and he wondered just how did he get here, to wanting her so bad?
She cried. It was not just sex to her, they were supposed to be untouchable and they were,
But then he touched someone else.