A Whisperer’s Cards

Wolf's curiosity had gotten far ahead of him. For as he rushed through the interior walls of the coliseum, no guard that stood in his way was left standing on both feet. Charging through them and deflecting their attacks with laughable ease, he had defied the protocols of the queen's security.

Seated by the window, Astoria was made aware of her son's transgression by a whisperer. His words punctuated with giddy humor, the man sounded as though he was looking forward to the confrontation between him and the adoptive prince. 

'You will do no such thing.' Stomping on his intentions, Astoria waved a hand at Hestia to get her attention.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Asked the maid, lending an ear to the queen by bowing forward.

Holding her tongue for a moment, Astoria focused on the sound of her son's footsteps approaching the window from a distance. Honing in on it, she gestured to the whisperer with the hand opposing Hestia's face.

'Stop him before he gets here.' That's what the gesture meant, and her call to the head maid was just a means to hide the secretive talk. But as the whisperer's presence departed from the curtained window, Astoria decided to give the maid a task after all. 

"The soldiers in the passage are injured, I want you to go and heal them in a minute," raising an eyebrow, Hestia wondered once again.

'How does she know?' But of course, like many other things pertaining to the queen, the answer was best left in mystery. Nodding back at Astoria, Hestia watched along with her as the contestants gathered in the arena. And while they were busy listening to the cheers and booing, one of the whisperers had already confronted Wolf.

Feeling something sharp right under his neck brought the prince's march to an abrupt halt. He'd been reluctant to go on an all-out assault and only knocked out the soldiers to have a conversation with his mother. But now, with his blood dripping down a rather thin, invisible blade, he was made to wonder if going all out was the only option he had left.

A trickle of sweat drained down his sides, and to his surprise, the moment his eyes blinked for a moment, Wolf found himself standing in front of Sola and Renee.

"I need to talk to Mother about something–" A daunting sense of deja vu hit him like a wagon. His lips were moving on their own, and the stomping sound of Kukei and her clan's departure could be heard in the background. 

'Did I just?' Feeling as though he'd been sent back in time, Wolf looked around confused, and the girls were confused even more by his actions. Reaching for his shoulders, Renee squeezed them tight and made him turn around.

"Are you okay? What are you looking for?" She asked with genuine concern resting on her face.

Feeling lost, Wolf blinked at her a few times, wondering if he'd just dreamed everything that had just happened. But then, as Renee's eyes frowned and she reached to wipe the cut on his throat, the prince was reminded that there were many others in this kingdom who were more powerful than him and were blessed with abilities far beyond his grasp.

'A whisperer? But I thought those were just–'

"How did you get cut?" His thoughts interrupted by Renee's concern, Wolf shook his head and pulled himself back to the real world.

Grabbing her hand, he tried to gently push it off, but slapping his wrist, Renee glared at him like an upset spouse. 

"Stop being so reckless, lemme help…" Reaching for a phial in her waist belt, Renee broke the glass tip with her sharp nails. Draining the liquid on her thumb, she rubbed it across the cut and held it shut for a moment. 

Watching the strange set of circumstances unfolding before her, Sola was at a loss for words. A strange cut appeared on Wolf's neck as he was trying to give out orders about what to do next, and then, stopping out of nowhere, he was scanning the surroundings like a schizophrenic. 

'Must be the lack of sleep.' She thought, not having a clue as to what exactly happened.

Time had turned on its axis, and the minute hand raced back to when Wolf stood before the two girls. Was it an act of god? Or rather a goddess? Or was it something merely mimicking her power? Wolf had no idea, but in spite of that, he had to move forward, and that started with watching the battle between William and Kukei.

The two had already gathered in the arena, and with either booing or chants of their names, both sides were ready to face each other to the death. William held his father's wand along with wearing the rest of his equipment. The reptilian, too, held something special firm in her hand, the sacred weapon of her people, the Tempest Trident. Matched equally in a sense, thanks to neither having mastered their weapon, the battle couldn't be judged before it had started, especially after the fight Runner had put up against Waallian.

By the time Wolf arrived at the basement entrance with his group, the queen had just walked up to the window, and the participants were circling each other in the arena with their weapons held up front. Waiting for Astoria's final words, they dared not begin before the battle officially began, for one example was enough and neither wanted to waste their lives by becoming the next example.

"Commence!" Her sceptre raised to the sky, Astoria commenced the battle.

To the surprise of plenty, neither party charged at the other. For one held a wand used to cast distant magic and the other a trident renowned for grand summonings. But that illusion of stillness didn't last for long.

Raising the trident high with a raging look in her eyes, Kukei used the sacred trident to summon rain clouds out of nowhere. Gathering above the coliseum, they swirled and mingled with each other, and then, with the first strike of thunder, rain began pouring in. 

"WILLIAM DE' DIDACT!" Directing her trident to her opponent, the tempest sorceress Kukei let her intention be known once again. "YOU'LL DIE HERE AND THAT'S MY PROMISE TO THE PEOPLE OF AESTONIA!"

Wet from the pouring rain, William stood upright to her challenge and whipped his fluttering cape to the back. Watching the sorceress closely as the rain kept growing heavier, he spit the water pouring down his lips and raised his weapon against her as well.

"Let's see you try!" 

"GWAHHH!!" And with the sorceress's scream began a true battle.