Meeting Sola In Private

A hushed whisper and some coin could buy you anything inside the castle walls. Thus, hiring a messenger to carry words, Wolf called for Sola to come join him in his room late at night. That happened half a day ago, and already a few hours had passed from the time they were supposed to meet each other. However, still waiting with his back to the wall and a lantern burning next to him on the bedside table, Wolf stared quietly at the door, expecting a subtle knock.

Finally, after hours upon hours of waiting, it came. Wasting no time at all, he rushed out of bed and got to the door. Opening it, he was met with a smile and a dreamy-looking gaze. Ignoring it for now, he pulled her inside before locking the door behind them.

As he turned, however, Sola got to the tip of her toes and threw her arms around his shoulders. Getting as close as possible she leaned into his body and allowed her weight to rest entirely against his chest. Intentionally pressing her breasts against him, she bit her lower lip and said.

"I didn't think you'd call me to your chambers so soon," placing a finger on his chest, she ran it in a circle and laughed. "Thought you'd wait until you're king, but I don't mind sharing the bed already~"

Parting her lips she leaned forward for a kiss, her slightly larger bunny tooth peaking just from under her upper lips. But placing a hand on her face, Wolf gently pushed her off of his body. A look of surprise took over Sola, she expected a night of lovemaking and had even spent extra hours getting her body ready. A sexy lingerie under her clothes, a perfect shave for her body hair, even going so far as to create a heart out of her pubic hair–the faunan was truly ready to offer Wolf every inch of her body.

"What…I thought–" Cutting her own words to shake herself out of the daze, Sola took a few steps back before looking at Wolf with her hands folded. "Why else would you call me? I thought you wanted me to…"

A bit conflicted about how to handle the situation, Wolf heaved a sigh and moved closer to her again. Holding his stance firm in front of her with his eyes looking down into hers, the prince began explaining the reason why he'd called her to his room so late. And although disappointed at first, realizing that this was about showing William his place, Sola's interest in the conversation tripled in an instant.

"You want me to keep a close eye on him? Is that all?" She asked after having heard what he had to say.

Nodding back, Wolf gestured for her to take a seat. It took them a while to ease up to each other, but once the conversation got going, the two already felt like they were on the same wavelength. 

"Anything different, anything out of the ordinary that he does, I want you to report everything to me until the day of the competition…" Sitting in a chair with her legs on top of each other, Sola listened to him earnestly even though her ass being against a flat wooden chair was making her buttplug act up a little.

'Ughhh…And here I thought he'd rail my ass with that cock I've heard so much about!' Her disappointment distracted her still, but trying to stay on topic, she shook her head and tried to think of anything odd William had done since the battle between him and Wolf. To her surprise, nothing stuck out to her. The true prince had been eerily quiet, so much so that not even his toys weren't being invited to his room. 

"Wait a second…" As it all began to click, Sola leaned forward and focused on that thought. 

Noticing the sudden change in her expression, Wolf leaned towards her as well. But for a minute or so, the bunny girl didn't say a word. Instead, she stared at the ground while solving a mental puzzle. 

"Since yesterday only Master Robert has been allowed into his room," slowly lifting her head to look at Wolf, she shifted forward in her chair and directed a finger at him. "He wouldn't let me in either, and if I'm not bringing him his meal and I doubt Robert is, then who is doing that? And why is his master the only person allowed to visit?"

"You sure you haven't seen Robert carrying the food?" Drawn in by the revelation, even Wolf was fascinated by what was happening.

Shaking her head, Sola denied his claim for while she may not be allowed in, she was still required to stand by the entrance to Willaim's room. 

"I only ever leave for restroom and sleep, so unless he's doing all that at night I doubt his master is bringing him food or anything else really," Sola added further, her curiosity growing in the matter the more she thought about it.

"If he's doing something at night," getting out of his chair, Wolf offered Sola a hand. "Then maybe you should go and check what he's up to?"

"Hmm? Me? Alone?!" Taken aback by the sudden request, she dared not take his hand to get up yet. "I-I can't right now, what if he sees me!"

Withdrawing his hand with a light shake of his head, Wolf spread his arms wide and spun around in front of the maid. To her, it appeared as though he was showing off his shirtless body–something she took full advantage of, but as he turned back around to face her, Wolf brought her misconceptions to a halt.

"I'm big as a boulder, I can't spy on people for jack but you're smaller and your hair is dark too." Ruffling his silver hair, he tried to emphasize their color. "You can notice my hair from a mile in the dark!"

Staring at his hair for a bit, an awkward smile took over Sola's lips. She knew that he was right, but still going out to spy on her master? Her heart wasn't ready for it.

"I…fine, I'll try but!" Steeling her heart despite her nature suggesting her otherwise, she stared daggers at Wolf. "But I'm not helping you for free, you know! I like you a lot more than William and would prefer to be one of your queens once you defeat that loser and become king!"

No words could describe the shock Wolf experienced from the way Sola referred to William, and her demand was just as absurd, however, between dying at the coliseum to cheap tricks his brother might pull or accepting her as one of the queens if he wins, the answer couldn't have been simpler.

"Then you shall be one of my queens," holding a hand forward again, Wolf helped Sola get out of the chair. But this time instead of just trying to kiss, the bunny girl leapt into his arms and pressed their lips into a kiss.

Although baffled by the maid's actions, Wolf didn't push her off as he felt like that was the least she deserved right now for helping him. Wrapping his hands around her, he too pushed himself for a deeper kiss. To their surprise, however, the room's door opened behind them and the person standing there was far from happy at what they were seeing.