
The temple wasn't as easy to get to as I had first thought especially since we were following a mental map. It was always shifting and changing, I can't lie it caused me to get frustrated and scratch my head a few times. The situation was so bad we ended up back at our campsite a few times, I honestly had no idea of what I was doing.

After a couple of failed attempts, I sat down to try and get a better idea of how the map worked, I first thought about how the visions appeared to me, then the decor of the crypt where I found the book and how I got it. Everything in the visions seemed chaotic and always changing and the crypt looked to be designed in quite a chaotic pattern as well so maybe the map always shifting and changing is just as it should be. Although I find it a little difficult to accept, however it was the only thing that made sense. I then relayed my idea to Hazel, "You're a genius!" she blurted out in laughter while jumping and hugging me.

A smirk of confidence beamed on my face, "Hey kid, you're going to die if you read the map to the temple like that."

My mood immediately shifted and I turned to see who it might've been who said that, with one hand I grasped one of my daggers and the other in a protective motion over at hazel. My mind was racing and I kept wondering, did I let my guard down or has this person been following us for a while. "Who are you, show yourself." I said as calmly as I could, avoiding revealing my frustration in fear that they might take advantage of my unclear state of mind.

A figure cloaked in black emerged out of the shadows, he wore a mask with a unique design to it and his hair what as white as snow. He was the very same man that was stalking me back at the human's village. "Wow easy kid, I'm just here to help you out. I noticed you back in the Heathsone village." He said while raising his arms in the air, I noticed he had a rather childish tone when he spoke, however in spite of his guard being down and his approachable demeanor, I could feel his bloodlust seeping out, it was inimical.

Hazel sensed it as well, she was just as ready to attack as I was. Her beautiful emerald green eyes become a violent scarlet red, her fangs were ready and out. I gave her quick nod signaling that we should attack but then all of a sudden, a flood of grotesque and horrid visions filled my mind. I dropped my blade and fell to the ground struggling to get proper breaths in, I found myself incapable of getting to my feet, I was terrified, I couldn't believe what I had just sensed, I knew if I dared to attack him, my and Hazel's fates were sealed. I shakenly turned my head over at Hazel, I looked and saw her as she just stood there trembling, she had come to the same realization I did, her face was in sheer and undeniable dread. Not even Hazel could stand in front of such an inhuman presence, she dropped to the ground, her will had dissipated. This man wasn't like anything we had faced before.

"You guys shouldn't worry I'm not here to kill you or anything like that, what I needed was that map, but seeing as you absorbed it and the other contents of the book, you're going to have to take me to Erebus the condemned Goddesses temple. As for my name, you can call me Whisper." He said this while he loomed over me, the closer he got the more I thought I was going to die, my heart was racing, my heavy breathing couldn't be controlled and my entire body was trembling. As I sat there on the ground, powerless, I thought to myself "I was in way over my head, I can't even get up and even if I tried I would surely die, yet I am the one that strived for power, how pathetic am I. I can't even do anything to protect Hazel."

My jaw clenched but not just at the fear I felt towards this 'Whisper', I was Furious. Furious at how I can't do anything for Hazel, furious at how he held our lives in the palm of his hand, but I knew the real person I was really angry with was myself.

He then knelt down and patted me on my head, whether he showing me sympathy or not I wasn't sure. He abruptly whispered something into my ear but I couldn't understand it, the language was foreign, the immense bloodlust he controlled began to dispel, he then disappeared back into the shadows. Immediately as I could move again I ran to Hazel and embraced her. She was shaking and her breathing uncontrollable, her eyes flooded with tears as she slowly calmed down. As Hazel laid weeping in my arms I put on a confident face trying to reassure her that we'd be okay.

Whisper allowed us a chance to collect ourselves or at least that's what I chose to believe as his reason for disappearing. He then emerged again yet again, striding with the same cheery attitude as before, even the way he carried himself was childlike, I found it irritating.

"Alright it looks like you guys have had a little moment to make yourselves feel better, back to business." He said as he sat on the ground and folded his arms, then his tone became more serious and so did the mood of the conversation. "You see I am what people call a deserter, and what people like me are is Demigods that don't follow the usual Demigod rules. Why I need you kid is because you got to the library before I could and you have the map imprinted in your mind and I know how to read said map. Which means you're going to help me get the Chaos temple."

My eyes narrowed in frustration, I angrily gazed at him and asked "Why would we help you?". He turned his head to me and I felt his spine chilling gaze, it was like he was piercing into my very soul. His tone of speech then become more serious "You'll do it or I'll kill the little vampire and make you watch, got it?"

His words left me with utter and pure loathing, "I guess we're coming with you then." I said gritting my teeth as stood up looking directly into that mask of his.