Sonic: So this robotnik's flying fortress? Did you seriously just ran behind without knowing how to reach it?
Sonic°: i thought of using the cliffs as ramp but he won't go near any.
Sonic: Ofcourse he wouldn't, even a kid got enough brains to figure that out. I should seriously consider altering your brain to get you some braincells.
Sonic and Sonic° are having a conversation as they witness the fortress fly towards the eggman empire.
Sonic: How much did you even taunt him for him to change his name to eggman?
Sonic°: maybe over 100 of times.
Sonic becomes speechless, fighting someone 100 of times but always letting him escape? That's just some comic stuff.
Sonic: Enough fooling around, I am gonna get us to that carrier and you will have to get his Attention while I go and find robotnik and also amplification: defence, reality bend: accelerate.
Sonic° felt a power he had only felt in his super form coursing through his body. Just as was about to question Sonic, he saw the scenary change as he appears in the sky above.
Sonic: Make sure to not die, I don't want Amy to be depressed before I convince her to find someone else.
Sonic°: The what? I-ahhhhhh.
Sonic warped again onto the carrier while Sonic° fell straight in its lobby, having lost 40% of his ring power from the fall( yes we gonna have rings in here but they won't be laying around like the games).
???: I am surprised you managed to reach me peaky hedgehog but you won't be leaving alive. Activate defence
A fence pops out in front of Sonic,confusing him.(Sonic 3 movie reference)
Eggman: Damn autocorrect, activate defence DEFENCE.
Turrets, drone,robots and even mines pops up like customers on a black friday sale.
Sonic: ain't that a little too expensive to be thrown around to get crushed? How much do you even tax your people eggman?
Eggman: My people live great, there is no starvation and poverty like beggars of mobius. Even the least stable person never has to worry about food or shelter.
Sonic°: Then why are you so hell bent on world domination?
Eggman: Are you seriously asking me that? I tried to use the chaos gems to fuel my death egg and you stopped it, I tried to make a army to expand my territory and you stop. I even tried to use the Phantom ruby to solve my problems but you just barge in and now I don't remember where it is.
Sonic°: As if you need a army of robots powered by living animals.
Eggman: Enough of this, ATTACK.
Meanwhile Sonic is speeding around trying to find Eggman's control room.
Sonic: Just how much did this guy spent on a kidnapping? I say he would have become a world leader if he spent that much to start campaigns. Atleast this systems don't have any magic runes or stuff, those sealing circles are nasty.
Sonic meets a few robots and sensors but nothing the ruby can't solve.. phasing through everything,he needs to be done quickly or those side-effects will strike. He has about 9 mins before the energy hits 30%.
He checks every corner of the city before moving towards the lobby area. He makes a few reroutes as he hears Sonic° breaking robots while mocking eggman.
Sonic: He truly loves his freedom I guess. I wonder if I would have been like that if 'that' didn't happen.
Sonic°: is that all you got eggman? Why don't you just free the Princess to stop wasting time?
Eggman: YOU!!... When I awaken the flames of disaster I will make sure that your brother tails be its first sacrifice. Wonder how you would feel at that time HAHAHA. *Turns around at some sound* Who are you? How did- ahhhhhh.
The screens turns off and the remaining robots stop.
Sonic°: Guess he found him, I should just go find elise and get out of here. *Turns around*
The screen turns again to Show Sonic with his mask on.
Sonic: wrong way you moron, She is in the guest room.
Sonic°: Oh, Thanks. *Rushes for the guest room*
Sonic: *turns off the cameras* How did someone like him become a hero? I bet it was some power of friendship bs.
Eggman: Can't argue with that, he indeed have some ability called double boost.
Sonic: *turns to eggman who is currently tied up to his chair* And you.. why the hell would you change your name to eggman?
Eggman: I thought it would suit great for someone who brings machines to life.
Sonic: That some lame excuse. No backstory, no style either..
Eggman: *a tear in his eye* even sonic never went that far.
Sonic: *brings out a tablet* Forgot about that, We got more important things to do. *Hands the tablet to eggman*
Eggman reads through a bunch of pages to find a negotiation agreement,a bunch of information regarding connecting the world and some info on Iblis.
Eggman: I died to that brainless hivemind? I would have doubted you if you didn't have my password as well as two chaos emeralds.
Sonic: So.. what will be your stance?
Eggman: I got no problem if I can meet another person of same passion, even if it is another me.. But I say we try to destroy that Hivemind permanently to avoid any incidents.
Sonic: You seriously support it? *Astonished* I doubt that.
Eggman: Even if I am a greedy man, I am not suicidal enough to fight people who are literally years ahead in manpower and technology. Aren't you a perfect example?
Sonic: as long as you don't do some unredeemable bs, you can consider yourself safe from me.
Eggman: So how long to link? *Greedy smile* I am dying at anticipation of thousands of new technologies.
Sonic: I don't know but not more than 2 months. I- one sec * checks a message sent by tails* Change of plans.
Eggman: *confused* What do you mean by change of plans?
Sonic: *unties eggman* take this thing straight to barren winds mountains... Also make sure to play your part well.
Eggman: What do y-
Sonic leaves and dashes towards the guest room.