
Lucy Chen

She felt a strange sense of déjà vu. It was like being back in high school, except this time they were all police officers inside the bus. She sat in the front behind the driver with John, while the cooler P3 cops sat in the back. Her T.O. Tim Bradford sat beside Angela Lopez, while the P2s mostly sat in the middle.

Of course, their teachers sat in the front seat near the door, Captain Zoe Andersen was their homeroom teacher, with Sergeant Grey in a seat behind her. There was even the kid that jumped from seat to seat eating portions of the snacks the other kids brought to the field trip, as Quigley Smitty wandered up and down the aisle asking for a share of their Cheetos, Lay's chips or Pringles.

To add to the feeling of being on a field trip, they all wore comfortable polo shirts. Short-sleeved polo shirts. She was so happy when she put in on that morning that she didn't even mind the very early schedule for today. Most wore shades, even the Captain, but she couldn't seem to find the right one to fit properly.

 "Are we there yet?" Nolan asked. John was the impatient kid in the class, and she guessed she was the nerd.

"Ten to fifteen minutes with this traffic." Grey replied after he momentarily looked up from his phone to see where they were.

They had a rare half-day off today from patrol for their annual weapons qualifications, and they were using real ammunition. She was excited ever since she learned of their schedule since she had been one of the most consistent in marksmanship in the academy.

"This really feels like a school field trip." She told John.

"There's the teacher, the gym teacher." Nolan was mumbling as he started to identify the people on the bus in relation to his own experiences. Unfortunately he forgot that the gym teacher was just across from him.

"Are you comparing me to a gym teacher, Officer Nolan?" Grey asked. In front of him, she saw the ghost of a smile on the Captain's face as she turned her head to the side to listen in.

"No sir." Nolan immediately denied it. "It's just the gym teacher bullied me in middle school so…"

"So I'm the principal then?" The Captain suddenly asked.

"No ma'am, you're the homeroom teacher." Nolan answered.

They were interrupted by the sound of a motorcycle engine screaming, the noise getting louder. Everyone on the bus turned to the left as a distinct grey and black bike flew past them, and soon disappeared in the distance.

"That was Jack!" She called out.

"I should have brought my own truck." Nolan complained. "I wouldn't have to wake up so early in the morning."

"That's fine if your truck can bypass the traffic like Jack's bike and get there on time." She replied. "Not to mention you don't have to drive or pay for your own gas."

"So if this is a school field trip, then who is Jack supposed to be?" Nolan asked.

"He's the badass rebel." She giggled.

"Was that my boot?" She heard Angela ask from the back of the bus.

"No longer your boot, Lopez." Tim answered her. "I should have borrowed a bike for today instead of signing up for the bus."

That was right, she remembered Jack was promoted to a P2 ahead of schedule. It was well deserved, in her opinion. He had really stepped up after graduating from the academy and was awarded the rare golden ticket.

He hadn't decided what his plans were, but she had a feeling he would find his way to Metro. She always noticed him pay close attention to the tactically armed police officers of B and C platoon whenever they worked with the Metro units for joint operations.

They reached the shooting range several miles from the city that was exclusively used by law enforcement agencies. It was a massive complex, she observed.

Their bus stopped at the designated parking lot, and she saw Jack's bike parked under the shade of a tree. She was the first one out of the bus after the Captain and Grey and saw Jack eating a sandwich outside what looked to be a canteen. She saw the smoothie he had on his other hand and decided she wanted one for herself. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time. She would have gladly ridden behind Jack on his awesome bike again, but she knew the Captain wouldn't be too happy with her if she did that.

"Alright kids!" Sergeant Grey seemed to like her comparison of their weapons re-qualification day to a school field trip and decided to go with it. "Follow the teacher for the safety briefing before we let you all out to play!"

They trooped inside a large seminar hall as range masters waited for them.

"Excited?" She asked Jack as he joined her and John at the front.

"I'm looking forward to trying out the obstacle course." Jack replied. That wasn't part of their firearm re-qualifications, since they only needed to qualify for their duty weapon, the Glock 17. However, most of the officers prefer to maximize the time on the range by familiarizing themselves with other weapons and obstacle courses.

After the safety briefing, their assigned range master who introduced herself as Officer Dixon led them to a section for the requalification process. They were each handed ear protection and safety glasses for the exam. She was part of the first batch, so many of their fellow officers were watching them. She was sure they would be making bets based on how they performed, cops loved to gamble.

"Each target has two sides, the civilian and the suspect." Officer Dixon explained. "When you see the suspect, you have three seconds to get your shots off. If you fire on the civilian side, it's an automatic fail."

She watched the two sides, and she noticed that they were similar to their academy targets. The civilian side had a silhouette with a phone in its hand, eerily similar to the shape of the suspect side that held a weapon pointed at them. The test was not just for marksmanship, but split -second decision making.

"You have 36 shots, two magazine changes. 30 hits is a pass, 29 is a fail." Officer Dixon continued.

"Officers ready?" Dixon looked at them. She put on her ear protection and safety glasses and saw that Nolan and Routh did the same.



Their assigned targets started moving up and down the range and she started shooting, aiming for the center mass. It switched sides in a random pattern, preventing her from anticipating when the suspect side would appear. Her heart beat faster and she realized she needed to change magazines and quickly reloaded her weapon and resumed shooting.

It was too fast. She took deep breaths, checked the weapon if the chamber was empty and placed it on the desk.

The next batch of three stepped up while Grey reported their scores.

"Finishing first, with the fastest time and tightest grouping, Officer Chen." Grey told their group. "Congratulations. You all passed."

"She got lucky." She saw Angela pass Tim a 20. She felt proud of herself for coming out on top of her group and decided to watch the performance of the rest of the officers. It was a testament to the quality of their patrol force that everyone easily passed the qualification exam. Finally she watched as the captain took her turn along with Grey.

"20 on the captain." She whispered to John.

"No deal." Nolan shook his head.

Their captain and sergeant easily passed the exam, and she was sure their groupings were better than hers. The rest of the officers had wandered off to other ranges and she was unsure of what to do next.

"Want to check out the ranges?" John asked. "I heard the metro are here too."


Jack Routh

"Hey Jack!"

He turned around to see Detective Wolfe and Detective Vestri approach him, wearing the same polo shirt.

"Good morning detectives." He greeted back. He rarely saw the two detectives, but when they crossed paths, the two always invited him for a drink or a meal after his shift. He enjoyed spending time with the two, as their advice and insight as one of the most experienced detectives in the station were invaluable to him.

"Just passed your requalification exam?" Kevin Wolfe asked.

"Yes. I'm just looking around and see what course I can take."

"If you're looking for a course, how about I introduce you to some buddies of mine." Elijah Vestri suggested. "They have the most challenging course there."

"Sure." He agreed, curious to see the training of the officers from metro.

"Heard you're eyeing metro?" Vestri asked.

"I'm thinking about it, but I have to gain some experience first as a P2." He replied.

"Then work hard." Wolfe encouraged him. "Hey, isn't that Hondo?"

"Sergeant Hondo!" Vestri called out to a tall black man wearing shades and a white shirt.

"Vestri! And look who it is, the big bad Wolfe!" The large man approached, smiling the whole time as he exchanged handshakes. "Are you showing a recruit around?"

"Nah, Routh is in Patrol." Vestri slapped a hand on his shoulder. "He saved our asses from being turned into pincushions. He just got promoted to P2, I figured I'll show him around."

Hondo looked at him for a moment. "Thinking of joining metro, Routh?"

"I'm thinking about it, Sergeant." He replied.

"I think he'll do well as a detective, but Vestri insists he's a good fit for Metro." Wolfe shared.

"I'm about to introduce him to the boys in B Platoon." Vestri added. "See if he can play with them for a little bit."

"Nah, why don't you play with the big boys Routh." Hondo took over. "C'mon, I'll give you an introduction to the boys in D."

D platoon, that meant SWAT, the famous unit of the elite Metro division. He didn't even realize he was with a sergeant from the famous unit.

Sergeant Hondo introduced him to the squad of ten officers under his command. They gave polite greetings, but he could tell they were evaluating him by the way they looked at him from head to toe. He watched their unique training method as they conducted a head-to-head, two simultaneous obstacle course runs.

The exercise was challenging, they would first use the assault rifle to take out three targets, conduct a tactical reload while moving to another location and then take out another three. They would then proceed to a new section and use a pistol to take out four targets, reload and take out another four. They would then use their remaining rounds to hit the last target at the base of the hill, shooting as they approached it. 

Hondo allowed him to familiarize himself with the weapons and led him to a nearby range where a set of weapons were displayed on the table. "How familiar are you with these?"

"This is the Heckler and Koch-416 Assault rifle with a Trijon scope." He picked up the weapon, as memories from Jack Reacher flashed in his mind. "It has a 30-round magazine capacity with the standard 556 ammunition and its effective range is at around 300 yards."

"Have at it."

He picked it up, checked the magazine and slotted it on the rifle. He pulled the hammer and fired a few rounds on the target after taking careful aim. With his finger on the magazine release, he pulled out the magazine and then inserted it back and fired two more rounds.

"Well, it looks like you know your weapons systems." Hondo commented. "Have you fired this type of handgun before?"

He looked at the handgun on the table. "No sir."

"Why don't you give it a try, see how it feels."

He picked up the staccato pistol and inserted the magazine and cocked the handgun and aimed at the targets. He was amazed at how flat it fired, and stopped after he emptied the magazine.

"Neat huh?" Hondo grinned. "It looks like you're ready, why don't you run the course?"

"Thanks, Sergeant." He smiled back. He loved this pistol.

Zoe Andersen

Her fiancé disappeared after the firearms re-qualifications ended for her patrol officers. Range master Dixon invited her for some snacks and coffee, and once she finished it she couldn't find any trace of her man.

He looked like he needed more sleep that morning, and it was her fault really. She had played with his cock the whole night and into the early morning as she had a very vivid and erotic dream with Jack and actually woke up just as she reached climax. Jack had been awake the entire time and he couldn't help but fuck her while she continued sleeping. It happened a few more times and that was the reason she gave him a few more hours of sleep and just wrote a note as she left for the station. Her sex drive was on overdrive, but that translated into her finishing the paperwork for the department in record time.

She walked around the complex and still, she didn't see any sign of him. She saw his fellow rookies walking ahead and called them over.

"Yes captain?" Nolan asked once they reached her.

"I'm looking for Officer Routh, have you seen him?"

"I saw him walking with Detectives Wolfe and Vestri." Chen reported. "I overheard them talking about watching the metro division training. We were actually on our way there."

"I see. Let's head there." She replied and led the two rookies to the more complex range suited for tactical training. There was even a mini Hogan's alley set up to replicate real-world conditions for exercises.

She reached the far end of the range and saw a group of metro officers standing with a familiar-looking sergeant. Detective Wolfe spotted her first and waved her over.

"Captain! Your man's kicking ass at the exercise!" Wolfe smiled and pointed at the range where two men were standing at the start line, one of them her fiancé. Jack was wearing tactical gear usually worn by D platoon, complete with a helmet, ear plugs and eye protection.

"Your fiance's really talented." Vestri added. "I knew he'd be perfect for metro."

"Fiance?" Sergeant Hondo of D platoon turned to her with a surprised look. "Routh's your boyfriend, Captain?"

"Fiance, sergeant." She corrected him. "How well is he doing?"

"Routh picked up things quickly." Hondo replied as he turned back to watch the head-to-head exercise. "Too quickly. Did he serve in JSOC?"

"No." She replied, confused by the question. How the hell would her fiancé end up as an operator for Joint Special Operations Command?

"Then I don't know how to explain how he's keeping up with my squad. Look."

She turned back to the course and the Range master called for them to begin.


She focused on Jack as he started shooting with what looked to her was the HK-416. His stance was impeccable, as he quickly hit each target twice in the center. His elbows were tight to his body and he leaned slightly on his weapon to provide a stable shooting platform. The tactical reload was quick and efficient, it was as if he had experienced reloading the weapons for years.

Ping Ping

Ping Ping

The targets hit rang like wind chimes as the bullets continued to hit the targets accurately.

"Look at his toes." Sergeant Hondo commented.

Jack pivoted on his right foot whenever he moved to the right, and pivoted with his left foot when he moved to the left. He walked with a natural walking pace, his toes pointed in the direction he was headed.

Jack swiftly moved his weapon behind his back with the straps as he transitioned to his pistol. Again he had that same proper platform, elbows nice and tight to the body in a compressed position.

Ping Ping

Ping Ping

She narrowed her eyes at what Jack just did. The magazine flew away and he smoothly inserted another magazine and resumed firing.

Ping Ping

Ping Ping

"Did he just..."

"Changed magazines with a flick of his wrist?" Hondo smiled. "He called it the wick flick."

The two officers reached the last target and they started expending the rest of their bullets on the target, firing as they walked closer to it.

"Holster your weapon!" The range master called out. He didn't need to inspect the spread of the bullets from what she observed. Jack's target was nearly shredded with a huge hole in the center and a few holes on the head.

"Winner!" The range master pointed at Jack.

"Damn. I want him." Hondo commented.

"You know you can't." She replied. "At least, not yet. He still has to do his time as a P2 and earn experience and other qualifications."

"He's built for this." Hondo replied as they both stared at Jack as he picked up the magazine on the ground, while the rest of the squad teased their defeated member. "But that doesn't mean I can't invite him for training exercises."

"Your fiance's a natural if I ever saw one, Captain." Hondo added. "And to think he'll get better with proper training. Now that's scary."

"Captain!" Jack reached them after he gave back the weapons and gear he used.

"Officer Routh, did you have fun?" She asked while she gave him a small smile. She was amazed and proud of her man's abilities. She had to admit it made her feel… aggressive.

"Yes Captain." Jack turned to the swat sergeant and gave him a nod. "Thank you for allowing me to participate in your squad's training, Sergeant Hondo."

"It's my pleasure. Come by anytime, Routh."

Chen didn't even wait for the SWAT sergeant to get out of earshot before she pounced on Jack. "How did you do that? That was amazing!"

"I just copied them." Jack nudged his head to indicate the elite squad of officers behind him. "They were great instructors. The transition to another weapon was hard to get used to."

"I think you were just a natural at this Routh." Vestri commented. "Watching you made me miss my metro days."

Jack accompanied her for the next hour, and they did find a secluded spot to steal some kisses and a bit of groping. By noon, she decided to ride with Jack instead on his bike. She was a bit embarrassed though as they overtook the bus on the road, knowing her Officers saw her ass displayed up high for anyone to see.

Back in the city after a relaxed lunch and some heavy petting in the bathroom of a restaurant, she was able to control her libido thanks to the oral sex and orgasm Jack gave her. It had been a real struggle not to moan in pleasure as she grinded her cunt on his face while his tongue and lips played with her sex.

When Friday arrived, she looked uncomfortable as they headed to the golf course. Jack was notified that there would be no classes that week due to a scheduled maintenance on the building and he decided to use his free time to challenge her in a golf match. It was still early in the morning and there weren't a lot of people playing when they decided to start their match. The stakes were high, and she was excited.

She didn't want to blame Jack for her loss, but his insistence for her not to wear any underwear beneath her very short golf skirt affected her game. By the third hole she knew she had already lost. She kept playing anyway, aroused and embarrassed at the same time. She did enjoy teasing Jack as she played more holes squatting in front of him as she pretended to line up her putt.

"You're enjoying this too much." By the time they reached the ninth hole, there were more people on the course. It was the last hole, and Jack was ahead by 8 strokes. This was just formality at this point, although the thought of other men being able to see up her skirt as she lined up for a 20-foot putt was incredibly arousing.

"I am. We should make this a regular thing." Jack admitted without shame. Feeling bold she noticed a group of older men heading to the halfway house and she widened her stance more than usual. The men had stopped to observe her, and she shot Jack a heated look. Since their position was higher than the path the men were walking on, she knew they could probably see everything up her skirt.

"You like this?" She asked. She tapped the golf ball and it rolled to within two feet of the hole.

"I like how it's making you hot." Jack replied as he approached her and placed a hand on her waist. "I win love."

She probably had a good chance of winning, but she allowed Jack's request for her not to wear underwear knowing it would mess up her game. Maybe she was curious about what Jack planned to do with her. She finished putting and scooped out her golf ball from the cup, knowing she gave a nice show to the men watching but she really didn't mind it at this point.

"So, you win." She turned to her man.

"I win." Jack agreed, smiling like he won the lottery. "Let's head back. I'll tell you what I want to do to you on the way."

The next morning she was wearing a strange outfit that Jack asked her to wear as they headed to San Diego. While a bit strange, she found the outfit comfortable enough. She wore a blue tube top, leaving her shoulders bare, a black miniskirt, and boots.

Jack had ordered her outfit online, and it initially had a cheap quality shoulder holster to allow for two guns to be secured under each arm. She threw that away, along with the cheap boots and used her own gear that she had lying around. The replica guns with the orange tip she could tolerate and took only one with her since the holster she had could only secure one weapon.

Overall, she liked this costume, and Jack must have loved it too, since he immediately started to make out with her the moment he saw her. He was pumping his cum inside her within minutes, and she was amused at how eager he was. She could see the possibilities with their relationship in the future if he was that eager.

They arrived in San Diego in two hours, and she stepped out and stretched out her arms once he parked her car. Jack was wearing what she guessed was supposed to be a tactical police outfit from a fictional city. He wore navy blue pants and uniform, with a tactical vest with the initials R.P.D. displayed at the front and back. She was giggling when he added the other props to his costume, including the fingerless leather gloves, elbow pads, and knee guards. She was sure his new friends in metro would laugh when they saw him.

She looked around and she saw more and more people arrive at the convention center, wearing a wide variety of costumes. She didn't realize her man was a fan of these things, but she was happy enough to accompany him.

They went inside the convention hall after Jack presented two tickets, and she was assaulted by noise once they entered the venue. It was packed. There were thousands of people inside wearing costumes and outfits while hundreds of booths with various displays lined the venue. She could see large banners and statues everywhere, and she struggled to make sense of it all.

"I'm glad you didn't make me wear those." She looked at the many princess Leias wearing a metal bikini with a maroon loincloth.

"I almost did." He replied as they walked around. "But I thought you would enjoy the experience of going here wearing a more practical costume."

"You're right. Thank you." She hugged his arm and leaned closer to him, happy at how thoughtful he was. Her costume was fine, she could wear it all day, and she appreciated the tube top and the mini skirt now because the AC was barely maintaining an acceptable temperature.

"Thank god you made me wear a thong." She spotted photographers taking pictures with the multiple princess Leias around. They were like bees, circling and swarming around each princess Leia flower as they took photos from multiple angles.

They ate a few slices of pizza from the food stalls and continued their tour, until they were stopped by a costumed character in red and black.

"Jill Valentine!" The costumed man approached them. He was wearing a backpack and had a camera around his neck. "You look fabulous! Can I have my photo taken with you?"

"Sure, Spiderman." She replied. She was not really sure who he was supposed to be and made her best guess.

"I'm not Spiderman! You take that back!" The costumed man jumped back and pointed an accusing finger at her. Okay, comic-con cosplayers are crazy. She smiled and looked at Jack who was laughing at the man's antics. "Sorry, who are you? I'm not that familiar with comic book characters."

"I'm the one and only Deadpool!" The man replied with a bow.

"My fiancé is the one that took me here." She told 'Deadpool'. "It's my first time."

"Well your fiancé is a lucky son of a bi.." Deadpool looked to Jack and trailed off. Jack had warned her about the eccentric people they would encounter. Something about wearing costumes made them act bolder with the anonymity they had.

"Oh my god! Clark Kent! What are you doing working as a cop at Raccoon City P.D.?" Deadpool asked. "Did you lose your powers? Or did you quit the Justice League after you finally lost patience with Batman?"

Jack did have a passing resemblance to the original Superman actor, Christopher Reeves. She looked at him and imagined him in a Superman man outfit, and licked her lips. She liked the idea.

They took a few pictures with Deadpool, and that opened the floodgates as other people started approaching them asking for pictures as well. She didn't even realize their costumes were that good. 

It didn't escape her that boys were the ones that approached her for a picture, while girls were the ones who mostly asked Jack for selfies.

She spotted a few photographers crouching and resisted the urge to kick their cameras away, as they obviously tried for a panty shot.

Jack was enduring the photos well, as more and more women asked for a selfie with him. His costume was perfect protection for wandering hands. She had to politely tell the men to remove their hands from her shoulder. They decided to retreat after ten minutes and continued their tour.

She was admiring the details of the other Comic Con visitors when she heard a woman call out to Jack.

"Is that you Professor Routh?" She turned around to see Jack talking to a pretty blonde. The woman was wearing normal clothes and noticed four men in various costumes standing behind her, looking confused. One had a red outfit with a lightning symbol, another wearing an orange muscle shirt and green pants and an honest-to-goodness sea horse between his legs. The third one had a green and black outfit, and the fourth was the only one she recognized, a Superman costume, complete with a muscle suit.

"Penny." Jack greeted her. This Penny smiled and turned to the four men behind her.

"This is the professor in my community college." Penny told the four men. "These are my friends, Leonard, Howard, Raj and…"

"Doctor Sheldon Cooper?" She was surprised to see Jack knew one of the men. Did he train with them? Well, they looked like they could use some exercise.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you." Sheldon Cooper replied. "I don't hang out at community colleges, I might get infected."

Wow, what an ass.

"We met at a bus stop, you wanted to use the men's facilities but we couldn't allow you to enter since it would contaminate evidence." Jack replied. "I remember that you had a public restroom kit."

"Professor, I didn't know you're a cop." Penny looked confused.

"That's because that's my primary job, I teach at the community college on Fridays as part of the department's community outreach program. Normally I'm on patrol on weekdays." Jack held out a hand and she grasped it, knowing he intended to introduce her.

"This is my fiancé, Zoe Andersen." Jack said, and she blushed a little when she saw how proud he was to introduce her. She looked on with amusement as some of the men's eyes widened and their cheeks flushed when they saw her.

"Fiance?" Penny looked shocked. That's right little girl, he's taken. She smiled at Penny and stood closer to Jack, and gripped his hand tighter.

"That's right." Jack replied.

"You know, you have a passing resemblance to Christopher Reeves." Sheldon stated as he eyed Jack from head to toe. "With your height and build, you can be a good Superman."

"Thank you." Jack replied graciously. "Are you a DC fan?"

"That's right." Sheldon nodded. "It grates me to see all these Marvel Films releasing one after another, and the last DC film was released back in 2012. They should have a Justice League film by now."

She watched with amusement as the two men actually enjoyed their conversation, so much so that they were invited to join the other group for lunch. They happily accepted, and found a few empty tables that they joined together so they could all sit around as a group. Jack, Sheldon and Penny took their orders while she and the other three men saved their seats.

Howard and Leonard tried to engage her in small talk, but she really didn't know much about her character besides being a cop. Leonard happily explained to her that Jill Valentine was an important character in the game and movie, and kept complimenting her looks. She didn't fail to notice that he was ogling her chest. She might as well place another mouth between her tits so they could have a conversation.

She decided to end the conversation with Leonard and changed the topic and turned to Howard.

"Doesn't he speak?" She asked as she looked at Raj.

"Well, he has a condition." Howard confided. "He couldn't speak around beautiful women."

Raj merely smiled at her and then looked away once more.

"So what do you do for work?" Leonard asked, trying again to engage her in conversation.

"I'm a Police Captain." She replied.

"So you're like, Jack's boss?" Howard asked.

"I am." She nodded.

She was relieved when Jack, Penny and Sheldon arrived with their food. As she was eating, she noticed that Raj was staring intently at Jack. He quickly pulled out his phone and started scrolling on his phone.

He then started whispering to Howard who then looked at Jack and started staring as well.

"Don't you know that staring is rude?" Sheldon complained.

"I'm sorry, but Raj said that he knows Jack." Howard showed the picture on Raj's phone. It was a picture of Jack in his real police uniform, with the famous pop star, Taylor Swift in his arms.

"Holy crap!" Penny' eyes widened in amazement. "No wonder you look so familiar! You're that cop that saved her!"

"I was just in the right place at the right time." Jack explained, looking uncomfortable. She knew he didn't appreciate the fame that came with saving a pop star. It made policing harder for him. Sheldon ignored that and seemed determined to convince Jack to take on the role as Superman, as this would reinvigorate the DC franchise.

"You're the perfect actor." Sheldon continued to present his case. "You're already a law enforcement officer, so you share the same values as Kal-El. You have the proper height and build that you don't have to wear a muscle suit. I'll even volunteer as your agent to represent you. I know the studio is looking for suitable actors right now."

She didn't realize how serious Sheldon Cooper was until she received a call from her office.

"Captain Andersen?" A female voice asked.

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Emma Thomas. I'm a producer and I'm calling to ask you about Officer Jack Routh. Unfortunately, we couldn't reach him, so I called your station. We'd love it if he would come in and audition for the role."

"How did you get this number?" She asked.

"Chief Williams gave it to me."

Oh no. It was like with the annoying director Payne all over again.

"I'm afraid he's unavailable." She replied. "Officer Routh is a police officer, and is busy with his duties. It is also against department policy for officers to have a second job."

"I see. But surely we can make exceptions? What about a leave of absence?" The producer asked.

"At this point in his career, Officer Routh needs the experience and further training to get promoted. As his fiancé, I know he is serious about his career." She explained.

"I see. We'll call back."

She was certainly determined.

They were currently investigating a case. Thieves had robbed the supply store, stealing police uniforms. It made them all on edge, as the thought of criminals walking around in genuine police gear made her officers more paranoid. One of her night shift units nearly had a gunfight when they encountered a unit from another station. and they didn't recognize each other. Things calmed down when they started asking using their radios for confirmation.

They needed to resolve this case quickly.

Jack Routh

He looked at the pile of burning motorcycles from the robbery. The smell was terrible, and he wondered if it was from the various chemicals and plastics from the bikes. He and Angela responded to the scene and called dispatch when they realized it could be the motorcycles used in the robbery of police uniforms.

"There's a body in there." He turned around and saw Sergeant Gray and Nolan approach him.

"I'm sorry, but how can you tell?" Nolan asked.

"The stench. It's unmistakable." Grey responded.

They approached the scene to take a closer look, and he was right, they saw the burned body of a man partially buried underneath the burning pile of metal, plastic, and other chemicals.

"That's him, that's one of the guys that stole those uniforms. " Nolan pointed out as he struggled not to throw up. He couldn't blame him and he took out his hanky and covered his nose.

"Not on the crime scene!" Grey pointed to the area outside the police tape when he saw Nolan was about to throw up. "Go! Go!"

Nolan nodded and ran, holding up a hand to cover his mouth.

"7-adam-15, change our call to a homicide." Grey informed dispatch.

"You'll get used to the smell." Angela told him. She scrunched up her nose and returned to the police line to maintain their perimeter.

"Sends detective and a forensics team." Grey continued on the radio. "Alert Jessica Russo at DHS."

"Routh, maintain the perimeter with Lopez until the detectives arrive." Grey told him. "Press and curious civilians will be here soon. We can't allow them to contaminate the crime scene. Don't answer any questions, you know the drill."

"Yes, Sergeant." He moved to the other side with Angela to keep watch.

"What do you think happened there?" Angela asked him.

"Four bikes, one body." He took a glance back at the burning pile once more, happy to be far away that he couldn't smell the stench. "Nolan said one of the guys that's now dead dropped his bag containing a full set of a police uniform. The rest of his group decided he was useless or that Nolan had seen his face and killed him."

"Then burned his body and the motorcycles to destroy any evidence." Angela continued for him. "Good work Routh."

They were standing there for a few hours and investigators continued to record and photograph the crime scene while he warned curious onlookers from crossing the police tape. Bradford and Chen arrived and he waved them over.

"How's it going?" Lucy asked.

"I threw up." Nolan admitted.

"Couldn't blame him." He stated when he saw Lucy's amused expression. "The stench of a burning body is horrible."

A car arrived, and he saw Jessica Russo step out of the driver's side door. He watched as Nolan perked up when she appeared. The two had been dating for several weeks now, and he wondered if they had any plans of getting married.

"Hey!" Jessica greeted Nolan and he and Lucy looked away when the two shared a quick kiss. He wished he could do that with Zoe, but Jessica was in DHS and had no problems maintaining a relationship with an officer from the LAPD.

Jessica passed through the police tape to join Grey and the investigators while he and his fellow rookies continued to provide their theories.

"We need to get in on this." Lucy stared enviously as she watched Russo, Grey and the P3 officers discuss the case.

"Not going to happen, we're stuck on perimeter duty." He replied.

"And trust me, this is the place you want to be in." Nolan added.

They all turned to the horrible sight of the burned body, charred black in some places while showing red muscle in some areas where parts of the charred skin had broken off. He could see the teeth, as the fire burned enough of the man's face to reveal his jaw bone and parts of the skull.

"I guess you're right." Lucy replied.

Lucy Chen

She aimed an envious look at Jack's back. The temperature in the parking building where their shops were parked when not in the bay was stifling. She was pretty sure she would feel better if she wore a short-sleeved uniform.

Unfortunately, she was stuck with the most strict, hard ass in the entire force as her field training officer and refused to let her wear what she had rightfully earned. 

"It's only for a few more months." Jack replied. He had noticed her and she blushed. She had forgotten that her fellow rookie was a very observant person, even if he wasn't as chatty compared to her and John.

"I know." She lightly pinched his upper arm and smiled.

"What was that for?"

"For wearing a short-sleeved uniform." She replied.

Bradford and Lopez had asked both of them to check their shops, as they had used considerable supplies to maintain the perimeter of the crime scene from yesterday. Their respective dashcams also recorded a few of the more persistent reporters breaking through the police line, and they needed to collect the memory cards for evidence.

She punched her code and opened the door to the floor where their shops were parked and the door was about to close when she heard a voice from behind her.

"Hold that please!" An officer was rushing to the door and she held it open for him.


"Yeah, no problem."

She didn't pay any more attention to him as she and Jack headed to their shops, when she noticed that the other cop seemed unsure of where to go. Curious.

She kept an eye on him as he opened a shop that she knew belonged to Officer Smitty. He was rifling around and she stepped forward wondering why someone would willingly step inside Smitty's shop voluntarily.

"You looking for something?" She asked.

"Oh, I just forgot my wallet." The officer smiled.

"Right." She turned around and headed to her shop. She noticed that Jack was watching the man intently as well, and they shared a glance, and knew he was thinking the same. The cop got into a car this time and pulled out a package.

She unlocked her holster in case she needed to draw her weapon quickly and walked closer to the cop.

"Did you find it?" She asked.

"Yeah thanks." The cop replied with a smile, but she wasn't fooled. His duty belt was empty and the man had a set of police radio equipment he pulled out from the car.

"What are you doing with that radio?" She demanded.

The cop quickly bolted and ran away from her. "Hey stop!"

They chased after the cop across the parking lot. He was a fast runner, and she pulled out her radio to alert the station as she ran after him.

"7-adam-19! Chasing fake cop in garage!" She called out. "Need backup!"

The fake cop jumped on the ledge and took a moment to check his landing. That was enough as just as he jumped, Jack grabbed him by the back of his uniform and stopped him from falling. With an incredible display of upper body strength, Jack grunted and tossed the man back and he landed roughly on the garage floor.

The fake cop was in a daze, and Jack rolled him on the ground face first and quickly secured him in cuffs.

"7-adam-19" She called on the radio again. "Suspect secure. Code 4."

She gave a sigh of relief and smiled at Jack, happy that her intuition was correct. She realized all the things Tim had been drilling into her had now paid off. Cop Eyes, as Tim described it.

The Captain, Sergeant Grey and even Russo appeared on the scene, and watched as the fake cop struggled as other cops came and took him to processing.

"Good job Chen, Routh." Grey said. He looked over the ledge and turned back to them. "You say he attempted to jump from this spot?"

"Yes, before Officer Routh pulled him back." She glanced at Jack.

"It was Officer Chen that first suspected the man was a fake cop." Jack added. "She was the first to notice his irregular behavior."

"You might want to check that car parked in the alley." The Captain stated, looking over the ledge. "I suspect that's his getaway vehicle, and he prepared that dumpster in advance to break his fall."

Captain Andersen's suspicions were correct. The dumpster was filled with bags and bags of shredded paper and old pillows and the car had its keys left inside the ignition. She stared at Jack and Captain Andersen as they stood together observing the scene, they really were suited to each other. She doubted any other woman could just match up to Jack's sheer presence. Captain Andersen was tall for a woman at five foot ten and had a commanding presence and she stood there as Jack's equal.

With the suspect caught, he was quickly identified as Thomas Bernhardt. It had also led to Nolan finding the missing woman she had investigated a few days ago, a court clerk by the name of Susanna Brown by pulling Bernhardt's records. She was found tied inside the house alone, terrified and sobbing.

Susanna Brown immediately told them of the plan of the fake cops that she overheard. She felt great satisfaction as they set a trap for the fake cops as they now knew their target, a caravan from the court house that was set to be destroyed full of counterfeit bills and weapons. She had to admire their dedication. Even the fake cops had legitimate looking police vehicles as they escorted the van.

She and Tim quickly stopped the convoy diverted by using Susanna's clearance codes as they knew the fake cops were listening in. The court clerk was pissed and was eager for payback.

The fake cops that escorted the truck full of counterfeit money and weapons initially tried to fight back as they were trapped on the bridge by two road blocks, until D platoon from Metro sprung the trap.

They jumped out of the white truck and moved in a flash, taking down the suspects within seconds. Their shots quick and accurate. She glanced at Jack who had joined Tim in the roadblock and noticed her T.O. and Jack were looking at the elite SWAT unit like they were kids in a candy store.

Zoe Andersen

She was happily packing up her bags, eager to return home. Jack was preparing a special dinner for her, in celebration for solving the case with the fake cops. He knew the pressure she was under and was happy that it was her station and her cops that solved the case. She could almost feel the collective sigh from the entire force.

She could understand the feeling. Trust to have each other's back, no matter what station you came from was the bread and butter of the police force. Protocols were immediately enacted to make it harder if another group of criminals decided to come up with stealing police uniforms and equipment again.

Her phone rang, and she was surprised to see it was from one of her brothers. He never called unless it was her birthday or it involved family matters. Why was he calling now?


"Hi Zoe. How are you?" She rolled her eyes at her eccentric and quirky older brother.

"Why did you call?" She asked.

"I received word from a friend. She asked me for help to get to your fiancé. Congratulations by the way."

She sighed and sat back on her chair. "I was planning to tell the family on Christmas. I'm going to bring Jack there to meet the family." 

"Great, Eric and Mel would be delighted to meet him." Wes replied.

"How's Juman and Freya?" She missed seeing her sister-in-law, and she couldn't wait to see her new niece.

"They're fine, Freya's growing up so fast." Wes shared. "Since you're bringing your fiancé for the holidays, then I guess Emma and her husband will try to convince him there."

"Wes." Her tone was stern and cold. This was the reason she changed her surname. She didn't want any part of her family's lifestyle and connections. She hated it. "If you do that then I'll leave Jack at the hotel room and just visit by myself then leave as soon as I greet my new niece. I'm serious. Say no to whomever it is you're talking to."

"Okay, baby sis. Okay. I'll tell them they can't go. Have to go now. Bye."

She stared at her phone's screen for a few moments and left her office.