1[Chapter 3: Meeting with someone]

Previous Chapter [ Olivia's Freedom]

After Olivia left the slave center.

I train myself to the butt in my cage. Trying to control my magic, strength and others, for next three months.

One day, I successfully managed to transform into beast mode. But, it was incomplete. I can only increase a little bit of my strength.

I also overcomed and break my slave mark. But I cover in so the owner won't notice.

I used my newfound powers to escape the cage and run away from slave trade center.

The guards spotted me.

"Hey!! Don't run" The guards shouted at me and attacked me with swords.

Me who is in beast mode successfully dodged the attack with incredible speed and beat up the guards and run away.

I run away to the forest which is far away from town and trade center.

While running I found that my mana is decreasing due my beast mode.

"Eh... Why my mana is decreasing?" I asked myself.

After that I deactivated my beast mode and roamed around the forest hunting down weak animals to eat.

While I goes for hunting. I found a white haired beautiful girl, who looks older then my age.

She was breathing heavily. Looks like she is running away from something and she falls down near the tree.

"A girl?" I approached the girl.

Before I gets close by, the girl screamed and shouted at me.

"NO, DON'T COME NEAR ME!!" She shouted, not wanting me to come near by.

I was surprised and confused by girl's words. I tried to ask the girl but shocked to find a giant lion.

"A great... Lion?!!" I was surprised and shocked. So do the girl. The girl was scared but she didn't want me to be hurt.

"DON'T GET CLOSER!" She shouts again.

But I ignored her and dashed straight at the lion and used my remaining mana to transform into beast form and one shot the lion.

The lion fell to the ground unconscious.

The girl was shocked by sheer power I have shown. Also my incredible speed.

Soon after, I passes out due to lack of mana and the girl got worried and asked.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked me but I am unconscious.

The girl then carried me and took me to her house which is the giant luxurious estate.

When she arrived her estate, she was greeted with two maids.

"Welcome back Elizabeth-sama" Maids greeted her.

The younger maid notices unconscious me on her back. She immediately recognized who I was judging from my ears.

"Who is this... Wolf-kin?.." she asked.

"Oh this boy? He saved me from Great Lion. I was just fortunate that he was there" Elizabeth replied.

"Well then I'll prepare him a room" the older maid says.

Elizabeth and older maid carry me, leaving the younger maid behind.

The young maid seems to know who I am.

"I've found you... Raiden..." She mumbled under her breath and chuckles slightly before following Elizabeth and her sister.

I was put on the bed and got accompanied by maids for two days.

I finally opens my eyes and stare at the ceiling.

"This unfamiliar place... Where am I?"

The young maid notices me.

"Ah, you're awake." She says.

I sits up from my bed and asked.

"Who are you? And where am I?...and... What?"

The maids looks at each other before replying

"You're in Granbell estate."

"Ahh, I see... So who are you two?"

The maids look at each other again.

"I'm Stella" older maid introduce herself.

"I'm Emilia" So do the younger maid.

Then Elizabeth come to the room.

"Ah, you're awake"

"You're" I try to say something.

"I'm Elizabeth Namru Granbell, Granddaughter of archduke Reinhard Namru Granbell."

"So you're a noble?" I ask. I'm suprised but also calm.

"So what's your name?" Elizabeth asks me.

"Ah, me?... Ahem, apologies, my name is Raiden Gleanford"

"Raiden… what a nice name"

I was surprised by the sudden praise, which also made my ears perked up.

"You're young and strong... How old are you?" Elizabeth asks my age.

I raise my eyebrow but tell her anyway.

"I'm only 5 years old." Elizabeth was surprised that I am younger than her. Also the maid but not the youngest one.

"You're only 5 and that strong?!!" She says. The older maid nods in agreement.

"I'm only 13..." She says before going quiet.

"I'm not that strong, need to train too" I admits.

"Well then Reinhard-sama could train you!" Emilia suddenly speaks up.

"Yeah... Grandpa is a really good sword master and also why don't you live with us?"

Elizabeth offers me.

"But, you don't think it would be a problem?"

I asks.

"No, we don't. We welcome you, you save me after all. My grandpa already knows. He'll sure accept you."

"I don't know what to pay back."

"You will also attend the magic academy here together with me"

That moment I was surprised by the offer. The situation turned out that I can't reject no matter what.

"So then I'll stay here"

Elizabeth stands up

"Good, I'll go tell my grandpa, let's go Stella, Emilia."

They all left leaving only me behind.

"Magic academy huh? This sure sound like fantasy RPG game."


Next Chapter- [ Training with a Geezer]

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