Episode 9
"This way Jack! Now smile!"
"Now face the camera and fold your arms. Turn your head a little… great!"
"Zoe! Keep smiling!"
He wondered if his vision would ever return again to normal. He never knew photo shoots lasted for hours.
In an incredibly savvy move from the public relations firm hired by the LAPD, they reached out to People Magazine and made a deal. They could run a story featuring his relationship with Zoe, including an exclusive interview and a photoshoot. Of course, the LAPD had permission to use any of the photos for their own social media accounts and publicity materials.
The editors in the magazine immediately jumped at the opportunity and he and Zoe were whisked away to a studio for the photo shoot. It was strange, he didn't really understand the theme of the shoot, but he was mostly directed by the photographer to pose in a subservient manner to Zoe.
They had dressed him as well in a variety of police uniforms, and it had been the first time he experienced the short-sleeved uniform for patrol. It felt wonderful, and that made him even more determined to pass his six-month exam and earn the right to wear it.
Zoe wore mostly suits, blouses, skirts and heels. They were shorter than what she usually wore in the station, displaying her toned legs.
"Everyone take five!"
He reached Zoe who looked amused by the whole process. She seemed to be enjoying the shoot more than he was.
"What do you think they'll ask us to do next?" He asked her as they headed to a table filled with snacks and drinks.
"Have you carry me on your shoulders?" Zoe teased. There was one pose where he was asked to carry Zoe in his arms in a princess carry. It lasted long enough that his arms were burning in the end. His fiancé was not a dainty little woman, she was incredibly athletic despite her feminine curves and had considerable muscles that she showed when she wore the LAPD merchandise tank top and shorts.
They were also asked to model a variety of LAPD merchandise, from polo shirts, shorts and even jogging pants. It looked like the PR firm was maximizing the opportunity with a professional photo shoot to build a product catalog.
"You know they'll have our faces plastered everywhere once this is over." Zoe reminded him. "So forget about doing undercover assignments in the future."
"That's not for me anyway, that's more Lucy's thing." He replied. "She's the one that expressed the most interest in it even back when we were in the academy."
"Do you think she can pull it off?" Zoe asked after drinking some fancy water with slices of lemon.
"I think so. She's the best at reading people."
"Look. I guess that's what they'll make us do next." Zoe pointed him back to the shoot. The staff wheeled a glass table into place in front of the white walls and then added a comfortable leather chair fit for a CEO behind it.
Papers and everyday items usually found on an office desk were arranged carefully on top of the table, including a mug with the words badass captain.
"You think they will let me have that after the shoot?" Zoe asked while she stared at the mug. "And also that chair?"
The interview that followed the next day was easier, as the reporter who introduced herself as Nat seemed experienced in asking her questions and immediately set them at ease with her casual approach. It was mostly Zoe that answered the questions when the interview started in her office. The woman then followed them around the station to see a glimpse of their daily lives. She signed a waiver without any hesitation as she rode with him and Lopez for one entire shift.
Lopez tolerated the reporter and even answered a few questions directed her way, and followed their instructions when they responded to low-risk calls. It was a completely different experience with Nat as a ride along compared to Payne.
"When will it come out?" Lopez asked the reporter as he parked their shop on the bay.
"If the chief editor approves it, then the following issue." Nat answered.
"I thought it would be released next week?" He asked.
"That was the original plan." The reporter smiled. "But then I saw an opportunity to use your story and proposed to my boss to feature it on the cover."
"The cover?" From his understanding with the representatives from the P.R. firm, their fluff piece was mostly likely a 1-page spread. There were no talks about being on the front cover!
"The interview turned out well." Nat replied as she followed him back to the captain's office. "You're real people, and I think our readers can relate more to your story. And let's be honest Jack, you and Zoe are an incredibly attractive couple. I'm sure we will be able to gain more circulation with your faces on the cover."
Huh. He watched as the perky reporter went back to meet Zoe. They had been given clear instructions by the brass to accommodate the reporter in any way, and that meant clearing up the captain's usually busy afternoon to have a friendly chat with a reporter.
He wondered if there would be any change in his and Zoe's daily life once the issue was released.
[Police Romance]
[The Captain and the Rookie]
Two weeks later he was looking at his face on the magazine stand at the mini grocery store he frequented.
The cover was a picture of him in a short-sleeved police uniform with his arms folded, as Zoe stood by him with her hand on his shoulder and her other hand on her waist, while showing off her shiny police badge attached to her belt. He wore a more reserved smile compared to Zoe's.
He quickly bought the magazine along with the drinks Zoe asked for and headed to the cashier.
"Nice pair of legs on that one." The cashier commented, looking at Zoe as he punched in his purchases. Zoe's pose, along with the tight skirt she wore, showed off her toned legs and a bit of her thigh.
Yes, his fiancé indeed had a very nice pair of legs.
Zoe Andersen
She clenched her fists in anger as she read the report on her desk. Commander West sat across from her along with Grey, both wearing grim expressions.
"Thank you, sir." Detective Jenkins from Robbery and Homicide. He was the one who fed the information to Cole and Southern Front about her patrol route that day.
He was nice to her when she first took up her post, and even gave her a gift on her birthday when she first arrived at Mid-Wilshire two years ago. She instantly rebuffed his advances, and sent a message to the others that she was not that type of woman.
"We will have to investigate the cases he worked on for the last ten years." Commander West added.
"This will be messy." Grey noted. "Defense attorneys will pounce once they hear of his corruption."
"We better get ahead of them." She decided. "Arrest Jenkins immediately, and bring him down through the stairs. I want him to be seen by everyone in handcuffs."
"Got it." Grey replied and left the office.
"I need to send a message." She explained to West.
"Zero tolerance for corruption for dirty cops." Commander West nodded in approval. "Another addition to the Brady list."
Jenkins pleaded his innocence while he was escorted out of his office in handcuffs, escorted by two grim-looking police officers. Everyone stared at him as he was led down the stairs and through the bullpen and into processing. Jenkins bowed his head, unable to meet the eyes of his colleagues in his walk of shame.
The following days she had the detectives scrutinize Jenkins' record and found an instance where he lied in court to get a woman convicted, and it was added to the charges against him. In a few other cases, the court had to release a few other convicted felons due to the doubt in Jenkin's credibility.
She knew the only reason she managed to get through the hectic days of meticulous investigation without tearing her hair off was the thought of getting back to Jack at the end of every shift. He was her reward every night, and Jack was a generous lover. Some of the cases were too confidential to even share with her lover, but Jack understood her position and never pressured her to share details.
They followed up on the cases, but that only opened another can of worms. Following up on one of the freed suspects led to a chain of events that exposed one of her best patrol officers for perjury, Talia Bishop.
The woman told her when she first arrived in Mid-Wilshire that she wanted to be chief of police before she reached 40. Everyone laughed, but she knew the other woman was serious in her statement. She kept an eye on her over the next two years, and was impressed by her professionalism and dedication. Bishop's rookies consistently performed the best in exams, even beating Bradford who was considered to be the best training officer in the station.
"I don't want her to leave the force." She paced in front of Grey's desk in frustration. when the day of Talia's punishment came, a letter of reprimand. "She's one of our best officers."
"She is, captain." Grey replied. "Unfortunately, our hands are tied. It's the chief's decision."
"Either way, her chance to become a detective is gone." Grey continued. "This might force Talia to resign."
"Let's hope not." She replied. She left Grey's office and headed to the break room to cool off.
She found Jack eating a sandwich while he read a magazine. Thankfully it was not one where they were on the cover, and she received enough teasing from that stunt. She resisted the urge to hug him from behind and instead just patted him on the shoulder as she passed him and took out her own sandwich from the fridge, the other half from what he was now eating.
"Hey." She sat down in front of him, glad to focus on her fiancé instead of Talia Bishop's punishment. "How's your shift?"
"Captain." Goodness. His smile still sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "It went as usual. Got a few calls for burglaries and domestic violence."
"Good. So are we still on for tonight?" She felt like a college girl again and confirming plans with her date due to excitement. Her foot accidentally touched his leg, causing him to jerk up and narrow his eyes at her.
"It depends." Jack replied.
"It depends on what?"
"If she was a good or bad girl today."
Oh . So that's how he wanted to play. He would regret that later when they got home. She could be a very bad girl.
Lopez arrived before she could respond, and she noticed the T.O.'s hair was out of place and her uniform improperly buttoned. She wondered what happened to her.
"Officer Lopez, you need to fix your uniform." She glanced at the buttons and the belt that was hanging loose.
Lopez looked down at her uniform and muttered a curse.
"Sorry, captain." The T.O. replied and immediately hurried out of the break room.
"What was that all about?" She asked.
"She got back together with her boyfriend." Jack explained, looking amused at the situation with his T.O. "They've been using the break time to… play."
"I hope it's not in the station." She replied, struggling to maintain her stern demeanor.
"No. It's in her car I think." Jack answered. "And she usually parks at the satellite parking lot. Lots of privacy there."
"Pity you drive a motorcycle, Officer Routh." She looked at him as she sipped her coffee.
"Too bad your office isn't soundproof, Captain." Jack countered, leaning forward. She was about to retort when Lopez came back.
"Thanks Captain." Lopez replied looking more presentable. "Let's get back out there boot."
She watched as Jack waved goodbye to her and followed his T.O. to resume patrol.
The rookies were about to take their six-month exam evaluation to continue with the field training program and she could see their T.O.s have increased their workloads. She spotted a problem heading their way, what she believed was an unnecessary reaction of the LAPD leadership resulting from Jenkin's actions just to avoid being sued.
Chief Williams and his staff decided that every rookie in the LAPD field training program had to complete a training and experience checklist as a primary officer before they were allowed to take the exam. She immediately consulted with Grey and checked the records of the rookies while they still had time and before her station officially received the new memorandum.
Bishop, demonstrating her talent and foresight as a training officer, allowed Nolan to be the primary since day 1. It meant he had completed the extensive checklist required for the exam.
Jack also met the necessary requirements, since Lopez, perhaps taking inspiration from Bishop's training methods, placed Jack as the primary during their second shift of the day since he started training.
Chen needed to complete seven more on her checklist, as a result of Bradford's style of training with a 'watch me and learn' approach. Bradford seemed determined after learning of the additional requirements, and said that 1 week before the deadline was more than enough to complete his rookie's checklist. She had directed control to funnel specific cases to Bradford, while Bishop and Lopez took up his slack.
The next few nights as the exam date came closer Jack spent less and less time with her. She missed him, but she knew how important the exam was as he joined in the group study with Chen and Nolan at the guest house of the mansion where the oldest rookie lived.
Jack Routh
The written exam was difficult as he expected, but the oral exam with Chief Williams felt strange as he stepped out of his office. The older man merely asked a few questions about police codes and procedures, and then that was it. He asked what his plans were, what career path he wanted to take and he even told him he and the mayor expected a wedding invitation in the future when he and Zoe finally decided on a wedding date.
A handshake and an invitation to play golf this weekend and he was guided out of the man's office by his aide.
"How was it?" Lucy asked. She was waiting outside the chief's office, case notes and the rook book in each hand. "You've been there longer than John."
"Strange." He replied. "Just strange."
He said goodbye to Lucy and wished her good luck on the final part of their six-month evaluation exam and made his way back to Mid-Wilshire. By the time he arrived, he changed out of his uniform and left the building. He stopped when he saw his T.O. waiting for him along with Bradford and Bishop at the entrance to the station.
"Let's go Jack. Nolan reserved a table for us. We're going to treat you to a drink, it's tradition." Lopez told him. He followed them a few blocks from the station to a bar that cops frequented.
"How did it go? Lopez asked as they made their way on foot. "I won't forgive you if you get anything less than 90."
"It was strange. The chief was very… friendly." He replied.
"Comes with the perks of having regular dinners with him, and you're also engaged to a police captain." Bradford commented. He didn't hear any accusations in Bradford's tone and looked at the veteran cop. "Do you think it is right to get special treatment?"
"It's politics." Tim Bradford replied. "I know Lopez trained you well, so I'm not questioning your competency as a police officer. You three have been studying every night for the past two weeks either on your own or as a group. I bet you all memorized police procedure and codes by now."
"Yes we have."
"We're just waiting for Chen." Bradford looked at his phone. "She'll follow us."
John looked like a nervous wreck when he arrived at the bar and finally understood why this was a tradition by the T.Os. Some rookies did not handle waiting for exam results and needed to be accompanied until they calmed down He quickly joined his fellow rookie and they traded notes from the exam.
"He just asked you four questions?" Nolan's eyes were wide with amazement. "Lucy texted me that you were in there longer than I have. What else happened?"
"He invited me to golf this weekend. And he told me he expects a wedding invitation."
"When do you plan that anyway?" Lopez asked him as she handed him a bottle of beer.
"As soon as I finish my probationary period, then I'll start thinking about it." He replied to his T.O. "I can't have a honeymoon when I don't have vacation days yet."
"And the wedding rings?" She asked. "Six months is barely enough time to plan a wedding. Does the captain even know?"
"I'll tell her when I saved up for the wedding rings." He answered. "I just want a simple, intimate wedding, but that's just me. I don't know what Zoe wants for a wedding."
"She's a no-nonsense captain, so I think she'll like a small wedding." Bishop added. "What do you think Tim?"
"Small weddings are the best." Bradford answered. "You know every face there, and don't have to worry about the comfort of the guests and keeping them entertained. They're already happy to be there. They know you, you know them."
"So what about two receptions?" He suggested. "One that includes the VIPs in the morning, and another one at night for friends and family?"
"That could work, but it's going to be expensive." Lopez commented. "How many people do you plan to invite to the smaller one?"
"Just all of you I personally know in the station, your families and dates." He looked up and saw his fellow rookie entering the bar. "There's Lucy."
"Took your time boot." Bradford told his rookie and tapped his watch.
"Sorry sir. Traffic was bad in the HQ. It took me five minutes just to get out of the area."
"No matter. Cheers to a good job on the exam." Bradford held up his bottle of beer for a toast.
"To the rookies!" Lopez called out.
"To the rookies!" They all raised their bottles, and even a few of the off-duty cops joined in the toast. Food arrived, and he spent the next two hours listening to the stories of the T.Os. and their own experiences with the exam. By the time he got to the apartment, his fiancé was still awake, reading a book.
She scrunched her nose when he gave her a kiss. "You smell like smoke and beer. You went into that cop bar didn't you?"
"Our T.Os. wanted to treat us." He answered. "I'll go take a shower."
By the time he finished Zoe was already in bed. He soon cuddled with her and hugged her body close to his, causing her to moan in approval and hugged his arm tight to her chest.
He didn't care much for golf when Saturday arrived, but he did like the golf outfit Zoe wore, especially the short skirt she was wearing. She had to remind him multiple times to keep his eyes on the road and not at her legs on the drive to the golf course.
"You never played golf before?" He had borrowed a set of golf clubs and gloves from Nolan, and Ben, Nolan's landlord and best friend heard him and kindly offered one of his spare sets.
He was surprised Zoe owned a set, but she claimed it was expected of her to own a set when she became a police captain.
"Never had a chance to even swing it." He answered honestly. The only lessons he received were from Ben as he showed him how to hold a golf club. They parked their car and carried their golf clubs to the clubhouse where the mayor, the chief and their wives were waiting for them. It was a good thing Zoe warned him of the mayor's wife, he thought she was his daughter.
"Jack, Zoe, glad you could join us!" Mayor Stevens beamed as he waved them over to his table. "Have you had breakfast yet?"
"We woke up late." Zoe replied when they sat and he felt her hand on his thigh. That meant she wanted to take the lead in the conversation. "Thank you for inviting us, Chief Williams, Mayor Stevens."
"Don't mention it." The mayor laughed.
"I was telling Jack the other day that when I was his age, I could hit a ball for four hundred yards. I could have gone pro, you know?" Chief Williams added. "But duty called."
He listened to the man as he continued to share his stories while he ate his breakfast, occasionally nodding and adding his own opinion when asked about a particular topic. Yes, golf was indeed invented in Scotland.
He even explained the origins of the word caddie to the mayor, who was amazed that it came from French military cadets.
"By the way, I need a few of your best cops. One of my friends, Taylor, needs help with security while she's here for her concert." The mayor looked at him and smiled. "I think Jack can handle that, bodyguard duty isn't that difficult, right Chief?."
He saw the Chief looking at him and Zoe. "I'm sure Captain Andersen can arrange that."
He resisted the urge to wince as Zoe's gripped his thigh. Obviously, she didn't agree with their decisions but her face remained impassive.
"Of course Chief." Zoe replied in an even tone. He knew she didn't like what happened but was powerless to do it.
"Excellent! I'll have my staff contact you for details." The mayor stood up and they all followed him. "We're wasting this beautiful morning, let's play golf!"
In his opinion, he didn't play too badly. He came in last, followed by Zoe. The chief and the mayor were neck and neck, but the mayor pulled away at the seventeenth hole with a birdie. That caused him to be in a good mood when their game ended, and treated them to a lunch buffet back in the club.
To him, that was the real highlight of his first golf experience, aside from Zoe's golf outfit. the exclusive club's buffet selections were superior to anything he had before.
"You did good today." Zoe told him on the drive back. She insisted on driving this time since she said she didn't want to be in a car accident. He was sure she was teasing, but her look silenced any retort from him.
"Good? I was way behind all of you since the first hole." He remembered the encouraging comments and advice the mayor and the chief gave him to help his game. It didn't help his concentration with the occasional breeze that lifted Zoe's skirt, revealing the cycling shorts she wore beneath. That was a deadly distraction to his focus.
"That's exactly how it's supposed to happen." Zoe replied. "They felt better about themselves at seeing how they outplayed a younger man in golf and beat him by several strokes. Expect to get more invites from the chief or the mayor from now on."
"So we let them win?" He saw Zoe roll her eyes and gave him a brief look. "Politics, I get it."
"Use whatever influence you may gain in the future for the force." She advised. "So did you enjoy your first golf game?"
"The exercise is nice." He stared at her legs. "But I enjoyed the view more."
"The view huh." His fiancé spread her legs further, allowing him to see more of her thighs and the shorts she wore underneath her skirt. "So you'd likely say yes to a game with just me?"
"Of course." He may be ignorant about many important subjects in his past life, but he wasn't stupid.
"And what do you think about a bet?" Zoe asked. "Whoever wins, gets to do whatever the other wants for an entire day, no questions asked."
His eyebrows raised up in interest. "Anything?"
"Anything." Zoe confirmed.
He saw her smile and wondered what she was up to. Their sex life was strong in his opinion, the sheer passion and attraction they had to each other made up for their reduced time for more intimate moments. He missed the times they spent nearly the entire day practically naked and in bed.
"Then I better practice my golf swing." He replied. He now had an idea of what he wanted to do to her fiancé. He saw a poster of the San Diego Comic-Con coming up. They could drive there on the weekend.
"Work on your putting." Zoe answered, interrupting his fantasies of his fiancé in a costume. "You're going to need it."
Monday morning arrived, and he was so excited to see his scores that he arrived at the bullpen fifteen minutes ahead of roll call. He spotted Lucy and John already sitting at the front table of the briefing room, and he quickly joined them and took his usual seat by the glass wall.
He spent the time flipping his pen around his fingers, while John occasionally looked at the clock. Lucy was checking her phone, refreshing her email constantly hoping the results would arrive by email.
"Looks like the rookies are early today." Bradford commented as he entered the briefing room. "You all must have arrived early. I didn't even see the two of you in the locker room."
"They're just nervous." Lopez answered, taking her own seat beside Bradford. "So do you want to take bets on who gets the high score?"
"No bets. But I will get disappointed if Chen gets a score lower than 90." Bradford stated.
Other officers trickled in, and soon Grey entered, followed by the Captain. She remained by the door, allowing Grey to start the briefing.
"I must say, I was surprised by the performance of our rookies, despite my initial skepticism with one of them." Grey stated. He walked to the whiteboard and with a marker in hand wrote three sets of numbers.
"Mid-Wilshire has the highest scores for rookies in the entirety of the LAPD, well done rookies." Captain Andersen looked pleased as the other officers started to clap. "It also shows the competency of our training officers. Bradford, Lopez, Bishop, good work. You still have six months to turn those three into proper police officers, so don't let up."
"We won't Captain." Bradford promised.
"I usually reveal who got the top scores at the end of the shift, but since your marks are so close to each other, that would be pointless." Grey continued. He started writing their names under each number.
98 – Routh
97 – Nolan
96 - Chen
He got the top marks, but he felt guilty when he remembered the oral exam Chief Williams gave him. He wondered if he really deserved the high score.
"We did it." Lucy whispered in excitement.
"And as a bonus, you get to wear the short sleeves." Grey added.
"Finally!" Lucy added. "Goodbye itchy long sleeves!"
He and Nolan changed to their short-sleeved uniform and headed to their waiting T.Os.
"Looking good Routh." Lopez eyed him from head to toe. "This look suits you better. How many sets do you have with the short sleeves?"
"Just one." He replied. He liked the feeling of this uniform, he felt less constrained and he didn't have to wear that stupid tie. It was nice to see his arms again during the day on a weekday and feel the draft from the air conditioning against his bare skin. It felt like forever with his relentless Monday to Friday schedule. The promise he made when he wore this type of uniform for the first time in the photo shoot was finally completed.
"Let's pass by the supplies store first to get you a few more." Lopez stated.
"What are you doing boot?" Bradford suddenly asked as Lucy arrived wearing a short-sleeved uniform.
"I'm wearing my uniform." Lucy gave a confused smile. "Is something wrong?"
"All my rookies wear long sleeves until the end of probation." Bradford informed her.
He stared at Lopez and his T.O. sensed him looking at her and gave him a smug grin in turn. She was the best T.O. ever.
"But Sergeant Grey said…"
"I have complete discretion on how to train my rookie." Bradford cut her off before she could explain further. "Now go back, and don't forget the tie. Stage 2 of your training begins today, boot."
Lucy looked devastated as she headed back to the locker room with her head bowed down. She came back a few minutes later, looking enviously at him and Nolan and their new uniforms.
He felt energized as he started his first shift. They responded to a few calls on domestic violence and headed to the supply shop before their break.
"You should always have a back-up uniform in your war bag. So I suggest you get at least three."
"I'll get four." He replied. "I don't like to wear used uniforms."
"Good." Lopez replied. "You won't believe some of the cops at the station barely wash their uniforms, they just spray febreeze and call it good enough."
"Like Officer Smitty?" He asked.
The older officer's locker smelled interesting whenever he passed by. He was lucky his locker was farther away and Nolan, whose locker was initially assigned beside Smitty's, immediately requested a transfer within the first week. Even Grey understood the request and approved it without asking for an explanation, and he openly disliked Nolan back then.
"Exactly like Smitty's." Lopez replied.
At the end of their first shift, they got called to the office of the Captain, and he already suspected what the reason was.
"Do you have an idea what this is all about?" Angela Lopez asked as they quickly finished their lunch.
"Some. I think it's a protection detail." He replied.
"V.I.P.s" Lopez looked annoyed.
"I think you'll like this one." He remembered Lopez liked to listen to this pop star's music.
He knocked on the captain's door and waited. She was looking at the papers on her desk and called for them to come in.
"Officer Lopez and Officer Routh reporting. You called for us Captain?"
"Yes, shut the door." The captain looked up and he saw her eyes widen when she saw him. He saw the faint blush on her cheeks as she eyed him for a moment.
"He's been getting looks like that all morning." Lopez stated with a smile.
"I…." It took a moment and the captain cleared her throat, but her eyes remained fixed on him.
"Really shows off his muscular arms." Lopez continued. He could hear how amused she was.
"Yes, thank you for your observation, Officer Lopez. Yes my fiancé does look good in a short-sleeved uniform." The captain replied and then handed a folder to Lopez. "This is an official request from the mayor's office."
Lopez opened the folder and started reading the contents. He could see her eyebrows shoot up in shock. "Taylor? The Taylor Swift is requesting us?"
"It's not all fun and games in this assignment. Her label complained to the Mayor about receiving disturbing fan mail from a stalker, then threats of kidnapping and wanted a more visible police presence around her while she's here in the city for three days for her concert."
"She has her own security of course, but her agency said she'll feel better with a visible police escort near her. They're afraid her image would be ruined if her own security roughed up a persistent fan."
"So it's more of a deterrence."
"Correct, Officer Routh." The captain answered. "You'll be her shadow, in her hotel, the concert grounds and wherever she eats and has a chance to interact with the public. You get off when she sleeps and get back in the morning when she wakes up. Overtime is already approved."
'Of course, her recording company arranged for your living arrangements. You'll be sleeping in the same hotel for the next two nights." Zoe didn't look happy when she said that last part.
"When do we report in mam?" Lopez asked.
"Tomorrow morning you will arrive at her hotel where her security will meet with you in the lobby. You're going to use an unmarked car, so that you won't tip off the fans on where she's staying."
"Yes ma'am." Lopez looked eager at their upcoming assignment
He was about to leave when Zoe asked him to stay.
"I thought it would be a day job and we get to go home at night." He told her once they were alone.
"So did I." Zoe stood up and hugged him. "Call me every night?"
"We still have tonight." He smiled at her.
"I know." Zoe crossed her arms. "Just promise you'll call every night."
"Of course love." He leaned down and gave her a brief but passionate kiss. He stepped back and he could see the lust in her eyes.
"Finish your shift, then head back home. No stops." She ordered. "Do you know why Officer?"
"Why Captain?"
"Because I've been a very bad girl." She replied, twirling a pair of handcuffs on her finger.
Angela Lopez
"No! You're not that lucky." Talia looked annoyed.
"I am that lucky." She grinned as she continued to store additional supplies in her bag. She wanted to bring better clothes, but this wasn't a social event. Besides, she would spend the day in uniform. She usually avoided VIP assignments, but this time she didn't mind.
She could see the envious gazes she received from the other girls in the locker room.
"It's not fair." One of the cops complained. "You already have an eye candy boot that makes your shift pass by quickly."
"I would have stared at him all day." One of the girls sighed. "Did you see him in his new uniform?"
"Did you see his arms…"
"Too bad the captain already got him. I didn't know she liked them that young."
Yes, Routh did look good. She was taken aback when she first saw him in short sleeves. He certainly filled out the uniform well with his broad chest, powerful arms and slim waist. If she wasn't his training officer she would have made a move herself and flirted with him.
Now she had Wesley, but she could still admit to herself that her rookie was ridiculously attractive. And the fact that he didn't know how handsome he was, made him even more appealing. His rookie was all business when it came to police work.
"This isn't just a vacation." She told Talia. "She does have a genuine worry about some of her fans and stalkers."
"You do know the security agency she uses has ex-soldiers and cops?" Talia asked.
"Yes, and that will make our jobs easier, but the presence of a police officer and the authority we represent with our uniform will add to that protection." She replied.
They used the unmarked vehicle but remained in uniform as they went to the hotel where she was staying. Her location was a tightly guarded secret and they were given a number to her head of security.
The man on the phone indicated that they would meet them in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton and take them up to Taylor's floor where she had booked all of the units.
"I've never been inside this place." She told her boot. She stepped forward and entered the door opened for her by the doorman.
She was about to head into the lobby when a large man in a suit, near the height of her boot approached her.
"Officers Lopez and Routh?" The man asked.
"Yes, we were sent here by the request from the Mayor." She replied.
"This way please." The man led the way to the elevators. Once they were inside, he used his card and tapped it to a receiver and pressed for the penthouse.
"I'm Fred Adams, head of Ms. Swift's security team." The large man offered a hand.
After introductions were made, they stepped off the elevator and entered a room. She saw a luxurious sweet, with large comfortable couches and windows with a breathtaking view of downtown L.A.
The colors used in the suite were pleasant to the eye, cool grays and pastel browns and an off-white finish on the walls.
"Ms. Swift and her team would like to meet you as soon as possible." Adams informed them and led them to another room, and she realized the room they were in previously was merely the receiving area.
She saw the famous pop star hunched over a laptop as she sat on the couch.
"Ms. Swift, the police officers are here." Adams announced their presence.
She could see it in that instant as Taylor Swift raised her head and greeted them with a smile. She was curious if the E.C. charm had any effect on a global pop star like it had on regular women. It was clear that it was as potent as ever, or even stronger with his new short-sleeved uniform.
Taylor's eyes immediately locked on to her rookie. She watched as she gave a knowing look to one of the women with her as she stood up and immediately tried to fix her messy hair, an unconscious reflex she knew women had when they saw an attractive man.
"Hi, thank you for being here." Taylor stood up and offered a hand. "I'm Taylor."
She didn't fail to notice that her hands lingered more on Routh as they introduced themselves in turn with polite handshakes.
"I understand that you have been receiving threatening letters, Ms. Swift?" Routh asked.
"Yes." It seemed that the pop star couldn't take her eyes off her rookie. "Are you really a cop?"
"Yes ma'am." Routh replied. "Is there something wrong?"
"Nothing." Taylor merely smiled.
They received pictures and printed messages from the stalkers from Adams, and they asked him about the security preparations. As expected, they were a large team, professional and disciplined.
"Routh, take our luggage to our rooms." She ordered. Taylor was too distracted to answer her questions and decided to remove the source of the distraction.
"Yes ma'am." Routh replied and he put both war bags on top of their respective travel bags.
"I'll show you to your rooms." Adams offered and led Routh outside once more.
With Officer Distraction gone, Taylor and her team shared their worries. From what she read, two suspects were troubling as they even threatened to kidnap her. Others were mostly creepy love letters but overall, harmless, but she couldn't discount the threat. She took her radio and asked to run a trace on the names that threatened with kidnappings.
As she continued discussing the possible threats with Taylor's staff, Routh returned and handed her a keycard to her own room.
She gave a briefing to Taylor and her staff, of what their duties were while they were on this assignment. They agreed to all her requests, especially including them whenever Taylor went outside of the hotel.
Seeing how easy it was and how secure their current location was, she decided to rest for a bit and decided to check out her room. She smiled at seeing how nice and big her bed was. The view from the window was amazing, and when she saw the large bathtub with a view outside the window, she knew what she was doing tonight. It was a pity she couldn't invite Wesley here.
She went to Routh's room and found it was identical to hers. They secured their off-duty weapons in the safe and headed back to the main suite where Taylor continued to prepare for her concert.
"So Jack, can I call you Jack?" Taylor asked Routh as he stared out the window. One of the girls beside the pop star giggled when Jack turned to them.
"Of course Ms. Swift." Routh said politely.
"How old are you?" Taylor asked.
She knew the twenty questions were coming and hid her amusement. It was funny to see the pop star act like a love-struck schoolgirl.
"Twenty-four, Ms. Swift," Routh replied. He gave her a quick glance and she smirked in turn.
"So young!" Taylor replied. "I'm twenty-nine. We're like only five years apart!"
"Where did you go to school?"
"UCLA." Routh replied. "I have a degree in ancient and modern history."
"He also has a minor in music." She added. "Routh is a talented musician."
"Really?" Taylor looked intrigued. "Can you play instruments?"
"I'm okay with a piano, guitar and a tin whistle." She didn't know he could play a third instrument. What the hell was a tin whistle?
"Can you read music?" The pop star grabbed a few pieces of music on the table and handed them to Routh.
"I needed to practice Love Story tomorrow. Do you think you can help me?" She pointed to the grand piano that was in the corner of the suite. "The other group with the band and the musicians haven't arrived yet. I can only practice so much with just a guitar."
Jack looked at her, silently asking for permission. She gave a quick nod and a smile to encourage him. He sat on the bench and started to read the music, testing the keyboard for a few moments.
She knew the song, Love Story was one of Taylor's songs she released in her second album. She took out her phone and decided to record Jack's performance. Talia and the captain would love this.
[Love Story – Taylor Swift]
A beautiful melody surrounded the room as Jack's fingers danced on the keyboard. Taylor and the rest of her staff looked amazed at his performance. The pop star didn't miss her cue and started to sing.
She found it amusing that Taylor started to point at Routh whenever she sang Romeo. Her rookie stared at the music and occasionally glanced at Taylor as he waited for cues and she noticed that he started to play around more with the music and started adding his own flair.
By the time Taylor's performance ended, they all gave a round of applause, even Adams who was standing by the door.
"That was amazing! You were amazing!" Taylor gushed.
"Thank you ma'am." Routh stood up. "I'm glad you enjoyed my interpretation."
"Wait." One of Taylor's friends gasped as she took a closer look at Jack. "You're him! You're Sugar!"
"Oh my god!"
"You're him!" Taylor squealed and grabbed Routh's arm. "I know it's you! I've been searching for you for ages! This has to be fate!"
Taylor pulled him to sit beside her and played a video on her iPad. A poorly recorded video of Routh singing the song Sugar was shown on the screen.
"What are you doing as a police officer!?" Taylor demanded as she rounded on her rookie. She hung back, deciding to use this moment as a test for Routh.
"Don't you know that even my label looked for you for months! Months!" Taylor continued to rant.
"Ms. Swift, I love music, but I love being a police officer more." Routh replied. "I'm satisfied with where I am. Thank you though, it means a lot coming from a famous musician like you."
"Why couldn't I find you?" She complained.
"He doesn't have any social media presence at all." She decided to step in and explain her Rookie's situation. He didn't have instargram, cliptok or even facegroup. He had a private smartphone different from the department issue but he only used Messenger for communication purposes.
"That explains it." Taylor looked determined. "Can we have a selfie?"
"Mam, if you do that, I won't be able to continue my life as a police officer. I enjoy the anonymity I have." Routh replied.
"I promise, I won't tell them who you are." Taylor replied. "I won't even tell them what you do."
"You have to remove that uniform boot. That's a dead give-away." She added, enjoying all the attention on Routh. Besides, she believed her rookie's alter ego needed some boost for his fans. Sugar had been gone for too long.
Routh went to his room and removed his short-sleeved uniform, and came back out a few minutes later with his tight-fitting white shirt that showed off his muscular chest, shoulders and back. He ran his hand through his hair, slightly changing his look. Hot.
Taylor looked taken aback for a moment and then pulled him back to the couch to sit beside her. The pop star immediately took several photos in different poses, encouraging Jack to smile as well. "C'mon Jack! Let loose for a bit!"
"Miss Swift, it's time for lunch." One of her staff reminded her.
"Bring it up here." Taylor replied without looking up from her phone. "I have to post this…filter… sticker… There! Perfect! I posted it on instargram and cliptok!"
She pulled up her own phone and opened the app for instargram. She watched in her feed as Taylor Swift's post appeared. Immediately within seconds there were already thousands of likes.
[Met up with #Sugar in LA!"]
Routh looked devastatingly handsome as he gave a shy smile, with Taylor at the forefront of the picture. It also implied a lot with two attractive people sitting closely together while sitting on a couch. It did not surprise her as the post went viral almost immediately. She stared at Taylor Swift and had to admire the pop star for her cunning.
She had used the opportunity to increase her public image and generate interest in her concert in LA.