Previous: [Gardavan Kingdom]
It's been fairly long time since we left Gardaven and went on our way. And That's like three months ago. Now I am just strolling around the city with Cherry like usual.
"Raiden! Look at those flowers. Aren't they beautiful?"
Even though she failed the interaction with the king, she's acting like nothing happened. That's because she's just a kid... Who could blame her?
We walked past the dungeon gate of Ranmusia and it's thriving and the income are skyrocketing. It's now overcrowded with adventures and the dungeon is making hella money thanks to me.
And of course we give Gardavan just 10% instead of 20% for advertising fees. Just typical. I thought.
The dungeon exploration campaign starts every 4 years in Ranmusia and I'm too curious about that too. How wouldn't I? But the age limit is 15. Now I'll have to wait for 4 years. Good grief but I think it's just next time.
After we came back to castle, King Luke made me do unnecessary things like chores and shit. But those don't bother me.
And also the king gave me a house in return for making the country economically skyrocket. He's just grateful for me.
"Woah this house is big bruv"
I watch in awe and suprise of the presence of a big house. "But I don't need all of those."
"Look young man, you're our national saviour, of course you'll need that." The king said.
"But your majesty–" Before I continue the king cut me off.
"Nuh-uh, don't call me 'your majesty', just cal me father or so."
"Alright Luke"
"That's cruel!!" Well... that's what I call family genes.
"Alright... Father."
" honest, you were trying to say something to me, weren't you?"
It make Luke think for a second before replying.
"Well, I do."
"Then what is it?"
And I ask he gone quiet.
"..." "What are you waiting for?"
"Ah, yes, the thing is that there is a thing I want you to deal with..." He sighs. "There is a lot of monsters out there roaming around near the gates."
"And I want you to deal with 'em."
I was surprised. "What? You're trying to make me do the things guards must do?"
"Because guards can't handle them!!"
He sighs. "Yeah... I want you to do those."
He looks totally serious. Then I shall do, why not?
"Then, I'm in."
The king saw lots of potential in me and I'm not gonna waste 'em.
And that, I arrived at the city gate but I didn't expect to see Leon and Eren there.
"Yo!" Leon greeted me.
And for Eren... Well, she's just staring at me with sparkle in her eyes.
As soon as we are going to leave, we saw a carriage goes past us. But I just thought it's other noble family and let it slide.
"Raiden and me are going out… La la la." Eren start singing. She's just being her.
"I will show you how strong am I!!" Leon suddenly have a nerve to say.
I just chuckled at their banter and our trio left outside the town.
As soon as we step out of the town, we can see goblins and giant frogs roaming around like normal.
"We'll have to clear them?"
Eren said with disappointment on her face.
"That's an easy Task!!" Leon said courageously. These kids are underestimating their opponents...
As I am thinking those, Eren and Leon didn't wait for my order and charge straight to the group.
"Hey!!" I called out but they didn't listen.
I can't do anything but watch as they fight. They're Pretty strong to be honest.
I can hear they slice off the lives of monsters with their swords and watch as bloods spill everywhere.
After a minute or two, they came back with a bad of mana crystals and they covered with blood and dust.
"Am I strong, eh?" Leon asked exhausted.
I can't do anything but sigh.
"Listen you guys, You will have to listen to me!"
""Yeah."" And they aren't even listening to me!!
Then, I received a notification from a system of Otherworlders.
I was surprised because that's the first time.
I open it and found out that it was from the Royal palace.
"Uhh, Sorry guys I have to go!"
"Eh? Where are you going?" Eren asked disappointed.
"Be sure to go home!!" And I left running as fast as I can to the palace.
And I arrive at the palace not so long and saw King being surrounded by swords from soldiers... They aren't Ranmusia's.
"What's going on?" I asked loudly.
"So you came?" A man in shadow spoke. And he slowly come out from the shadow.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I am Charles Gardavan, the crown prince of Gardaven Kingdom."
"So you come out?"
I scoffs. "What do you want?"
"Unlike my father, I wasn't a fool."
His words made my eyebrow raised. "That wasn't the answer for my question."
"Eh." He was visibly embarrassed and annoyed. "So what?"
He groans. "You guys gave our kingdom just 10% of your income. What do you guys means by that?!!"
I scoffs. "We agreed the past income to 20%, not the current one." I say with a smug smile on my face.
He was visibly angry.
"You bastards. What do you means??!!"
"Like I said before idiot!" And I started laughing at their foolishness. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha."
It got him pissed of.
"Then, I fucking declare you to a duel!!"
Next Chapter: Raiden Vs Crown Prince