Ruined world, chaos the symbiote

Sonic: This has happened thrice now...* Uses his hands as a support to wake up* Where The hell am I anyway?

Sonic lifted his head to look at the sky?, confused he looked around as his eyes open to witness the disaster in front of him. A ruined city, buildings charred and broken, intense heat and what appeared to be folded lava in the streets.

Sonic: Oi Caliburn where are we?... *Grabs caliburn's pendant* oi are you acting cocky now? You bett-

A roar sounds as the entire city shakes, Sonic witnesses as the solidified lava again melts and begins moving like a slime.

Sonic: Wierd, I never learned about such a thing anywhere. I s-*his stomach grumbles* should get some food.. *notices his torn up clothes* some clothes as well.

Sonic begins travelling around the city while maintaining a safe distance before he finds some clothes and a bunch of still edible cans of foods on the 10th floor of a black charred building. Sonic is now wearing a black coat that comes to his knees, a white shirt, a blue elastic shorts and a red and white pair of sneakers.( The coat looks like the imagination power guy from bleach tybw and sneakers look like Og)

Sonic: this corpses.. *disgusted* they look as if someone sucked the life out of them... 99% sure it is that lava slime or whatever but how can something so slow be so lethal to a city?

???: That being is called iblis.

Sonic turns around to see a blue floating slimy person with 3 fingers in each hand looking at him.

Sonic: What are you?

???: my name is chaos.. and I am an ally.

Sonic: How can I trust you?

Chaos: I am a symbiote who merged with the master emerald and become a part of it. This is not your world, this is not your planet.

Sonic: What do you mean?

Chaos: We can talk later, follow me away from here.

Through cautious Sonic didn't oppose as he felt no hostility from the wierd symbiote. He followed it into the sewers system and from there to a cave system.

Chaos: We are safe for now.

Sonic: Now back to the topic, what do you mean not my world or planet?

Chaos: Every soul adapts to its environment but yours lack the deficiency of power that others of this planet have faced due to that creature.

Sonic: Tell me straight and no riddles.

Chaos: As you wish.. You seem to have arrived into a different universe from your own and those gems on your waist is it's proof.

Sonic: The emeralds what d- wait*looks at Chaos and the emeralds* you feel the same as the emeralds... Tell me everything.

Chaos: this world has had its core syphoned for years by iblis, 5 of the emeralds as you call them including the red and green ones are already absorbed by it and turned to raw energy, and the other gem had long been destroyed.

Sonic: *grabs the purplish Gem* this thing?

What is it?

Chaos: maybe you should grab a seat first.

Chaos proceeds to tell Sonic about the iblis, a undying creature driven by endless hunger that was sealed by gaia but later broke free. With no method known by people to seal it, the creature rose again and again, each time destroying something. It syphoned the core of the planet, making it unable to grow either plants or life.

Chaos: The gem you hold is called the Phantom ruby, the polar opposite of the master emerald, it will amplify the emotions of its wielder but it's greatest power comes from its ability to create a fake reality that only effects what the wielder allows it to.

Sonic: No wonder she was going crazy, this s**t is like a power giving curse. She probably got it when she was in the ruins.

Chaos: there is no hope for this planet, sooner or later people who still remains will die and become food for the iblis... But you change that.

Sonic: Oh? And how do we do that?

Chaos: I have lived as the guardian and protector of this planet's master emerald for ages and I will die with it but I can use It's remaining power to purify and refine the ruby to remove its curse and strengthen it. With it before I die we can open a portal for the people to escape to a parallel timeline where the iblis is still sealed. You gain power and respect while I get my rest.

Sonic: I don't see a problem with that but... How do I get back home?

Chaos: there is a way. From what you told me travel between planets have become possible in your universe by linking the master emeralds. I can have you become a host to a part of me that will help you link your universe with mine. It will also help as a ally as long as you protect it.

Sonic: I.... *Raises his hand* agree.

Sonic gave the ruby to Chaos before he proceeded back to the surface but what he saw was unexpected to say the least. He observes from a nearby building a battle between iblis and a silver coloured hedgehog that seems to be floating around and the hedgehog's ally, a purple cat.

Sonic: I guess this world didn't have knowledge of the bloodlines we had. They appear to have S rank bloodlines and with synergy too but untrained in them. They are just using them purely with no flux arts and techniques. It seems they are protectors of the last remaining people.

The battle soon ends with the protectors's victory but they seem to realise the futility of their efforts. Sonic observes from the distance as the cat tends to survivors while the hedgehog guards. A closed figure appears behind the hedgehog.

???: Hello there.

???: *turns around and prepares for battle* you dont seem to be one of the survivors.

???: my name is mephiles and I believe I can help you, silver the hedgehog.

Silver: *scoffs and tries to sho him away* what do you want?

Mephiles: i possess the power to travel in time and with my help we can travel back in time to defeat the iblis before it grew strong.

Meanwhile, Sonic observes from the distance, using the part of chaos he becomes host of as a recon and spy.

Sonic: mephiles... Isn't that the cardinal of Soul order shadow killed? Wait..*realised the similarity between Solaris and iblis* could the iblis be something from the order.

I remember tails saying Solaris is embodiment of Gluttony and greed and if gluttony becomes stronger than greed before greed controls it, the greed will wait for years before the gluttony staves itself after eating everything.

Chaos: We should keep a eye on him.

Sonic: yes.

With a gust of wind, Sonic's coat flutters before he vanishes away at high speed.