Deception X

[Silverlight Royal Family Main Mansion - Angrod's Personal Office]

6 AM. In a finely decorated office with beautiful chandeliers made of crystal and walls adorned with fine paintings of mythical and legendary creatures, they were works of art that any man would kill to have in his possession, in the room lay a man with white hair and sharp eyes; his eyes were golden in color. In front of the man lay an imposing figure, neatly dressed in silver armor.

"He hasn't returned yet?"

A trace of worry could be heard in Angrod's voice. The figure in front of him replied in a stoic and indifferent voice:

"No; that being sneaked out yesterday and hasn't returned yet."

"I understand".

For him, not knowing the whereabouts of that being alone was a cause for concern; such a powerful, loose, unrestrained existence was a danger to everyone; not knowing what he was doing caused him stress. A voice brought him out of his thoughts; it was Eru's voice.

"Master, what do you intend to do with that being?"

The question he had asked was a question he had been asking himself for a long time, but he had not found an answer to that simple question.

"Nothing, although I must admit that it bothers me not to be able to do anything."

"Master, there is nothing invincible; remember the words of that existence."

While there was truth in the words he had told her, that did not mean that he was willing to risk a confrontation, especially in this situation where they required help from that being.

"Eru, you of all people should know how monstrous that thing is. You said that it wasn't an elemental; that it was something more grotesque and brutal."

"Yes, per-".

"Eru, that thing almost killed my son like it was nothing, in a matter of seconds and in front of the royal guard, right under my nose; that thing has no respect for status, doesn't obey orders and seems to fear no one."

"I understand, but we still can't let a being of dubious origin overwhelm us; we must take contingency measures in case it gets out of control."

Hearing Eru's words, he thought about laughing for a second, but seeing the seriousness of the other party, he held back his laughter; after all, he was not able to imagine a method that would be effective in stopping that being.

"Okay, Eru, what do you propose?"

Angrod asked, wanting to know what he thought, what he had in mind to deal with the problem at hand; though the truth is that he didn't expect much, he just asked out of politeness. But what he said surprised him.

"We need to analyze his magic; to do that we must put him in a situation where he constantly uses his power."

"I see. And how do you intend to make him show you his powers without him getting suspicious?"

"Well, about that…"


"What do you think about the idea of that being teaching magic to Miss Lia?"

Hearing those words and fully understanding their meaning, the smile disappeared from her face. The idea didn't sound crazy; what did sound crazy was the idea of using her own granddaughter for such a purpose; she didn't like that at all, since she had always been protecting her granddaughter from all danger, and the idea of exposing her to danger didn't sit very well with her. Personally, she thought it was stupid to put her granddaughter in danger just to find out what that being was capable of, although she had to admit that the idea was tempting.


That was what came out of Angrod's mouth; there was not much to think about the proposal; his granddaughter's life was worth too much to risk.

"Master, what if we ask that esteemed being to help us?"

A laugh escaped Angrod's lips.

"Hahahaha; we should not involve that dear gentleman in our problems."

"The reason?".

"He gets upset easily."

There was one existence that the elven kings respected; it was an extremely powerful being, that no one dared to offend, since offending it meant you were dead; he knew this better than anyone, since his ancestors had warned him and explained to him in detail what that esteemed being had done to those who dared to disrespect it.

According to the words that had been passed down from generation to generation, this being had the power to wipe out the elven kingdom and all of its people; after all, there were records indicating that at one point in the kingdom's history, it was nearly wiped out by a figure that seemed to represent fire itself.

There was nothing they could do about this legendary creature; after all, this creature was part of the very nature of the world, and the world itself bowed at its feet. This creature's race is ranked number one in the world; there are no other races capable of standing up to such a being.

Although the existence of that race is now just a legend, it is believed that they are extinct. But how could the most powerful beings on the planet, the number one race in the world, be extinct? If that race were to become extinct, how would it be possible for the elven races and the human races and the other races to continue to exist?

"Eru, I understand your feelings, but we cannot resort to forces we cannot control."

"And what about the divine beast?"

"She is disappointed with the talent of this generation; she has not shown her face for years, although soon my granddaughter will have to appear before her for her talent evaluation."

"Do you think he'll make it?"

"I don't know; Lia's talent is still unknown."

"I understand".

The elven kingdom is currently going through a bad situation due to the previous incident, where countless beasts controlled by a beast tamer created a gigantic chaos and broke down the kingdom's barrier in some way that is still unknown. The beasts they used to attack were not common; they were very well organized beasts; they seemed made to kill elves without problem; some seemed to be empowered; they were stronger, more agile and larger than common beasts. Thanks to the efforts of Idril, who with her enormous combat power managed to decimate most of the beasts, most of the beasts were reduced to ashes by the relentless power she exerted on them.

Thanks to her show of strength, the other noble houses did not dare to protest; she reminded them why she was considered the most powerful mage in the elven kingdom, a genius in her field. Her actions were very violent, to the level where those who looked at her were stunned by the severe power she possessed; every beast on the battlefield was reduced to dust; that was the only way Idril had found to deal with these strange creatures that seemed to not be killed by anything. The method Idril found to deal with these strange beasts was to reduce them all to dust, since if you cut them they seemed to ignore the damage and get up; if you hit them, they would get up as well; if you crushed them, they would get up as well. The curious thing was that they did not seem to be regenerating; the number of beasts she eliminated easily exceeded three digits, although it was a pity and a waste of money, since she had to reduce so many unusual and powerful beasts to dust.

For someone of his standing, reducing such monsters to ashes was easy; though after fighting with those beasts for some time, he had found other weak points in them; not only were they vulnerable to his flames, but they were also vulnerable to light-type magic. The damage to the kingdom was substantial; the different territories that the nobles ruled had been severely damaged by the sudden incursion of the beasts; and to make matters worse, the beast tamer had escaped. That guy had left severe injuries on the most powerful mage in the kingdom, who they considered untouchable and invincible. Those who witnessed the battle could only watch with their mouths agape and their eyes wide open; a beast tamer who should usually only be able to control beasts with his power was fighting hand to hand with the strongest mage in the kingdom; that was unheard of and hard to believe, but they couldn't deny the reality before their eyes. When Angrod received the news, he was shocked by the events.

A beast tamer had stood up to Idril, who was known for her incredible magical abilities that were unmatched in the kingdom; not only was she good at magic arts, but she was also very proficient in mana arts and hand-to-hand combat. But here was the guy who had appeared out of nowhere with his beasts, whom they knew nothing about; he fought without weapons, only with his fists, and managed to cause great damage to the strongest mage in the kingdom; although hand-to-hand combat was not his strong suit, it was still impressive that they could corner Idril like that. It was more than clear that their enemies were very prepared and had many powerful people on their side; that was a very worrying situation, and to make matters worse, several royal guards, the strongest and deadliest, had disappeared.

"A lot of strange things have happened in a very short time."

"I agree; it's not normal."

"There are traitors among the noble houses; there is no doubt about that."

"Leave the execution to me, master; I will make them pay."

"No, it's not the time yet; the waters are very rough right now; making a wrong move can cause chaos."

"I understand; but if the opportunity arises, leave it to me."

"Alright, if the opportunity arises, I will not hesitate to give you the order."

At the same time, in a finely decorated room where a silver-haired girl was lying, rolling around in her bed like a madwoman. It was Lía, the princess. She had gotten up early today, since yesterday she had made a multitude of plans to carry out today. It should be noted that those plans required two people.

"Hehehehe; today I will play with my first friend."

That word, 'first friend', meant a lot to her. It was true that he was her first friend; she had talked to her mother about it and her entire family; at first she thought that they wouldn't let her be friends with that boy, but strangely they didn't say anything; her mother told her that she was happy for her that she had made a friend; those words filled her with happiness; she was very happy that her family accepted her having a friend. She took a quick shower, changed as quickly as she could and dashed off to the room that was right next to hers; without knocking on the door, she entered the room in search of her target; she scanned the room from end to end, but to her surprise, there was no one in the room, which meant that that boy had left. Without wasting any time, she turned around and spoke to the royal guard who was always watching and protecting her.

"Where did that boy go?"

"I don't know, Miss Lia; I didn't pay attention to it when it came out."

"Look for it."

"I can't do that, Miss Lia."


"I have orders from her father not to leave her alone."

"Then use a spell to find it."

"It won't work."


The royal guard hesitated to answer the question he was being asked; after a few seconds of hesitation, he decided to answer honestly; he knew that she wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted; Lía was usually a very obedient girl who didn't question what her family told her; it was rare for her to be causing trouble; she was usually calm and didn't ask for things out of place.

"That boy is very skilled at hiding his mana; I can't detect him with a spell."

Hearing that statement, Leah's eyes lit up, and her ears twitched in joy as if she was being praised.

"Of course he's clever; after all, he's my friend."

"Of course, miss; he is very skilled and impressive."

The royal guard noticed how the little princess's mood improved the more she flattered this being who had caused them so many problems.

"Let's go find him."


In this way they went out to look for the person in question; they walked through the long corridors of the mansion to look for him; they searched the entire mansion: in all the rooms, in all the bathrooms, in all the dressing rooms, in the kitchen, in all the possible places, but their efforts were in vain, since they did not find the person they were looking for. Seeing herself without options, the little princess decided to go find her grandfather to ask him if he had seen the boy; she quickly headed, running as fast as she could, towards her grandfather's office. Usually, almost no one was allowed to enter that room, but her grandfather always let her in; the restriction only applied to domestic workers and low-ranking guards; this restriction was put in place to prevent spies from stealing information that the grandfather kept in that office. When she was in front of the door of her grandfather's office, she did not knock on the door; she simply entered without knocking. Upon entering the office, the first thing she saw was her grandfather sitting behind a finely decorated wooden desk full of papers; The smell of ink could be felt in the air, and right in front of Grandfather was the commander of the forces of the Elven Kingdom; he was said to be one of the most powerful people in swordsmanship.


"What happened?".

"It's not there."

Angrod was confused by his granddaughter's statement; he did not understand what she meant; so he set out to ask:

"What is it that is not there?"

Lia responded quickly, without hesitation:

"My first friend; he's nowhere to be found."

Angrod immediately understood what was happening.

"Did you look for it well?"

"Yes; it's nowhere to be found."

"Maybe he went out for a walk; wait for him to come back."

"What if something happens to him outside?"

Hearing her granddaughter's concern, she couldn't help but burst out laughing; she found what her granddaughter had said amusing; after all:

"Hahahaha; don't worry, Lía; nothing will happen to him."

"Promise me, grandpa."

"Hahahaha; how distrustful; it's okay; I promise."

His granddaughter had brought a smile to his face; she had taken away several worries from him with her innocence; he could feel his stress slowly disappearing. The reality was that he didn't need to do anything to look for that individual; he didn't need to do anything to protect him; he would return on his own, and he was right. The boy in question appeared at twelve noon, but there was something that surprised everyone; that being had appeared covered in blood and his left arm was missing.