Previous- [Blood lake castle]
In my past life...
"You better go make money, Shinji!" It's my mother.
"But how will I? I'm only 5 years old!!" I replies and she slaps me in face.
"Don't talk back to me!!" Yeah they abuse me too much.
One day they were out for looking for some garbage and I sneak out of my house and went to a local library.
With some of my broke friends.
"Hey, Shinji do you have money for entrance fees?" One friend asks.
"Umm.. no" it saddens me that I had no money that time but yeah thats how's life goes.
"Then, we'll sneak into"
"What?" I was surprised but said okay then.
We sneak into the library and started reading some of the school and common knowledge book.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I suddenly felt a pat of my shoulder and I instantly froze.
"Umm... I'm sorry we had not money"
"Hahahaha. This is a local library so it's free" I knew it, it was the librarian.
"I see..."
"Read as you wish"
And suddenly.
We heard a loud opening on the library's door.
"WHERE IS SHINJI!!?" It was my parents. They made my life a living hell.
They saw me and grab me by pulling my ear and drag me home.
"What do you think, you are doing?!" My mother and father said and beat me up.
I never understood parents' love at all. By mean. I cry every night just by thinking how I got my wounds. And I endured for years.
Until I turned 15...
I endured for 15 years of my life living in hell. And I was now lost patience.
I sit in the living room quietly with a crowbar next to me.
I hear a door opening and they come in with new cane to beat me up. Well shit.
I endured mostly like working at construction site at just 5, getting beaten everyday.
But I didn't understand why...
And as they comes in, I raised my crowbar and smash it right to my father's eye.
"What— are you?..." As that he falls to the ground with his eye exploding with blood.
My mother saw it and completely terrified, she screamed and ask for help.
"HELP!! MY SON HAS GONE INSANE!!" she shout and as she turns back after shouting, I hit her skull with my crowbar and her body drop to floor with a crowbar sticking to her head.
The entire living room is filled with blood and dead body of my parents.
I smiles with evil grin and laughed.
"Ha... Haaaaa-ha-ha-ha-haa..." I goes silent after that and tears fall from my eyes. But I wiped them off.
I went to my room and wear a black hoodie and went to the door to outside. I kick my mother's dead body which was blocking the door. And I suddenly had an idea how to hide them.
I hid them by putting them to the dustbin and throwing them to the garbage car which is auto. And I cleaned the entire room with alcohol and stuff.
I grab a little bit of penny and left the house unlocked. And never came back.
After a year there is no evidence that I killed my parents because I was wearing a glove while killing them and there is no cctv footage.
And I got away.
But not for long. They found some DNA traces of mine and hunted me but I kept running and hiding.
And after 10 months of fun I finally turned myself to the police and got arrested.
The court sentenced me for 20 years in prison and hard labor.
I served in prison having fun like playing chess while free time and nobody have beaten me.
When I got out, the special forces asked me to join them as hacker and stuff. Cus I learnt coding in prison.
I said I am an office worker right? Yeah I am, I am a hacker who also works in military office.
My life was booming after I got out of jail and nobody ever thinks of me as murder anymore but... The fact is that I murdered my own parents.
And after days and years, I found out that those two aren't my real mother and father.
Turns out I was abandoned by my real mother and she drop me of there. And I want to find her but couldn't. Well, if I did... It'll only saddens her anyway.
One day.
"Aw man. This hacker job is boring !!"
"Already complaining?" A sergant says.
"Yes I am. Can I read some mangas now?"
"Well you can as you finished your job"
"So be it." I chuckled and went to sit and read a manga.
The sergant was totally unfavoured by my unseriousness but let it slide anyway. And the days goes on and in another day.
The birds are chirping and sounds are beautiful it's a new day.
I stretch and yawn and make myself out of my bed and went to go to work and again...
That's just how I was in past life... And after that is now.
Next Chapter: [life isn't a dream]