Blades in the Dark I

Eagle's Perch was the largest city under the rule of Countess Lyria. Her castle stood tall within the city, a symbol of her authority and strength.

With a population of 150,000, Eagle's Perch was not among the kingdom's largest cities, yet its renown spread far and wide. Legend had it that the city's founder was none other than the ancestor of the Windwalker family, cementing its place in the annals of history.

Countess Lyria was the sole Silver Knight in her entire territory, making her a deterrent to petty assassins and common troublemakers. However, even her presence could not repel seasoned assassins sent by her enemies.

The castle's defenses were impressive. Over 1,000 guards patrolled its grounds, bolstered by an elite force of knights and great knights. Yet, against a Silver-rank assassin, such troops would hardly stand a chance. Fortunately, the city's security did not rest solely on its soldiers.

The Windwalker family was divided into two major noble factions: Marquis Alaric Windwalker and Countess Lyria Windwalker. Though Lyria managed her domain autonomously, she remained loyal to Alaric, the family patriarch. Alaric had been a mentor to Lyria in her youth, guiding her as she claimed her title. Their bond was close, strengthened by years of mutual trust and support.

While other barons and viscounts were technically part of the Windwalker family, their combined strength was negligible compared to Lyria and Alaric's military power. In truth, the Windwalker family revolved around its two central figures: Marquis Alaric and Countess Lyria.

This dynamic contrasted sharply with the Darkwind family, a rival noble house that boasted numerous counts among its ranks. By comparison, the Windwalkers were the smallest of the kingdom's major families. Yet, despite their size, they were far from weak.

Marquis Alaric himself was a Silver Knight, as were four others under his command. Including Lyria, the Windwalker family possessed six Silver Knights, an incredible force by any standard. Furthermore, Alaric and Lyria had long since merged their intelligence networks, creating a sophisticated web of spies that operated throughout neighboring territories.

When the Darkwind family's intentions to assassinate Edric became known, the Windwalkers acted swiftly. Alaric discreetly dispatched three Silver Knights to Eagle's Perch, aiming to catch the assassin in the act.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Weeks passed with no attempt on Edric's life, leaving the Silver Knights on high alert but with nothing to show for their vigilance. Still, Windwalker intelligence confirmed that the Darkwinds had not abandoned their scheme. In response, four Silver Knights were stationed at the castle to protect Edric around the clock.

Edric was highly valued by both Marquis Alaric and Countess Lyria. One reason was his potential to break through to the Golden rank, a feat that could elevate the family to unprecedented heights. A Golden Knight was leagues beyond a Silver Knight in power and prestige. If Edric succeeded, the Windwalkers would undoubtedly rise to prominence as the leading noble family in the region.

Lyria had additional reasons for her keen interest in Edric. She believed in his potential not only as a knight but also as a mage. Breaking through to the rank of an average mage by the age of fifteen was an extraordinary achievement, one Lyria was determined to keep secret.

When Edric was tested as a child, his knight talent was deemed legendary, but his mage talent appeared average. However, his recent breakthroughs suggested that the test results might have been wrong. If Edric's mage talent was as remarkable as his knight talent, he could very well possess a legendary mage talent—a rarity that would shock the entire Silver Flower Island.

The implications were staggering. A legendary mage was so rare that even the Flicker Empire might take notice. If Edric's talent became public knowledge, rival kingdoms would undoubtedly attempt to assassinate him.

What frightened Lyria most was the possibility that Edric's mage talent exceeded even legendary status.

In the Silver Flower Island, a legendary knight represented the pinnacle of power. However, in the vast Flicker Empire, legendary knights, though highly respected, were far from supreme. Mythic warriors and even Ultra Warriors roamed the empire's mainland.

Mages were different from knights. A legendary mage may be worth more than a mythic warrior because they are much rarer. If Edric managed to grow into his full potential, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he could one day rule the entirety of Silver Flower Island.

Countess Lyria was not a mother governed by emotion. She was ruthless by nature. Years ago, she had killed her former husband, Edric's father, after discovering his infidelity. She had covered up the scandal masterfully, leaving no trace of suspicion. Her treatment of her children was equally merciless. If they showed potential, she beat it out of them to ensure they lived up to their abilities. If they lacked talent, she discarded them without a second thought. Lyria was far from a loving mother.

Her focus on Edric stemmed not from affection but from cold calculation. He was her son, and if he rose to greatness, so would she. Should Edric achieve the power to control the island, she was confident he wouldn't remain in such a remote place for long. He would inevitably leave for greater heights, leaving the island behind. Lyria's current gestures of care were calculated to bind Edric to her through obligation. When the time came for him to leave, she would be the one left to rule.

Of course, she entertained thoughts of breaking through to the legendary rank herself, but she didn't place much faith in the idea. The path to becoming a legendary knight was unimaginably arduous.

Edric's own path wasn't guaranteed, either. He might never become a legendary mage. But even the slim chance that he could was worth every ounce of investment.


In a private chamber of the castle, four figures sat around a heavy oak table. Three were women, and one was a man. None appeared particularly muscular, yet the aura they exuded was suffocating. These were the castle's Silver Knights, tasked with protecting Edric from an assassin of equal rank.

Lyria slammed her hand on the table, her voice sharp and resolute. "Your plan is unacceptable! We absolutely cannot risk using Eddie as bait!"

One of the women, her gray hair belying a youthful face, glared back. "We've already waited for two weeks! That single assassin has managed to pin down all four of us. It's unacceptable! We need to draw him out and finish this now!"

The other two knights, a tall, thin man and a woman with short black hair, remained silent. Yet their expressions betrayed their frustration. Silver Knights were not meant to be stationed idly in a castle for weeks on end, guarding a single boy, no matter how talented.

"You're all so short-sighted!" Lyria snapped, her voice rising. "The Windslash assassins are notorious for their use of incurable blood poison! It might not kill us Silver Knights, but if even a scratch lands on my Eddie, he'll die! I will not agree to this reckless plan!"

The woman with black hair folded her arms. "Then we find someone who resembles Edric. We use them as a decoy to lure the assassin out."

"That's impossible!" the tall man interjected. "The Windslash assassins use magic to track their targets. That's how he knows we're here in the first place. A fake Edric won't fool him."

"It's the best plan we've got!" Lyria retorted, her voice fierce. "There's no better option available."

She paused, glancing around the room to gauge their reactions before continuing. "Besides, we can't be certain the assassin is using magic to identify Eddie. His spells might only reveal strength levels, not identity."

This was where Lyria's secrecy worked to their advantage. She had kept the news of Edric's breakthrough as a knight strictly confidential. If word had gotten out, a fake Edric, lacking a knight's aura, would never deceive him. But now, with the assassin unaware, their plan might succeed.

"It's worth trying," the gray-haired knight conceded, though she still looked displeased. In truth, she preferred the idea of using Edric himself as bait, but even this plan had a sliver of potential.

"One Silver Knight must remain here in the castle to protect Edric," Lyria declared. "The other three will follow the decoy from a distance and eliminate the assassin once he makes his move. Now, who stays, and who goes?"

The tall man spoke up, his voice steady. "Lyria should remain here with her son. The three of us will track and eliminate the assassin."

The other two women nodded in agreement. The decision was made.