Sonic: So this is the military base you were talking about? Quite a fancy one I will say.
Albatross: This is one of biggest air bases of the alliance,being good looking is a understatement.
Sonic: So you all gonna go and meet your superiors or something?
Vanessa: Boss and his elite squad will. My and olivia's squad will stay in the Submarine.
Sonic: Guess I am staying then, I am not really good with formalities and bowing to strangers even as a greeting.
Albatross: As you wish, we will contact you when we can all go in.
Olivia: Ok, rex you got any of your gamepads with you?
Rex: Sure. Today I will win and seal my 100th win.
Olivia: *smirks* or your 300th loss.
Olivia and Rex leave for the lobby, boros, felix and Tao went with Albatross saying then will use their connections to override some of the boring procedures.
Sonic: You guys can do what you want. I am going to get a stroll.
Lupin: Take care.
Gizo: You should do maintenance for equipment if you got so much free time. A jammed weapon is worse than a broken one.
Vanessa and Lupin nod and go to the stockpile and begins repairing their items.
Sonic opens up the door of Submarine's sail and leaves. He jumps onto the shore and takes sometime enjoying the fresh air.
Sonic: I was suffocating in that cramped place, I prefer the freedom of moving to be honest.
Caliburn: We all do, so where are you going now? Follow the others silently and visit the base or go around?
Sonic: Let's go around and explore a little and then go make a visit to the base.
Caliburn: as you wish.
Sonic ran through the tree tops,through the forest and the sandy shore. He found a military outpost as well and decided to do some research. He activated ruby and Talos's power and went around the base undetected. He eventually found the data center and saw a good bunch of information like accessible area of the military, resource exhausted places where no-one goes, the location of military outposts and even the location of supply and escape routes for soldiers in emergency. He decided to end his search and proceeded to the main base.
The main base was a giant fortress with extreme security, it was made of mostly metal and armed with anti-vehicle and anti-aircraft weapons. It even has a giant something pointing at the sky that looked like a anti- carrier weapon.(Carriers are basically giant spaceships like the ones you see in halo.) Sonic walks in completely concealed and enters undetected.
Sonic: Quite good looking I will say, robotnik and tails would have loved to see all these technologies.
Oberon: 'indeed.. those machine fanatics would have disassembled the entire base to inspect every part and then put it back together good as new.'
Sonic: Let-.. isn't that albatross over there? Let's go see what they are doing.
Sonic makes his way to the walking group of albatross and apparently the high general of the base.
Albatross: pleased to meet you general ptron.
Ptron: I am pleased too mr. Albatross through I am quite surprised for the sudden visit.
Albatross: Shall we talk the details over in the meeting room, we have quite a load of things that need discussion.
Ptron: Sure. *Turns to a soldier to his side* Get the guests some food and take them to meeting center. Also tell the specialists to call a personal meeting with head of Diamond cutters.*walks away*
Soldier: Yes sir. *Bows to albatross* Please follow me sir.
Sonic: Well should we follow the general?
Argus: 'i say we do, we already know what albatross is gonna talk about, might as well learn something else.'
Talos: ' I agree,better learn something than eat some biscuits and tea in a meeting room.'
Sonic: it is decided then.
Sonic followed the general down many floors underground. He went through a bunch of scanning rooms where Sonic just phases through the walls.
Sonic: The heck is the guy going to? I can sense that albatross and others are still many floors above.
Going through the doors, eventually the general stops in front of a room.
Ptron: General ptron asking for audiance.
???: ... Come in. Alone.
The soldiers stand guard outside while the door opens and general goes in to meet a old looking badger enjoying a fine cuisine and wine.
???: Come sit ptron. Anything special happened for you to find me at this time.
Ptron: minister sir, the diamond cutter branch in vilnos city was found out and they have came escaping to the base. They demand a audiance with the head.
???: I see. Connect me and the head with them.
Sonic: Now this is interesting. Let's watch the political drama.. wish I had a popcorn right now.
Soon a three window meeting was made, one showed the head of Diamond cutters a orange crane, the minister and the group.
The crane: Albatross, how did the information get leaked? I doubt your experience was lacking.
Albatross: Grandmaster arier*bows* one of our former elites was killed and then controlled.
Arier: I see. How much info did they get?
Albatross: sir, they gained only the locations of our base and our branch's people. They did get anything on other places.
???: That is fine then. I was hoping that we don't leak any important info.
Arier: I was told you have something else to report. What is it?
Albatross: Sir we were helped by a person who seems to have powers much stronger than esper, citrons or even the empire's goliaths. He is capable of instantly erasing a punisher squad at a flick of his hand.
??? Amusing. How very amusing. What does he want? In this world help doesn't come for free.
Albatross: minister sir, he says there are other universies that exist in the world, apparently he can from another one and got stranded her.
Arier: Other universies? Keep going.
Boros: I am one of the main witness grandmaster. He says that the power source of the empire's capital, the giant gem we have known about is not just a power source. Apparently it is using something called chaos energy and gathering it. He is says it is his ticket to his world and a way for our world to gain access to so called chaos energy.
???: Oh.. now this is just mind-blowing. A power that should have belonged to everyone is being horded by the empire. Anything else?
Boros: Sir, he actually arrived with us here and want to enter negotiations. He says he will teach us the ways to use this chaos energy to gain supernatural powers that are learnable if we help him gain access to the gem.
Arier: I see. We have heard enough. General proceed.
Albatross: proceed? Wha- grah *clutches his chest and falls to the ground* What what is-
Arier: You failed your mission. We can't have the empire blame us for a terrorist group now can we? Even if we are liberation army that fights to remove the empire's monarchy. International relations requires sacrifices.
Albatross: graand mas...
Everyone in the meeting room falls to the ground. They were poisoned with nano bombs.
???: well this takes care of it, let's deal w-
Sonic: You worthless pieces of shit.
The general and minister turn their head behind to see Sonic staring at them with barely contained rage.
???: who are you ho-
Sonic: shut up you scum.. it's always same, power and politics blind people and corrupts them... *Takes argus in hand* since you backstabbed us.. I will graze your entire world to ashes.
Sonic flashes past them cleanly cuts the general's neck. He then broke both of the minister's legs and threw him into the corner.