2[Chapter 11: Powers]

Previous: [Rise of the beast kin Knight]


In the castle of Ranmusia...

"Hey Raiden!"

I was sleeping on my desk and got suprised and wake up.

"Wha–what is it, Cherry?" Her calling make my eyebrow raised.

"We're going to another country for diplomatic reasons."

"Eh?" I was shocked but I think it's my time to shine.

"Also, Miss Tasuya is coming too!!"

Tasuya? So the adult is coming? Well that's convenient

"Well, when will we go?"

"In next week."

Next week? That was too soon.

"Anyway, where are we going?" It's the best to ask her about the place tho.

"To Gardaven Kingdom?"

"Huh?" That's.... That's the country who... Destroyed our village...

I clinched my fist but let it calm later.

"Okay... I will prepare for it." I said with a smile.

"That's Raiden for you!" She said before she kisses me on my cheek.

"I will get going." I nodded and then stand up and decided to take a look to the magic school.

Why am I not suprised that she kissed me you might ask.

Because I am used to her cheeky kisses!!

I arrive at the magic academy and spotted Tasuya training.

I spotted Emilia too. Is she not graduated yet? No... She's not different to me.

As I says Emilia spotted me and start waving at me.

Also Tasuya gestured me to come.

I goes there and Tasuya said.

"You're going to Gardaven Kingdom?"

"Umm.. yes I am."

"Come here." She gesture to me to come closer.

She whispers to my ear. "I don't like the people and the king of that country."

"Me neither."

Tasuya then back off and then smiled.

"Since you're graduated, let's have a duel again."

She's saying nonsense as always.

We then prepared ourselves.

"You can take out your weapon. Or use your wind magic. If so, I'll use my fire magic"

"That's cruel, wind magics are weaker than fire magic!!"

"Ha-ha." Tasuya chucked and the readies her weapon.

I take out my Excalibur from my inventory.

She wasn't that suprised because she's the otherworlder.

But the way she was staring at my sword.

"That sword... It... Mimic his true strength or what?..." In Tasuya's mind this sword is literally my magical replica.

She than makes the first move my swinging her axe which I dodged easily.

"Yo, it's your first time using that?" I'm not sure but, she's too skilled at swords than axes.

She than swing vertically and I bend down to dodge.

"You're dodging too much!"

I then stand up and swinged my Excalibur which she dodged.

I then swing vertically and point my sword at her neck.

"It's my win then." I say with a smile.

"Hmph, you're getting strong." I then helped her stand up.

"Well thank you for dueling with me."


"Grandma." I teased her with that word because she hates losing and it's just to make her feel forget.

She was flustered and she blushes slightly.

"You don't know not to call a woman grandma?!" She look offended.

"Anyway, I heard that you're coming with us."

"Yeah... You guys need adult assistance, you know."

"The king is very ill, so it's Cherry's responsibility to go."

"Yes." Tasuya then nodded.

"So the be it. I'll get going, see ya!"

"See ya." She than waves me good bye.

Tasuya sighed as I leave and thought.

Raiden of Ranmusia...

It's hard to think that he's a ten years old...

Then blood started to appear between her chest.

You monster. That wound might be the cause of my sword swinging between her chest

Back to me, I decided to go back to Granbell estate.

"What?" Elizabeth was surprised.

"Isn't that the nation who kept you in prison?"

It's cage.

"But anyway, I'm a knight and a representative of another nation, I doubt there will be people who have a grudge against me."

"And also, there is no one who will recognize me as I am disguised as a normal human." She just stare at me. "Look I don't even have ears anymore, just this temporary humanoid fake ear." I say as I gesture my ear.

"Well, if you say so..."

She didn't look too appreciating.

"Well, Elizabeth, you need to worry about yourself."

"Huh?" She was confused for a while.

"Look, you have someone who you cherish."

As I say it she looks down on the floor.

"Umm is anything bothering you."

"I don't..." She says as she lost her words.

"I don't trust or like that guy... Nor love..."

That's surprising.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing..." She looks sad and went back to her room.

As you can say, I've always observing everytime they have a conversation. That Elizabeth truly do not like him...

That guy, crown prince of Gardaven Kingdom... Charles Namu Gardaven...

Well It's the best not to involve in their personal things.

I better prepare for my trip to there... That nation is bother.


Next chapter- [Gardaven Kingdom]