Elven Kingdom I

After reaching an agreement with Idril, we prepared to teleport. I thought she was going to take out a scroll to do it, but as I could see, she was going to do it with her magic ring.

"Hold on to a part of my body."


'D, stop all the tasks you are doing and analyze the phenomenon thoroughly.'


Now, with D analyzing said phenomenon, there is a possibility that I could replicate such a thing, without wasting time. I grabbed onto Idril's leg, and as I did, I noticed how soft her skin was. I almost regretted attacking her earlier. Well, I had no choice. I knew that my victory was due to one fact: she wasn't trying to kill me, rather she was looking to knock me out. According to D, the woman is scarier than we thought; her use of mana is brutal. What led to her losing to me was because of the 'hide' characteristic. I had noticed this before while fighting the staff guy; from time to time she would complain that she couldn't read my movements. That was related to each other. To my good fortune, I have gained a bit of experience thanks to the staff guy; it was a good learning experience. Shortly after I grabbed onto Idril's leg, a green light began to flow from the ring she was wearing. Without a doubt, the greenish light was her mana. The light, in no time, enveloped Idril and me. I didn't close my eyes for even a second; I watched as space slowly distorted. The world lost its color for a few moments; everything turned black for an instant, and soon, the world that had turned black regained color.




Opening her eyes, the first thing Idril noticed was the sound of something dripping. Looking beside her at the human child she had brought with her, she shuddered. Blood was dripping from his beautiful blue eyes. She immediately knew what had happened.

"Didn't you close your eyes?"

I responded to the upset woman who was yelling at me:

"Don't worry, something of this level can't do much to me."

"A big deal, you say? Usually, people lose their vision instantly by not closing their eyes. You know, it's common sense."

"Don't worry, if something like that could kill me or make me lose my vision permanently, my elemental would have intervened."

After hearing my explanation, he calmed down. He looked into my eyes a little and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, and he wasn't going to find anything; I had already used 'repairer' on my eyes. My eyes were burned in that brief instant that I stared into space. What a crazy experience, to be burned by something that isn't fire!

"Ufff, whatever you say. Let's go then..."

"Hang on a minute".

I stopped her. It was clear that Idril was in such a hurry that she had forgotten the fact that her breasts were exposed along with her entire upper half.

"Look at your chest."

"Look at my chest...?"

Realizing what he was about to do, his face turned bright red. He immediately ran out. Good thing he decided to teleport inside his room and not directly into the living room. Like a bullet, he headed to change his clothes.

"How stupid she is."


'Do you have it?'


'I see'.

D couldn't replicate the teleportation; there was a lack of data. After Idril shot off like a bullet into another room, I looked around the room in detail.

"They are rich, without a doubt."

After waiting for a few minutes, I sat down on some furniture that looked quite comfortable. There I waited for Idril. The feeling of comfort was the best in the world.

In another room:


"What the fuck was that?"

"That human saw me naked!"

"I won't be able to get married anymore."

"Who would want to marry an old woman like me who let herself be seen naked before marriage?"


Idril had done her best to contain her shame, but her will had reached its limit. Rising from her bed, which was now untidy because of her outburst, and wiping away her tears, she said:

"It's all old man Angrod's fault. If he hadn't sent me and had gone himself, things would have been different."

"I was even forced to sign a magic contract."

"And what's wrong with that elemental? How did he manage to keep the human's brain from burning out?"

"And what's wrong with that human? How come he's so beautiful? I almost mistook him for a girl."

After finishing complaining like a madwoman in her room, Idril finally calmed down. Her pride as a woman had been hurt in many ways today. She had to finish what she started. After taking a bath to wash off the dust and blood that was stuck to her body, she proceeded to change her clothes. After at least 1 hour of preparations, she came out of her room, it was extremely clean.


"Oh, I see you're done crying in your room, Miss Idril."

As she left her room, the first thing Idril saw was the human sitting on the couch spitting out things he wasn't supposed to know.

"You, you, you, you..."

"Yes, I saw and heard you perfectly."

Idril's face changed a lot in just a few seconds.





'Of course I'll let him attack me. If he hurts me, I win. Just make sure he doesn't kill us in one attack.'

This was the moment I had been waiting for. If she attacked me, she would break her part of the contract. I wondered if what I thought would happen would happen. Idril, in her current state, was crazy and had no idea how strong she was.


Idril launched herself at me like a bullet. Her left hand became engulfed in flames, and when she was close enough to me, she gave me a powerful blow. I could hear every bone in my body making strange sounds. At that moment, my body went through several walls due to the tremendous blow I had just received.


After attacking the human, Idril regained her composure. A few seconds later, she realized the mistake she had made; she had killed her guest in a fit of anger.


Running through the holes he had made, he soon realized the tremendous amount of mana he had used; he had overdone it. After passing through several rooms, he finally found it: the human's body.

"But what?"

The human was unharmed. She found him sitting on one of the guest beds as if nothing had happened. All he had was a hole in his abdomen, or rather, in the robe he was wearing.

"That's strong, you managed to scratch me a little."


"You broke your end of the bargain, I got hurt."

"Wait, that was..."

"No waiting. I will make you pay for this without a doubt. You belong to me now, Idril."

"Wait, fufufu. Did you really think that by putting on that strange condition, my body and mind would belong to you?"

"The answer is yes, you are mine now."

"Fufu, let me inform you, I have seen other people put the same condition, and do you know what the result was?"

"Obviously, they couldn't control the other side."

"Oh, so you knew?"

"Of course I know."

"So why did you say I belong to you?"

"Do you remember what the condition is that involves your body?"

"If you got even a scratch, my body would become your property."

"Correct. You interpreted it as you wished; you thought I was seeking to control you, but what I was really seeking was control over your body."

"Do you understand the difference, Idril?"

"I know what you're trying to say, but it still doesn't help you."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Kneel down."


Idril was in shock; her body rose to her knees on its own. She didn't understand what had happened. Looking at the human in shock, she said:

"What did you do?"

"Control my body."

"Wait, what?"

"I know you heard right. I said I controlled my body."

"Ufff, it can't be."

"I see you finally understood the situation."

Idril understood my intention too late, it is not the same to try to control a soul and a body. While having the ownership of a living body is useless for most, it was not for me. This method was very risky and I was not sure if it would work; the plan was 50/50, although I never expected that Idril herself would be the one to attack me. Thanks to this situation, D's theory was put into practice. Now I had a powerful warrior. That's what happens when you sign papers without reading them in detail.