The Legitimacy War V

There were still those who refused to submit to Valdrin under any circumstances. To them, the idea of reconciliation was nothing short of a betrayal of the cause. They would rather go down fighting than allow Valdrin to seize control. In their eyes, submitting to a leader who treated them as servants rather than honourable nobles was a dishonour worse than death. They would sooner perish in battle than bend the knee.

In the Darkwind family, there had long been a tradition of recognizing the minor nobles' autonomy. Legally, the marquis held the power to dissolve, order, and control all minor nobles within his territory. However, for centuries, every marquis had respected the local autonomy of their vassals. This tradition was one of the reasons the Windwalker family had managed to break away in the past. But Valdrin was different. Even as the heir to the title, he aggressively sought to curtail the powers of the minor nobles, which became the primary cause of the rebellion. Many proud minor nobles saw serving under Valdrin as no different from losing their titles entirely. Without the right to rule their own territories, they might as well be stripped of everything. For them, risking it all was their final stand.

Yet, the rebel side was at a severe disadvantage. The balance of power between the two sides was heavily skewed in the Marquis' favour. Valdrin directly controlled half of the entire territory. The nobles could only hold their ground because the minor nobles of the Darkwind territory had stuck together. If even a few of them could be persuaded to switch sides, it would spell disaster for the rebels.


With each passing day, the situation grew more dire. The Windwalker family showed no signs of relenting, and the longer the Darkwind family remained fractured, the closer they came to losing everything. Internal squabbles, power struggles, and the unyielding refusal to compromise only played into the hands of the Windwalkers, who systematically dismantled the Darkwind family's influence and authority.

Amid this growing calamity, Kaelith recognized that time was running out. His forces were beginning to fracture, morale wavering as Valdrin's relentless refusal to share power threatened to lead them all to ruin.


Kaelith organized a meeting with all the nobles leading the rebellion, gathering them in a room and immediately getting to the point, without wasting time on pleasantries.

"This is about our family—about the Darkwind family. If we do not stand and defend our lands now, we risk losing everything we have built. Valdrin has failed us. He has betrayed the very principles that defined us. It falls to us to restore our honor and ensure that the Darkwind family does not fall into the hands of traitors or invaders."

"Valdrin is a blind fool; he misses the forest for the trees," Kaelith shouted, his voice reverberating throughout the hall. "Because of him, we've lost a quarter of our land to the Windwalkers, and countless lives have been lost at their hands. This situation is no longer acceptable!"

"It's time for us to act on our own. If Valdrin doesn't help us, so be it. Everyone, go and gather your troops. We're going to fight the Windwalkers. And if Valdrin attacks us while we're fighting these external invaders, so be it. Everyone will see his treachery and judge for themselves. I believe there are still many loyal knights in my father's army who would be absolutely appalled and would rebel before attacking their own side while we fight the Windwalkers," Kaelith declared.

His plan relied on the psychological state of Valdrin's army. The hatred between the Windwalkers and the Darkwinds had grown intense, and it was only getting worse. If Valdrin attacked them while they were engaged with the Windwalkers, he would appear to be aiding the invading forces, further alienating himself from the people and from the many knights—some of whom were Silver Knights—still in his father's army. There was a real chance that many of them would refuse to obey Valdrin's orders and would instead join the rebellion to fight against the Windwalkers.

As Kaelith's resolve filled the hall, the murmurs of the nobles grew louder. They debated strategies, whispered of preparations, and measured the risks. Some pledged their unwavering support, stepping forward with promises of men and resources. Others hesitated, caught between their fear of failure and the peril of opposing Valdrin's power.

Kaelith, watching the subtle shifts in their expressions, knew that the tide had begun to turn. The momentum was his. This was his moment to seize control and prove that he could be the leader his family desperately needed.

After intense discussions of strategies, everyone collectively agreed that following Kaelith's plan was not only the right thing to do but also strategically sound. It was a win-win-win situation. If Valdrin attacked them while they fought the Windwalkers, he would make himself intensely unpopular with the Marquis's army, and there was even a chance he could be overthrown in a military coup. If he chose not to attack and simply sat back, they would be able to capture significant territory from the Windwalkers—and once they had it, they would not relinquish control back to the marquis. And if Valdrin decided to join forces to push back and defeat the Windwalkers, it would still be beneficial, as it would ease tensions and open the prospect for a negotiated settlement that could secure the autonomy of the nobility.


As the rebel army began to form and march toward the cities captured by the Windwalker family, anticipation and fear hung heavily in the air. This was no longer a mere skirmish; it was a full-scale war between the Windwalker family and half of the Darkwind family.

The rebels held nothing back. They gathered a massive force—100,000 strong—led by five Silver Knights and an elite contingent of seasoned troops.

The Windwalker family now faced a formidable challenge.

No longer could they advance uncontested. The 'rebels' had risen to defend their lands, while the 'legitimate' heir to the Darkwind family, Valdrin, simply sat back and watched without offering any assistance. It appeared he was waiting, anticipating that both sides would weaken each other in their struggle.

The Windwalker family had been meticulous in their conquest, capturing castle after castle with little resistance. However, they were forced to shift tactics when faced with the rebel army. They pulled back, reinforcing the castles and cities they had already seized, fortifying their positions, and preparing for a brutal showdown; they completely abandoned their plans for expanding further into dark wind territory. The upcoming battle would no longer be a simple matter of gaining more ground—it would be a full-scale war.

Rather than stepping up and rallying the troops to halt the Windwalkers' advance, Valdrin did nothing. He watched as the conflict unfolded. No reinforcements were sent to the cities on the frontlines, and no moves were made to capitalize on the rebels' resistance to the Windwalkers. Instead, Valdrin waited—hoping to see the two sides destroy one another while he remained on the sidelines. His true intentions were becoming clear: he wasn't allowing the factions to clash by chance. He was orchestrating the war to serve his interests.

The rebels, led by Kaelith, also understood the risks. Engaging the Windwalkers could inflict significant casualties. If they weakened themselves too much, Valdrin could easily swoop in after the battle, crush the exhausted rebel forces, and cement his control over the Darkwind family. In one swift move, he could wipe out any remaining resistance and solidify his power.

However, they were convinced by Kaelith that many knights in Valdrin's army would refuse to obey his orders and might even defect. Already, a steady stream of soldiers from Valdrin's forces had defected to the rebel army, eager to fight against the hated Windwalkers. While no Great Knights or Silver Knights had joined the rebellion yet, quite a few knights had already made the switch, bolstering the rebel ranks.

Kaelith, leader of the rebel forces, understood the gravity of the situation. Every battle, every decision, had to be meticulously calculated. If they could drive the Windwalker family back into their own territory, it could shift the momentum in their favor. They would be hailed as heroes who had defeated the vile Windwalkers, while Valdrin would be branded as an incompetent fool whose inaction had led to the deaths of countless innocents.

The Windwalkers' response would be key to Kaelith's future plans. There were two possibilities: they could either retreat or fight. Kaelith was fervently hoping for the former, which is why he launched his assault with every ounce of strength his forces could muster, leaving nothing in reserve. An army of 100,000 troops, bolstered by five silver knights, was a terrifying force to behold. If the Windwalkers chose to fight, they would pay a steep price. However, if they decided to retreat, Kaelith could swiftly capture vast swathes of territory and emerge as a hero in the eyes of the Darkwind people.

On the other hand, if the Windwalkers decided to stand their ground, it would spell immense trouble for Kaelith and his rebel forces. While weaker than the Darkwind family overall, the Windwalkers were still a Marquis family, with at least five known silver knights of their own. A direct confrontation, though winnable for Kaelith, would undoubtedly result in catastrophic casualties, leaving his forces so weakened that they wouldn't stand a chance against Valdrin.

Aware of the precariousness of his position, Kaelith decided to take a calculated risk. He secretly sent a letter to Marquis Alaric Windwalker. The two had once communicated regularly, maintaining a cordial relationship. However, when Alaric launched his attack on the Darkwind family, Kaelith had been enraged and cut all ties with him. Now, however, Kaelith recognized the need to make another deal with Alaric Windwalker—a potentially game-changing move.