Previous: [What is going on?]
"YOU! DUMBASS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Mino shouted at Lucifer, who had just killed my father.
I was in total shock and despair, unsure of what to do. My heart raced with rage and fury, and finally, I decided to attack.
"Rahhhhhh!" I charged at Lucifer, my beast mode making me fastbut not fast enough to match his reaction speed.
Lucifer vanished from my sight, and I frantically looked around.
"He teleported..." Mino exclaimed.
Not only had he disappeared, but he had also taken Old Man Raden with him.
I gritted my teeth in rage, but there was nothing I could do.
We'll meet again, Lucifer... I thought.
That was four years ago. Now, Im fifteen years old. Gramps Reinhard has taught me everythingfrom combat to survival skills.
"Lets go out together, Raiden!" Oh, right, I forgot to mentionCherry has grown into a beautiful young woman. Even though shes only fourteen, her beauty is out of this world.
Though she lacks political acumen, shes a good princess. Her father, His Majesty Luke, is growing weaker by the day. Even the best doctors cant do anything to stop his decline.
"Look at this store, Raiden! Lets get some snacks." Despite the countrys complicated political situation, the crown princess remains carefree.
Meanwhile, at the knight school, Ive heard rumors of a girl who looks a lot like me—a wolf kin—being recruited. I dont know who she is, but why should that concern me?
Cherry and I went on our usual date. My only task was to protect her.
"Lets check out this stall!" Cherry darted toward a souvenir stall.
As I followed her, a familiar scent caught my attention.
"Huh... This smell..." It was unmistakable.
"OLIVIA?!" I was sure it was her. Too sure.
"What are you saying, Raiden?" Cherry asked, confused.
"Olivia!" I called out loudly, running in the direction of the scent.
"Where are you going?!" Cherrys voice was tinged with worry as she followed me.
"Olivia!" I couldnt stop calling her name, chasing the scent until I saw a woman with brown hair just like mine.
I tapped her shoulder. "Olivia!"
She turned around, startled. "Umm... Excuse me?"
She looked like an adult. What was happening to me?
"Sorry, wrong person... Heh-heh." I felt a wave of embarrassment.
"Umm... Okay," she said before turning back and walking away.
"Whats wrong with you, Raiden?" Cherry asked, her voice filled with concern.
"I might be hallucinating..." I chuckled nervously.
"Thats the excuse everyone gives!" Cherry wasnt buying it, of course.
"Im sorry. Lets go back."
"Hmph." She huffed before wrapping her arm around mine.
On the other side of the street, a girl stood in the shadows of an alley, her blue eyes fixed on Raiden.
"So... Brother is still here..." she mumbled before disappearing into the crowd.
That was strange. Ive never had errors in my sense of smell before. Maybe I was overthinking things.
Well, whatever.
The next day, I decided to sign up as an adventurer.
"Umm, Elizabeth-san, youre an adventurer, right?" I asked Elizabeth, who was standing beside me.
"Yeah, why?" she replied.
"Does signing up cost money?"
"Just a couple of silver coins."
"Oh." I thought it would be more expensive. "Then, Ill head to the guild."
"Okay, good luck! You might get an interesting rank."
I nodded and made my way to the guild.
The guild was bustling with people. Some were in the canteen, while others were signing up for quests.
"Excuse me," I said to the guild receptionist.
"Welcome to Ranmusias Guild!" she exclaimed. She looked about eighteen and radiated energy. "Wait, arent you Raiden Gleanford?!"
"Umm... Im here to register as an adventurer."
"Oh!" She pulled out a form and a magic orb. "Just fill out this form and touch the orb to determine your rank."
"Okay." I filled out the form, which asked for my name, age, and other details, then touched the orb.
"Alright... Your rank is B. Would you like to take on some quests?"
"Not right now," I said. "But, if you dont mind, can you tell me about the rank system?"
"Sure!" She handed me a sheet of paper. "Heres the pyramid."
I glanced at it:
- SSS: The strongest rank.
- SS: Just below SSS.
- S-plus, S, S-minus, A-plus, and so on.
- F-minus: The weakest rank.
Damn, they really have a strict ranking system, I thought.
"To rank up, youll need to take a test," she added.
"A test?" I was visibly confused.
"Yes, it includes a written exam, a practical test, and another orb evaluation."
This sounded like a pain in the ass, even for someone like me.
"Thank you for the information," I said.
"No worries!" she replied with a smile.
She handed me an ID, explaining that it served as a pass to enter any country and its dungeons. The adventurers guild was clearly a force to be reckoned with.
As I left, I glanced at the dungeon entrance. It was packed with adventurers, thanks to me.
Maybe next time, I'll come back to take on some quests, I thought, feeling a spark of excitement.
Next: [Dungeon Conquest!! Maybe?]