Desperate To Leave

Romero’s eyes darkened, his breathing ragged as he processed her question. He wanted to deny it, to say that the kiss had nothing to do with proving a point, but his pride wouldn’t let him be vulnerable.

“Maybe I did. Maybe I wanted to show you who’s in control here,” Romero replied, narrowing his gaze as if daring her to challenge him.

Carmen’s face twitched with a mix of hurt and disbelief. She’d felt something in that kiss, something beyond the anger and tension. But hearing him reduce it to a power play just to prove he could own her, cut her deeply.

“Oh, okay,” Carmen whispered, pulling herself together, masking the pain with defiance. “If that’s it for you, then I’m done trying to explain myself to you. I can see this marriage means nothing to you, doesn’t it?” she added, the strength in her eyes returning as she straightened her posture.