
My mind was spinning, Erebus's last words kept replaying in mind like having a horrifying nightmare over and over again.

Was It possible for me to get back? Was I going to see Hazel again?

"What are we going to do about the vampire, for all we know she could be after our lives. We can't just ignore this; we have to take action." An unfamiliar voice spoke. "Even if master Vander Mount says it's alright to leave it as is, we can't just leave it be." A second voice added, "We have to KILL IT."

After hearing those words leave his lips, a flood of worry washed over me. What if they were talking about Hazel, the possibility left my blood boiling. Then suddenly, I felt a sense of joy and confusion.

'Wait, that was someone else talking just now. Am I really back?' I thought to myself before being interrupted by one of the voices again, "What if lord Vander mount gets suspicious of the events that lead to her death?"

"Your such an idiot, not so loud. We don't want anyone else finding out about this now do we? As for how we'll kill the vampire, we won't be the ones killing her. The townsfolk will do it for us."

My anger only increased after hearing this, these bastards had the nerve to talk about killing Hazel right in front of me, how dare they.

However, despite my frustrations, I couldn't just get up and start attacking them at random, I needed to know what exactly I was up against, and from the look of things, they must have Hazel locked up somewhere. Just the thought of this made the urge to slit they're throats grow even greater. Nevertheless, I decided to stay in the bed, pretending to be unconscious until they finally switched shifts.

Several hours passed with not even a single opening to escape, the guards keeping watch kept rotating leaving not even a single opening. I got tired of waiting and I was starving, I couldn't remember when last I had something to eat. Time was ticking, the more I waited the greater the chances of them murdering Hazel.

I took a deep breathe as I readied myself before spring out of the bed. To my surprise the guards who were on watch this time were two girls.

One was young, she looked to be about my age, or at least I suspected this from hearing her little girl voice, but I thought that was just how she sounded. She had brown eyes, dark violet hair and wore a cheerful expression on her face. As for the other one, she looked to be in her late teens, her hair was a light shade of maroon, her eyes were what looked like a combination of blue and red, she carried herself with confidence, almost like a form of maturity.

"Luna! He's awake!" the younger one yelled "Are you okay mister?" she concluded.

"Hold on Sonya, don't go near him. We have to be cautious." The older one added as she stepped forward. My body felt unusually weak, 'how long was I out, and how long has it been since I had something to eat? I thought to myself as I scoped around the unfamiliar room I found myself in. As though in response my stomach let out a growl, "Looks like your starving, haven't you had anything to eat yet?" Luna asked, 'I can't say I have.' I said as I turned my head in embarrassment.

A sudden wave of weakness washed over me, my vision became blurry and I stumbled almost falling over. "Wow slow down. Could you kindly bring over the potatoes and rice Sonya?"

 "You've got it!" Luna exclaims and runs out. "So what exactly happened to you? Sonya asks "By the way, what did that wretched Vampire do to you." She said with a cold dead tone.

What vampire, be specific.

I couldn't let any of my frustration show, for all I knew she was my only lead to Hazel. "She was the one who carried you here, the disgusting creature. I can only imagine what horrible things IT could have done to you."

My jaw clenched as I felt my blood boil. How dare she refer to Hazel as "IT" she has no idea what Hazel means to me.

'What exactly happened to the vampire?' I said swallowing my anger.

"OH, the vampire, she is being prepared for her execution." Sonya added as she stepped in with a cheerful expression.

My face darkened as the gravity of her words fully hit me. 'Executed you say?' I asked trying to calm myself. "Yes Executed, it's going down any minute now." Luna concluded

'I have to go and rescue her.' I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper. "I had a feeling you were going to say something like that mister Eden. Unfortunately for you, you're not getting past us." Said Luna as she stood up "You choose to side with that devil of a creature, DISGUSTING."

You're the only fowl things I see.

End of Chapter