Hiss Whoosh
A bus pulled to a stop outside the airport terminal, its hydraulics settling with a tired sigh. As the doors slid open with a mechanical groan, an elderly man stepped down carefully, each movement measured and deliberate. His traditional dark clothing contrasted sharply with the modern glass and steel of the terminal building. Though time had painted his hair a stark white, his dark eyes remained sharp as obsidian as they surveyed the familiar terminal, taking in every detail with practiced precision.
The cacophony of airport sounds surrounded him - squealing brakes of arriving vehicles, the endless sliding of automatic doors, the constant murmur of passenger chatter, the rhythmic rolling of wheeled luggage across concrete, and the echoing announcements that bounced off the high ceiling. Each sound distinct yet blending into the familiar symphony of travel.
A few steps ahead, a young man set down his luggage - two modest bags that had seen better days - and stretched his body with the unconscious grace of someone well-trained in movement.
The elderly man's gaze fixed on the airport gate, its modern architecture a stark contrast to the memories washing over him. His last visit felt like ages ago, when his joints didn't protest each movement and his steps were surer. The memory of his younger self emerged clearly - standing in this same spot, filled with purpose as he headed to the capital to train those eager recruits who knew nothing of true discipline.
(Chinese) "Are you okay, Master?" The young man's voice broke through his reverie, concern evident in his tone.
The elderly man nodded, his eyes still fixed on the gate, seeing both past and present simultaneously. (Chinese) "Just... remembering something," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of decades.
His thoughts drifted to his late wife, her memory as clear as yesterday. Her warm smile, the way her laughter filled their home, how she would stand on their porch waving goodbye whenever he left. A familiar tightness gripped his throat as these memories surfaced.
(Chinese) "It's been a while since you've traveled to the airport, hasn't it?" The young man asked, lifting his bags.
(Chinese) "Twenty," the elderly man replied softly. (Chinese) "Twenty years." He turned to look at the young man. (Chinese) "I thought I'd seen the last of your family."
The young man chuckled. (Chinese) "Mother's idea. She thought it was time to mend the fences."
The elderly man's heart squeezed as memories flooded back. His son had appeared without warning that day, standing beside his wife, with more gray hair and wrinkles than he'd pictured. Next to them stood his granddaughter, no longer the little girl in his memories but a married woman. The surprise had left him stunned, an ache settling deep in his chest for all the years they'd lost.
(Chinese) "Shall we go in?"
The elderly man nodded, drawing a deep breath before walking toward the entrance. The bright sunlight made him squint, and he raised a hand to shield his eyes as he turned to the young man. (Chinese) "It's nearly noon. Don't you usually...?"
The youth straightened to his full height, meeting his master's gaze with respectful familiarity. (Chinese) "I figured I'd get the tickets first. You know, to secure a spot."
(Chinese) "I see." The elderly man's white hair caught the morning light as he nodded. "Where should I meet you afterwards?"
(Chinese) "The lobby would do. I'll meet you there once I'm finished."
The elderly man watched as the young man effortlessly bent to retrieve his luggage, noting the polite bow before his disciple strode toward the main entrance, moving swiftly despite his heavy bags.
Shuffle Shuffle
Keeping his hands folded behind his back, the elderly man watched until the young man disappeared into the crowd. Each step measured and careful, he made his way to the lobby. The space buzzed with activity - a sea of voices mixing with the rumble of wheeled luggage across the floor.
His keen eyes scanned the area, searching for a quieter spot. A row of chairs near a large window caught his attention.
(Perfect. I can see both the entrance and ticket counters from there.)
The hard plastic chair wasn't kind to his aging joints, but the elderly man's mind wandered through decades of similar moments. Countless airport lobbies, countless times watching departure boards just like this one.
Buzz Buzz
A phone vibrated nearby. He watched as another traveler fumbled in his pocket, pulling out a cellphone. The stranger's conversation drifted over - likely speaking to a wife or girlfriend.
(Chinese) "Yes, I'm at the airport. My flight leaves in two hours. I'll call you when I land, I promise."
A faint smile crossed the elderly man's face as he remembered countless similar conversations with his wife before she passed. He'd always promise to return soon. Sometimes he kept that promise, other times...
The elderly man took a deep breath. No point dwelling on those thoughts now. He watched the parade of humanity passing by - families herding children along, suited professionals glued to their phones, lovers sharing tearful goodbyes and joyful reunions. After some time, the elderly man closes his eyes. He let the buzz of the crowd's chatter envelop him as he waited for his disciple's return.
In the leftmost ticket booth, a young woman fought back another yawn as her eyes darted between the clock and the nearly empty lobby. Her morning shift dragged on endlessly, punctuated only by the soft hum of air conditioning and occasional tap of passing footsteps.
Through heavy eyelids, she checked her watch yet again. Thirty minutes until her lunch break. Another yawn threatened to escape, but she suppressed it by busying her hands with the already-neat stack of brochures on her counter.
Tap Tap Tap
Approaching footsteps broke the quiet. Looking up, she saw a tall young man walking toward her booth. His height caught her attention, making her unconsciously straighten her posture and smooth her uniform.
(Chinese) "Good morning," she greeted, curiosity tinging her voice. (Chinese) "How may I help you?"
The young man spoke with an accent she couldn't quite place. (Chinese) "I need to check for available flights to Soekarno-Hatta airport, please."
His request piqued her interest. She rarely saw people heading to foreign destinations this late in her shift. (Chinese) "Certainly, I'll need to check that for you. Would you mind taking a seat on that bench while I look into it?"
From her position in the booth, she watched him nod and walk away. His accent lingered in her mind - something different, a blend she couldn't quite identify.
Click Click Click
Her fingers moved across the keyboard as she searched through available flights. After a few minutes, she called out to her customer. (Chinese) "Sir, there's a flight in two hours. It's the last one to Soekarno-Hatta today."
She noticed worry flash across his face as he processed this information.
(Chinese) "Could you tell me about the ticket prices, please?" he asked carefully.
She nodded, listing the options. (Chinese) "We have first class at 3000 RMB, business class at 2500 RMB, and economy at 2000 RMB."
The young man's expression tensed slightly as he calculated something in his head after opening his wallet.
(Chinese) "I'll take the economy ticket," he finally decided.
(Chinese) "Alright, I'll need to see your passport and ID for booking," she replied.
He handed over his passport but shook his head. (Chinese) "I'm sorry but, I don't have an ID yet."
She frowned in confusion but still proceeded to open his passport. Her eyes widened as she studied the document - the young man in front of her was only 16 years old, and the passport would expire soon. But what really caught her attention was the unusual name arrangement: Arvin Li Priambodo. The placement of 'Li' between two foreign names confused her, but following standard protocol, she assumed it must be his family name.
(Chinese) "Excuse me for a moment," she said, reaching for the phone. (Chinese) "I need to consult with my supervisor about this."
From her booth, she kept watch on the young man while making the call. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, betraying his nervousness.
After a brief discussion with her superior, she turned back to the counter. (Chinese) "Mr. Li," she addressed him formally, using what she assumed was his family name. (Chinese) "We can proceed with your ticket purchase. However, I should inform you that your passport is close to expiring."
She watched as the young man nodded, acknowledging her warning. After completing the payment, he walked toward the waiting lobby.
(What an interesting mix of names), she thought, watching his retreating form. (A Chinese name like Li, placed between foreign names - Arvin and Priambodo. You don't see that every day.)
Shuffle Shuffle
Just as she was about to return her attention to the counter, movement caught her eye. The young man paused in the lobby, scanning the area. His gaze stopped on an elderly man sitting alone on a corner bench - the recognition in his expression unmistakable.
She leaned forward in her booth, curiosity piqued. Her lunch break approached, but she wanted to see how this would play out. As she watched the young traveler approach the elderly man, she wondered about their story - one she'd likely never know.
(These little mysteries make the job more interesting), she mused, settling back to observe their interaction.