
Sonic wields Talos and exits the bathroom, the restaurant has become a mess with barely anything left intact. No sign of his friends either, just Corpses. Burnt Corpses.

Sonic: They really cooked them good, this things are not even stopping at well done but Congratulations level. Hum that could be useful.

Sonic picked up a cloak and a mask from nearby and put them on.

???: Hands up mf. This is Omega-9 we have a hostile in the a-argh.

Sonic throws Talos and pierced through the soldier, he pulled back the chains and the soldier came flying at him, straight into his grip.

Sonic: *puts some effort to deepen the voice* so they had some left behind. I should leave.

Sonic throws the soldier to the side,twirls Talos by the chains (like GOW) and severs the soldier in two. He proceeds to warps himself up. He sees a barricade and walks through the front.

Soldier leader: What do you mean shoot there is nothing in front of us? *Turns to the other soldiers* You guys see anything except this ruins?

Soldiers: No sir.

Leader: You hear that? Repair your faulty detectors. They seem to detect the ghosts now uhhh-

With a light swing of Talos, the heads fell in unison, Sonic kept moving as if nothing happened, he throws Talos into the nearby building and pulled himself up to the roof.

Sonic: This is hell.

Sonic sees smoke coming from across the city, broken vehicles and fire raging everywhere. There are soldier corpses everywhere but still no sight of his friends, he begins warping across huge gaps while jumping through the small ones( He still got the sword passive boosts)

Sonic: didn't know those bastards will destroy the city to find their enemies. They aren't even here but just chilling in their villas while these..*kicks away a sniper corpse who had it's head blown off* Puppets do their bidding.

Caliburn: 'Cowards, no wonder they have a lot of enemies. They are just using the resources as they wish while people starve.'

Oberon: ' even I had more dignity than those piles of sh*ts. Atleast I took after I fought myself.'

Sonic: i guess they are truly beyond redemption if even the bloody tyrant of conquest is disgusted by them. *Sways to the side to dodge a bullet* Great more enemies.

The next second, Sonic disappeared from the sniper's view.

Sniper: The HELL. Did he just fade out of existence or- why is their a heat signature behind me.

Sonic: It's death jack***. *Cuts the head off* Know who you must not pick a fight with. *Notices something to the side* heat signature glasses. Better than nothing.

*Puts on the glasses* These seem to show the radar. Jackpot.

Sonic made his way neutralising snipers and left behind soldiers as he makes his way towards a place with a lot of soldiers. He sees another person hiding somewhere in a distance but it is not a soldier, the technology is quite better than normal soldier ones.

???: S**t, There are just too many of them. Olivia how is it at your side? Juggernauts? I can't handle those, I am busy helping Vanessa and the others.

Sonic: *sits behind her* 'he is quite focused but how can one be unaware of their surroundings' Hey bud need help?

The sniper shrudders and quickly turns around to see a person Crouching beside him. He looks at Sonic baffled.

???: The hell? How di- wait.

Sonic: *aims a blade at the neck* Whose side are you on?

The headset falls to the side, A voice that sonic quite remembers come out.

Olivia: Hey rex, Stop lazying around we need support... Rex?

Sonic: That voice seems similar... Her name was Olivia if I remember. *Looks at the kid who looks barely 16* A teen tiger huh? I am on your side kiddo.

Sonic pulls back Talos and looks down at the skirmish going down there, Lupin and boros seem to be using ballistic assault rifles, tao is their heavy tank with a minigun, Gizo is their neutraliser and is going around in invisible cloaking. Felix is their demoman, blasting with a grenade launcher with mines set around him.

Rex: Olivia.. Did we have any guy that wields metal swords , a metal mask with a cloak? He just sneaked up on me and almost gave me a heart attack.

Olivia: What the hell are you talking? Stop this nonsense and fight..

Rex: Hey-

Sonic: Oi kid.. where are you all escaping from?

Rex hesitates for a min but opened his mouth when he remembers he won't be alive if Sonic was a enemy.

Rex: The under-construction passageways in district-7.

Sonic: How much time will it take you if I distract them?

Rex: 6 mins Max if we move at full speed.

Sonic cracks his neck and knuckles.

Sonic: 10 mins. Make them count.

Rex looks at Sonic confused when he just vanishes in front of him, next second he saw a explosion happening near the soldiers blocking their way to the passageways.

Rex: *picks up the headgear* Vanessa run for the passageways we got 10 mins.

Vanessa: *takes cover while reloading her sniper* 10 mins of what? We are surr- why is the bullet sounds less?

Vanessa takes a peak to see all the soldiers in their front gone. The firing from the rear and side is still there but is lessening by the seconds.


The group had questions but no one questioned hearing the seriousness in her voice. Just as they were about to make a run for it, a giant pod crashes down in front of them, it transforms to reveal a giant mech with a arsenal of weapons.

Felix: Don't worry I go-

The group stares as the mech stops moving and next second falls to the ground in two different pieces.

Felix: The h-

Vanessa: Run.

The group left while sonic massacred soldiers , he used time field to fast forward time on himself and weaved through bullets while cleanly cutting soldiers and mechas to bits. For mechs he brought out Argus, for flames and electrical attack Oberon, Talos for snipers and distraction and caliburn to kill the foot soldiers.

Sonic: Thankfully I have the ruby to amplify Time field Or i would be cheese right now.

Infinite: If that happened, then you would just have activated Argus and killed them during its half angel state.

Argus: Can't argue with that. Had been years since I saw this much bloodshed. Reminds me of those dirty nobles before arthur took the throne.

Caliburn: Those were indeed scums.. well most of them atleast.

Sonic: Enough gossip, we got enough soldiers here.

Sonic again arrived at the rooftops and begins cleaning direct blockades for the group, the side fire was not his problem for now atleast and they seemed to be doing well.

The group made their way until they reached the under construction tunnels. Just as they were about to leap in.

???: going somewhere?

A robotic voice came from inside and a animaloid robot came out, it was far more advanced compared to others and immune to EMP. A bunch of other robots also remove their invisibility.

Boros: They sent a punisher squad for us.. we are doomed.

Punisher robot: Prepare yourself for the punishment for diso-

???: I remember I told you people to ke- Oh robots seem to have avoided my surveillance.

From somewhere on a nearby Tower, Sonic looks down at robots with disgust and contempt. ' they look ugly with that fake skin.' was the only thought that came to his mind.

Sonic: Well... I will just get this done with. *Brings out the emeralds*

The next second, the punisher squad vanished in front of them alongside the mysterious figure. The group wanted to ask what just happened but there was no one to give answers. They entered the tunnels and left to meet at their destination.

Sonic: I guess I will follow them. Not like I could return to my apartment.

Sonic cloaks himself with some of Ruby's illusion powers and begin following them.