24. Wright Family peralious situation

When a celebration is held in the Statue Tribe. A somber atmosphere surrounds the Wright Family Camp. This is the most dangerous moment for the Wright Family camp. Losing their only ally in the area makes their situation precarious they do not know when an attack will be launched on them.

The Soldiers outside gather in small groups but all of them have the same conversation. Because coming to the area, they only fought without earning any loot. They destroyed two native tribes but they did not even earn a single piece of loot.

All of the loot from the two tribes was taken by their ally the Snake Tribe. They understood the reason behind the family goal was to set up a settlement, a forward base for the Human army. 

They alone are unable to destroy a small tribe without acquiring major loses, so they ally themselves with a tribe in this region for the goal of setting up a settlement.

But their ally is destroyed by a new unfamiliar tribe. The four tribes nearby has formed an alliance with each other. If they know the snake tribe is destroyed their goal will be their camp.

The soldier's eyes always stray to the large tent at the center. Where all the professional in the family are discussing their future plan.

Inside the tent, a large table is set up and Nine people are seated around the table. Each one expression is grim and in silence with turmoil in their mind.

Among them is Lin, today should be most happiest day of his life. He managed to learn the magic missile spell at dawn and advanced to become a professional, A 1st rank mage. But now in the evening, he is attending his first meeting, which should be one of the most joyous moments of his life.

But, The reason behind the meeting does not even let him have a sliver of happy and joyous thought in his mind. He turns to full attention when the Baron starts taking.

Elan- Everybody now is the life and death moment for our family if we stay here. 

Elan looks at eyes everyone at the table and continues- But, I decided we will not leave here and we will set up a settlement.

Which causes a commotion and discussion to break out at the table. Nobody at the table can let Baron Elan change his decision but some of them are trying to influence him. There is to return to the large army.

Elan shouts to silence them- FIRST, listen to the reason behind my decision. 

Gaining everyone's attention Elan continues- We have already destroyed two tribes, and the snake tribe was destroyed by an unknown tribe. There remain only four tribes in the region with their totems in the late or middle spirit beast realm.

We alone have the strength to destroy any one of the four tribes alone. But what stops us is the four tribes have joined forces. This can be bridged if we employ a five-person mercenary team with their leader being a fifth-rank professional and the rest above third-rank professionals.

If we attack a tribe, then only the totems of the other three tribes will able to come quickly to rescue the tribe we attack. I and another fifth-rank professional can quickly one totem before the totems of the other three tribes come to the rescue.

Elan then stopped taking and waited for his retainer to comprehend his reason.

The other in the table understood Elan's plan and felt if it was carried out according to the plan they would be able to complete their goal.

Then one of them asks- Baron, what about the tribe other side of the mountain range? They may know about the unknown tribe that destroyed the Snake Tribe from the other side of the mountain range.

Elan- Our army is twice stronger than the Snake Tribe and no tribe or even together can defeat us in one day. Now, is Winter season, and they cannot besiege us for more than one day. They will die from the cold or be attacked by beasts coming down from the mountains.

Elan continues- After the winter season, we can block the other two narrow passages to this area and set up a fort on the third road. There are two months before the winter season ends and in that time many small forces would hear about our settlement and even come to join us.

James spoke- Then, we should not worry but the tribes on the other side should worry.

Everyone at the table agrees, and nods. If they were able to set up a settlement many mercenaries and small nobles' armies would flock to their settlement to earn merit and the tribes on the other side of the mountain would be their way to earn merit.

Elan notices everyone agreeing with his decision. He speaks- Everybody leaves except James, Reed, and Eliose. 

The sound of chair scrapping can be heard as the other leaves the tent.

When Elan sees them leave, and as they walk out of the tent he starts coughing out blood.

Eloise sees his brother coughing violently and blood falling on the table. He quickly gets out of his chair and to his brother - Elder Brother are you ok?

James and Reed are the same- Lord are you ok?

Elan stops coughing and cleans his face with his sleeves.- Elionse sit down and keep quiet. If the people outside they will start to worry again. 

Eloise nodded but the worried expression did not leave his face. Without stopping staring at Elan's face he returns to his seat.

James- How are you Injured? He says with a bewildered expression, He did not remember the baron getting injured.

Elan answers- Anybody of you thought how was I able to tell the Snake Tribe in trouble today after dawn?

Eliose forgot about this with all the events happening later. He remembers this tent where he and his elder brother sleep together. But last night few hours before dawn, his Elder brother threw him out of the tent while he was sleeping. Without any explanation.

Elan continues- Today few hours before dawn, I felt the Snake Tribe's totem starting to advance to bronze rank. So, I also started to advance to the 6th rank magic hunter.

But an hour after dawn, the snake tribe's totem stopped advancing to bronze rank. So, I also had to stop as my skills were not advanced so that I could advance to the 6th rank magic hunter. Without a contract with a bronze-rank beast. 

He continues taking a breath- For this reason, I receive a backlash, it was minor. But while I was soothing my turbulent magic energy to calm down. I received another backlash when the Snake Tribe's totem was advanced to bronze rank. The traces I left on him with the snake fruit entered the snake's sea of consciousness.

He continues- And as the snake dies, I received the second backlash, and my internal organs are injured.

Eloise stares worriedly at his brother- Are you now ok?

Elan- The injuries will be healed in two or three days. So now among you two who will return to the GateCity.

GateCity is the only city the Human forces set up on this continent. Where the headquater of the Joint army is held, the churches of Gods are also station in the City, and also the building where mercenerias are recruit.

The three know Elan is taking about James and Reed. So James and Reed glanced it each other and came to a decision.

Reed- I will go. 

The decision is because among the two Reed is weaker with the Baron injured James has to stay to protect the Baron.

Elan- Then Reed tomorrow at dawn you should leave with a small team. And try to recruit a small team of around 5 to 10 people. But their leader must be a fifth rank professional. Your budget is 200 gold coins. 

Reed nods- Ok, Baron.