Well, the conversation below was quite interesting.
Lock had been listening keenly above the stairs with an arrogant smile.
"B.E Academy, huh?"
After hearing the name, he quickly searched online and found more information about it.
Sure enough, what LaCroft said was right.
B.E. Academy existed thanks to the government's support. It vaguely said it was only there to benefit the masses.
There were reviews, stating that those who go there are those who end up as garbage men or street sweepers.
Indeed, they were there to WORK for society's benefit.
This much was enough to please Lock and put his worries aside.
After all, he didn't want his brother to do better than him in life.
From young till now, he has always wanted everything for himself.
He wanted to be the only child of his parents, so he made himself their only child.
And even if he didn't end up well in life, their inheritance should belong to him. He had no thought of sharing it with anyone else.
They might not be wealthy, but the house and the money in their bank accounts were enough to leave him blissful for a few years.
'Mine! It's all mine!'
Fading away into the darkness, Lock headed back to his room with satisfaction.
Such places that took in delinquents were more or less like prisons to straighten their behaviors. But so what?
The more pain Levon feels, the happier he will be!
Downstairs, Levon hadn't uttered a single word.
His parents had rushed to finalize the matter, even sending LaCroft out with blooming smiles.
Only when the door was shut, their expressions turned cold.
"Listen here, boy... We brought you into this world and can take you back!"
"Hmph. As usual, looking at your ugly face, I can't tell if you want to go or not. But who cares? Unfortunately for you, we are your legal guardians. So if we say you're going, then you're GOING!"
—3 Days Later —
In a foul and dark room, one boy stood over another seated in a chair.
The chair the other sat on, was already swallowed by the sea of filthy clothes scattered around.
The boy on the chair wore thick goggles.
He smelled utterly foul. Yet, the other boy standing seemed unfazed.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap~
The tapping noise from the keyboard echoed for an eternity.
What the hell?
The boy seated, felt a layer of sweat clog his pores.
Soon, the boy almost flipped his keyboard, cursing excessively.
"SON OF A GUN! What kind of shit have you gotten yourself into, Levy?"
Levy was the boy's nickname for Levon.
Levon narrowed his eyes at the computer screen.
"So you can't hack it?"
"Hack it? I'll be lucky if I don't get caught!"
The 17-year-old boy was shaking so much he couldn't help taking out a cigarette.
Never in his years of extreme hacking had he faced such a dangerous situation.
Who was he?
They called him the Number One genius in the country's Hacker Alliance.
They called him [The Squid] because his hands reached everywhere at once.
Many think he is a middle-aged man, not knowing he is a brat who just turned 17 a month ago.
He has been hacking since he was 13, building himself up throughout the years.
How he and Levon met was quite funny. However, this wasn't the time to be reminiscing on the past.
Squid blew out a whiff of smoke, going on another cursing rampage after seeing his frozen screen.
He prided himself in saying there was no place in the world he couldn't hack into. But who would've known there were mountains higher than his?
Who would've known there were even more stronger hackers out there hidden in the government's forces?
He had a terrible churn in his belly.
"I'll tell you now, bro... That letter is as true as the blood in my veins."
Squid blew out another puff of smoke.
"Did you see the folder earlier? The school's name is under that Classified folder. I've never seen so many parameters put in place just for a school."
"The worst part of it all, is that the coding and everything else is completely new to me…. Funny, right? I, the top Hacker in the country, can't recognize this CODING."
Squid looked like a patient on his dying bed.
"A little dramatic, aren't we?" Levon swirled the lollipop in his mouth with a bored look.
Looking at the code, he understood the gravity of things.
"In other words, I can't run."
"Run? Tch… You've been marked. You have no choice but to go… It's just that I still don't get why you, Levy... Or don't tell me you believe that vague crap the LaCroft guy said to your parents about helping rid the streets of delinquents."
"No… I don't. However, I do believe their official website, although vague, has one truth to it."
"Truths? Which is?"
"Serving the masses."
Okay, his friend has lost it.
Squid was taken aback after observing his friend deeply. "You... Why do I get the feeling you had no intentions of running?"
That would be crazy, right?
The corner of Levon's lips curled.
Clap, clap, clap~
"It seems you're not too stupid."
Run? Him?
No, no, no.
On the contrary, he never had the inkling to run since he saw LaCroft.
And now, after getting Squid's take on the so-called B.E Academy, he felt like thanking them for making his life a little more interesting.
Even though he was a famous gamer, nothing truly intrigued him in life.
Even the little actions his brother took against him were not taken seriously in his eyes.
It was like a fly buzzing in his eyes.
How many times does he have to say he doesn't care about them? Talk less of wanting their love.
A truck could fly out and crush them to death and he still wouldn't bat an eye.
There was nothing he wanted from them. Not the so-called love, not money.
At present, he's far wealthier than all of them combined.
Initially, he planned to move out eventually and live a dull but wealthy life. But all that changed the moment he saw LaCroft.
What does it feel like to be targeted by a hungry wolf?
Levon felt the feeling was quite good.