Ch 5: A peculiar Goddess

Sitting on his throne, Noah analyzed Shuri who was now kneeling in front of him like a faithful devotee who had just met her god, which in a way was not wrong considering the woman who was next to Noah . To understand better we need to go back a few minutes before Shuri entered the throne room. 


A few minutes before.... 


Noah felt an extremely strong soul in the surroundings, expanding his cosmic feeling, he saw the body of a beautiful woman lying on the damp mountain soil. 


Beside the body, a translucent figure watched the body on the ground with wide eyes. Obviously the figure would be surprised, as the body on the ground was his. 


Noah may be older than some universes out there, but he still remembers his first life. Even though he's not a 100% otaku , he still read some novels to pass the time, and he soon met the beauty lying on the ground. 


' Shuri Himejima !' 


Unfortunately, he couldn't turn Shuri into a Quazzennyan , as the cooldown time hadn't yet ended. This was a rule so that he wouldn't break the balance of the vast omniverse . Despite being a cosmic entity, he wouldn't dare break the rules of the beings above him. If a large number of Quazzennyans appeared out of nowhere, it would be a great catastrophe. 


This is because of the nature of the race Noah created. Quazzennyans were literally walking quasars. And what was a quasar? Simple. 


A quasar is the luminous core of a galaxy. Simple, right? 


These nuclei have practically infinite energy, all because they are powered by massive black holes. For the uninitiated, this is the large dark mass at the center of a galaxy. 


Just from that, it was already possible to know how dangerous it would be for several Quazzennyans to roam free out there. 


After thinking for a brief moment, Noah had an epiphany. 


'What if I dilute my blood by creating a Sub-race?! They wouldn't be limited, and when the cooldown is over, I can turn them into Quazzennyans !' 


This plan was truly brilliant, in every way. 


First, by nullifying the current disadvantages to increase his race, because whenever he transforms someone, he would need 1 year to transform another person. This taking into account that it is not really a transformation, he just plants the seed of his race in the individual's body, so they complete missions and generate energy, thus increasing the quality of the blood to be able to really evolve. That's what happened to Rose, but in her case it was a little special because... 


She skipped some steps... 


Just a few.... 


Returning to Shuri , the disadvantage of the seed was exactly that. In this kind of occasion, where Noah met someone he really wanted in his race but without the seed still on cooldown , he ran the risk of losing a good seedling. 


But if he dilutes his blood, thus creating a subrace, it will be much more effective in the early stages. 


Now the problem is how to get to Shuri ? With Rose it was easy to plant the seed in her body, thus linking the system. 


'Well, since I'm in Japan, I need the help of the God King of this territory.' Noah thought and then as if he was never there, he disappeared from the mountain. Shuri didn't even notice him leaving, to be more exact, she didn't even know she was being watched. 


kidnapping plan - I mean recruitment - in mind. Noah opened a small rift that would lead straight to the Shinto God King . Noah 's teleportation powers were very convenient sometimes, he didn't need to know where the place was. With the simple fact of him wanting to be there, space itself would open a passage for him to reach his destination. 


Passing through the crack, which closed right after he passed through. Noah was in front of what looked like a cave, which left him extremely confused. 


'Is this right?' Noah thought as he looked around curiously, soon he spotted a river and some buildings that were on the other side of the river. 


"Who's there?" said a melodious voice that came from inside the cave. It was a soothing voice with a hint of warmth. 


Noah 's attention , who focused his eyes on the figure emerging from inside the cave. When the first rays of light touched the figure's skin, Noah was momentarily enchanted. 


In front of him stood a beautiful Japanese woman, only 1.65 meters tall. Her long black hair, with a slight shine, fell in a cascade almost touching the ground. She wore a beautiful white kosode , with a red hakama . 


* Cough-Cough !* 


Regaining his composure, Noah coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment at having stared at the beautiful woman for so long. Now that he took a closer look, she did appear to be a miko . 


"Sorry to bother you, miss. I believe you are a miko in the service of the king god, right?" Noah asked with extreme confidence. There was no way his assumption could be wrong, since the beautiful girl was wearing an outfit commonly worn by priestesses in Japan. 


"No!" the beautiful woman replied with a faint smile forming on her cute face. 


"..." Noah . 


Noah 's face , the woman's smile grew brighter and she approached him with small hops. Leaning slightly towards Noah , she poked his cheeks with a playful smile and asked, "What makes you think that?" 


Regaining his composure again, Noah looks the woman up and down before answering a little uncertainly. 


"Your clothes?" Noah asked hesitantly. 


" Ara~ara , you can't judge a book by its cover young man!" exclaimed the beautiful woman, still poking Noah 's cheeks . 


Noah was amused by this little miko , who claimed not to be a miko . He looked at her carefully before activating his status ability. 



Name: Amatersu-ōmikami 


Race: True Goddess 


Titles: Goddess of the sun, One of the three precious children, The Goddess-King of the Shinto pantheon, The ruler of the Takamagahara heavenly kingdom . 


Level: Universal Goddess 3rd level. 


Information: Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the universe in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion. 



Upon seeing the information, Noah couldn't hide the surprised expression on his face. Which drew a few soft chuckles from Amaterasu. 


"It seems I've been discovered." Amaterasu said, patting her own head lightly as she tilted it slightly to the side and stuck out her tongue. 




"Why is the goddess-king wearing a miko 's outfit ?" Noah asked, letting out a helpless sigh. This was not the image he had of the gods in his mind. Despite having lived through many universes, he had only known one goddess, which was Life. But here is Amaterasu, breaking all of Noah 's preconceived notions . 


She didn't have the arrogance expected of a god. In fact, she seemed more like a ' ara~ara ' milf , extremely affectionate. 


Noah 's cheeks , and with as serious an expression as she could muster, which wasn't much, she looked at him and asked, "Then what do I call you sir?" 


" Noah , you can just call me Noah ." 


"I understand Mr. Noah , I am Amaterasu, although I have a slight impression that you already know." 


"Hmm!" Noah nodded . 


"And what would be the reason for your visit, Mr. Noah ?" Amaterasu asked. She needed to be cautious with Noah . From the beginning, she felt that a foreign deity had arrived in her home. And the worst part was that she could not see the level of power of the visitor. This led her to two hypotheses: 


'Either he's stronger or he's using some artifact.' 


After the introductions, Noah explained to Amaterasu about Shuri 's death . Which caused her beautiful face to show a frown, but it soon disappeared with a resolute look upon hearing Noah 's plans . 


He wanted to use the power of Amaterasu, who was the goddess Shuri worshipped, to resurrect her as a star. The subrace derived from the diluted blood of a Quazzennyan . Even though he was stronger than her, there were certain restrictions that she could break that he could not. This is because Amaterasu is a resident of the world, a high-ranking one. Since Shuri is her follower, she also has more freedom with Shuri 's soul , so she can take it out of the cycle of reincarnation without any problems. 


Now it was time to find his Shuri and make her the first star, which would later become part of the Rosemary constellation.