Mage: My name is Sonica.
Sonic frozen like a statue, his eyes blanked out underneath the helmet.He could have accounted for anything but a female version of himself. While he was lost in his thoughts.
Sonica: Um. *Nervously* Could you let go of my hand.
Sonic comes out of stupor and lets go. He puts a hand on back of his head as he embarassingly apologized.
Sonic: sorry, I was just shocked, *his eyes subconsciously scan her* 'she looks beautiful and gentle compared to them'*realised what was doing and blushes* Bye.
Sonic blurs away before Sonica could say anything.
Sonica: Quite weird for a knight... Whatever let's go back to granny.
Sonic enters the house and instantly sits on the seat, to others it appeared as if he teleported.
Tails°: How did it go?
Sonic: Good. Forget about that we have bigger problems... Can you guys leave for a second?
Magia and the hunter named ato left them and went to talk about the tax problem.
Tails°: What is it?*sips on tea*
Sonic: there seems another versions of us in avalon now.. I meet a female me.
Tails°: *spits tea and wipes his mouth in shock* What??? *Brings out a tablet and pen and begins writing* That some news.
Sonic: Do you not get it? You may h-
The main door opens as a yellow fox with goggles,a toolbelt and a hammer in hand calls.
Blacksmith: Miss magia, is my aetlwood supply re- *his view drifts off to tails°*
Tails° stands up as he and blacksmith stare at each other. They both simultaneously mirror each other in coincidence, first they tapped eachother's noses,then matched there double tails, then made similar faces which made Sonic burst out laughing.
Blacksmith & tails°: Who are you? Who am me? *Points fingers at eachother* Answer me first.
Sonic: *wheeze* no way *grabs his stomach and laughs again* You two ain't even different people now but same person in two dresses.
Tails°: *furiously Looks at Sonic* this ain't funny.
Blacksmith: *confused* Who are you people? *Turns to tails* Why do you look like me?
???: Um augus is that you?
From outside the house Sonica arrives.
Tails°: Oh look it's your version now Sonic.*smiles smuggly at Sonic*
Sonica: Version? What's that?
5 mins later, the group is sitting at the table.
Sonic removes his helmet to show his face that matches Sonica alot, both augus and sonica panic after seeing it.
Augus: *grabs her shoulder* Don't even think about it.
Sonica: *complains* Why? Look at him, a knight, strong,Good looking, and even got a wyvern as per now.
Sonic: *senses danger and slowly begins retreating* What is she talking about?
Before he could Sonica used magic to teleport and latch onto Sonic from behind.
Sonica: It took me 3 years to find a good candidate, you ain't leaving.
Caliburn and Oberon materialized and floats beside Sonic.
Caliburn: At the speed you are getting lovers you may just have more wives than the previous king.
Oberon: Well atleast he won't have to regret it like the past one who had arranged marriages.
Caliburn: True.
Sonic: SHUT UP.
Sonic grabs them both and silences them. Tails° and augus together helped get Sonica off Sonic while she cries and sobs. Augus had magia take Sonica away before turning to the duo.
Augus: Sorry about her. She couldn't find a single husband candidate all these years...*turns to Sonic *Those swords... What are they?
Sonic: Have you heard of Excalibur?
Augus: That is excalibur?
Caliburn pops again.
Caliburn: I am Caliburn, the untransformed form of excalibur you could say.
Augus: wait wait... Aren't the excalibur supposed to be with the king?
Caliburn: He is the king of camalot in another world or more accurate to say the chosen crown prince of camalot.
Augus spent some time understanding the situation and entered a briefing session.
Augus: So basically,our king has been corrupted by abyss because he forgot to take his caliburn out of pride and your here to help? Where is his caliburn now then?
Sonic: Caliburn said it was at a lake called misty lake protected by house rose.
Caliburn: Sonic.. this world's house rose is destroyed. Lady nimue is still alive and living at the misty lake thanks to remanent power of the scabbard she enchanted for arthur.
Tails°: dead? All of them?
Augus: You mean the traitor families?
Caliburn: They were not traitors, the king has become a living corpse, living on the immortality from the scabbard and a puppet of the Abyss. He gathers innocent to feed the Abyss and the knights of the roundtable have been forced to obey due to their vows to the throne.
Sonic:Now this is bad. We need to tweak the plan.
Tails°: what's the plan?
Sonic: We first go find lady of the lake and get the method to stop arthur's immortality if we want to end it.
Augus: You want to kill the king? I will not support yo-
Caliburn: Your king is already dead, the current king is nothing but a puppet with no soul. We will end his suffering and help the kingdom rebuild.
Tails°: But where will we find a replacement for him?
Oberon:*materialized* Are you a idiot despite your IQ? The wielder of excalibur is supposed to be king of camalot. So technically as long Sonic can wield this world's caliburn he will technically be the king.
Sonic: Hey i -
Augus: *sparks in his eyes, he grabs Sonic's hands and shakes them while smiling* I guess we can count on you. Our new king.
Sonic couldn't even refute the responsibility and had to relent. Augus left saying he will go gather any people of trust, including merlin and merlin's granddaughter merlina.
Tails°: I got a map of the kingdom from magia and some emergency food. *Passes Sonic the map*
Sonic: Good we should leave then, I will go make sure the wyvern doesn't try anything funny while I am away and you go get tornado and help augus. I will deal with the lake business myself.
The duo leaves after bidding farewell unaware of the person we know their secrets. Sonica sit in the attic, eyes staring at the reflection from her magic.
Sonica: He is the king? I am not letting him leave me. I will not stop at any cost. They didn't think I had marked him for a teleportation and spying... I will not be dying unmarried after I have found the perfect candidate.
Unaware of the brewing plans of the sweet Sonica, Sonic runs through the fields of camalot, he had the villagers leave the Wyvern alone and had the wyvern just sit around without any violence unless attacked first. He cut open a small prison along the way and freed innocents from the Abyss soldiers. Sometime hours later.
Sonic: So this is misty lake huh. Pretty deserving of it's name.
Sonic says as he walks through the mist around the area of misty lake through Caliburn's instructions.