Chapter 3: The Non-Relativistic Abraham–Lorentz Force

In our previous chapters, we examined the foundations of classical electrodynamics and explored the early developments in radiation reaction. We saw how Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force provided the backbone for understanding how charges interact with external fields, and how pioneering thinkers such as Lorentz, Abraham, Planck, and Poincaré paved the way for incorporating self-interaction effects. In this chapter, we focus on the non-relativistic regime of the Abraham–Lorentz force, a subject that not only deepens our understanding of radiation reaction but also bridges our intuitive notions of energy conservation with the more subtle dynamics of accelerating charges. By exploring the derivation and physical interpretation of the force, examining its dependence on the rate of change of acceleration (often referred to as "jerk"), and discussing the energy balance through the lens of the Larmor formula, we build a cohesive narrative that elucidates both the power and the limitations of the non-relativistic approach.

Throughout this chapter, we will use descriptive language to explain the key concepts without resorting to formal mathematical symbols. Instead, we will rely on clear, step-by-step explanations to reveal how the self-force emerges, what it implies for practical systems, and where the classical picture begins to break down. Analogies and conceptual diagrams—such as illustrations of a charged sphere radiating ripples into a surrounding field (see Figure 1 conceptually)—will serve to make the abstract more tangible.

3.1 Derivation and Physical Interpretation

To understand the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force, we begin with the insight that an accelerating charge emits electromagnetic radiation. This phenomenon is captured by what is known as the Larmor formula, which states that the power radiated by a charge is proportional to the square of its acceleration. Imagine an oscillating charge that, much like a stone thrown into a pond, sends out ripples that carry energy away from the source. In a similar way, an accelerating electron "throws off" energy into the electromagnetic field. The immediate consequence of this energy loss is that the charge must experience a recoil force that opposes its acceleration, much as a gun recoils when a bullet is fired.

The derivation of the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force begins with this picture. In simple terms, one considers the work done by the radiation reaction force during a period of acceleration and equates it to the energy lost via radiation. The energy radiated, as described by the Larmor formula, depends on the square of the acceleration. However, the self-force experienced by the charge turns out to be related not only to the acceleration itself but also to its rate of change. This dependence on the derivative of the acceleration is a distinctive feature and leads to a force that is proportional to what is known as "jerk"—the third time derivative of position.

In conceptual terms, you can think of it this way: if you accelerate a car suddenly, the sensation of being pushed back into your seat is immediately apparent. Now imagine that, as you try to increase the acceleration further, your body not only resists the acceleration but also the sudden change in acceleration itself. That extra "lag" or resistance is analogous to the additional term in the Abraham–Lorentz force that depends on the jerk.

Key points from this derivation include:

The recognition that an accelerating charge radiates energy, and that the energy loss must be accompanied by a corresponding reaction force to satisfy energy conservation. The realization that, in a non-relativistic framework, the force depends on how rapidly the acceleration changes rather than on the acceleration alone. The conceptual idea that the self-force can be derived by considering the work done by this force over a cycle of motion, and equating it to the energy carried away by the emitted radiation.

An intuitive way to visualize this derivation is to imagine a charge as a small sphere immersed in an elastic medium. As the sphere accelerates, it deforms the medium around it, creating waves that propagate outward. The energy that goes into generating these waves is not recovered by the sphere; instead, it is permanently lost to the surrounding medium. To account for this loss, one must include a force that acts in opposition to the motion of the sphere. This self-force, which emerges naturally from the energy budget of the system, is what we call the Abraham–Lorentz force in its non-relativistic form.

In many introductory texts, the derivation is explained through an integration by parts of the energy conservation equation. Although we avoid formal mathematical notation here, the key idea is that when you integrate the rate of energy loss over a complete cycle of motion, the boundary terms vanish (assuming periodic motion), leaving behind a term that depends on the derivative of the acceleration. This remaining term represents the self-force acting on the charge. The importance of this derivation is that it ties together the observable energy radiated away with an equally observable reaction force, ensuring that the fundamental principle of conservation of energy holds even when the particle is interacting with its own field.

3.2 The Jerk Dependence and Practical Implications

One of the most intriguing aspects of the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force is its dependence on jerk. The term "jerk" refers to the rate at which acceleration changes with time. While acceleration tells us how quickly velocity is changing, jerk tells us how rapidly that change in acceleration itself is occurring. In everyday life, we might recognize jerk as the uncomfortable sensation when a vehicle suddenly starts or stops accelerating. In the context of radiation reaction, this jerk dependence means that it is not simply the speed of acceleration that matters, but also how quickly the acceleration is ramped up or down.

Consider a scenario where a charged particle, such as an electron, is subjected to a rapidly varying external force. If the force changes smoothly over time, the corresponding jerk is modest, and the radiation reaction remains relatively small. However, if the force undergoes sudden changes—imagine a switch being flipped—the jerk can be extremely high. In such cases, the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force predicts a significantly larger self-force acting on the electron. This behavior is analogous to the sudden jolt experienced when an elevator starts or stops abruptly. Although the phenomenon may be imperceptible on the scale of a human body, in the microscopic world, where forces are already minute, even small variations in acceleration can lead to observable effects.

This jerk dependence has several practical implications. For one, it suggests that in systems where charges are subject to rapidly changing forces, the reaction force may become large enough to influence the overall dynamics in a non-negligible way. In electronic circuits and accelerator physics, engineers and scientists must consider these effects to ensure that predictions match experimental results. For example, in radio frequency applications, where electrons oscillate rapidly in antennas, the damping caused by the radiation reaction can limit the amplitude of oscillation and, consequently, the efficiency of energy transfer.

Moreover, the jerk-dependent nature of the self-force implies that it can act as a form of built-in stabilization. If a charge is accelerating too quickly, the resulting large jerk induces a strong reaction force that tends to moderate the acceleration. In effect, the system naturally resists abrupt changes, which can help prevent runaway behavior. However, this very mechanism also leads to some paradoxical predictions. In certain mathematical treatments of the Abraham–Lorentz force, the presence of a jerk term gives rise to so-called "pre-acceleration" effects, where a particle appears to begin accelerating before the external force is applied. Although these predictions have spurred much debate and led to refinements in theoretical formulations, they illustrate the subtle challenges involved in reconciling classical intuition with the detailed dynamics of radiation reaction.

To better conceptualize the practical implications, consider a charged particle in a linear accelerator. As the particle is accelerated by an external electric field, its energy is not solely channeled into increasing its speed; some of the energy is lost as electromagnetic radiation. The reaction force, proportional to the jerk, acts in opposition to the increase in acceleration. Engineers designing these accelerators must account for this energy loss and the accompanying force, as neglecting it could lead to discrepancies between expected and actual particle trajectories. In this way, the Abraham–Lorentz force, despite its conceptual complexity, plays a critical role in the precise control of particle beams.

Key practical takeaways include:

Systems with rapidly changing external forces will exhibit larger radiation reaction effects due to high jerk values. In engineered systems, such as radio transmitters and particle accelerators, the self-force must be considered to accurately model energy loss and momentum balance. The jerk dependence of the Abraham–Lorentz force can act as a natural regulator, moderating abrupt changes in acceleration and thus contributing to the overall stability of the system.3.3 Energy Balance and the Larmor Formula

A central pillar in the discussion of radiation reaction is the conservation of energy, which demands that the energy radiated by an accelerating charge be exactly balanced by a corresponding loss in the particle's kinetic energy. The Larmor formula provides a quantitative measure of the power radiated by a non-relativistic accelerating charge. In descriptive terms, the Larmor formula tells us that the energy radiated per unit time is proportional to the square of the acceleration. Imagine a light bulb that dims as it radiates energy; in our case, the radiating charge "dims" in the sense that it loses a fraction of its energy with each burst of radiation.

The derivation of the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force makes essential use of the Larmor formula. When a charge accelerates, the electromagnetic fields around it change, and this change carries energy away from the charge. The energy loss is not arbitrary but is governed by the square of the acceleration. To maintain the conservation of energy, the work done by the reaction force over the duration of the acceleration must exactly equal the energy radiated away. This balance is achieved by incorporating a self-force term that opposes the acceleration, and whose magnitude depends on the time derivative of the acceleration.

Consider a hypothetical cycle in which a charge accelerates and then decelerates, perhaps oscillating in a periodic fashion. Over one complete cycle, the energy radiated away—determined by the Larmor formula—must be compensated by the work done by the self-force. If we were to measure the total energy loss of the system, it would be equivalent to the integrated effect of this reaction force over the cycle of motion. This concept can be visualized as depicted in Figure 2 (conceptually), where a plot of energy versus time shows small dips corresponding to the moments when energy is radiated, with these dips matched by an opposing force that slows the particle down.

The energy balance argument is particularly compelling because it roots the rather abstract concept of a self-force in a fundamental physical law: the conservation of energy. It reassures us that the somewhat counterintuitive notion of a force arising from the particle's own field is not a mathematical artifact but a necessary feature to ensure that energy is not mysteriously lost from the system. In practical terms, the Larmor formula provides experimentalists with a tool to measure the radiative losses of accelerating charges. When such losses are taken into account, predictions from classical electrodynamics align more closely with observed phenomena in systems ranging from simple dipole antennas to sophisticated particle accelerators.

Several important points emerge from the energy balance discussion:

The Larmor formula quantifies the power radiated by an accelerating charge, linking the energy loss directly to the acceleration squared. The reaction force—the Abraham–Lorentz force—serves as the mechanism by which this energy loss is manifested as a damping effect on the particle. Over a complete cycle of motion, the integrated work done by the reaction force matches the total energy radiated, thereby satisfying the conservation of energy. This balance provides a self-consistency check for classical electrodynamics, ensuring that all energy exchanges, whether in the particle or the field, are accounted for.

By connecting the energy balance argument with the physical derivation of the self-force, we gain a more intuitive understanding of why the Abraham–Lorentz force must exist. It is not an arbitrary addition to the equations of motion, but rather an inevitable consequence of the energy radiated by accelerating charges.

3.4 Limitations of the Non-Relativistic Approach

While the non-relativistic formulation of the Abraham–Lorentz force offers a valuable framework for understanding radiation reaction at low speeds, it is important to recognize its limitations. As with many approximations in physics, the non-relativistic approach is valid only within certain bounds, and its assumptions begin to break down under extreme conditions.

One key limitation is that the non-relativistic derivation assumes that the velocity of the charged particle remains much lower than the speed of light. In situations where the particle approaches relativistic speeds, the simple picture provided by the non-relativistic theory fails to capture important effects predicted by Einstein's theory of special relativity. For example, time dilation and length contraction become significant, and the interplay between the charge's field and its motion must be described by a fully relativistic treatment. In such cases, the Abraham–Lorentz force must be replaced by its relativistic generalization, often referred to as the Abraham–Lorentz–Dirac force.

Another limitation of the non-relativistic approach concerns the appearance of paradoxical solutions. One of the most notorious is the phenomenon of "runaway solutions." In some theoretical treatments, the self-force can lead to scenarios where the acceleration of the particle grows exponentially with time in the absence of any external force. Although these runaway solutions are unphysical, their emergence from the non-relativistic equations signals that the theory, as originally formulated, is incomplete. Similarly, the concept of "pre-acceleration"—where a particle appears to begin accelerating before the external force is applied—challenges our intuitive notions of causality. These paradoxes have spurred decades of research aimed at refining the theory, including the development of more rigorous treatments that modify the equations to eliminate such unphysical behavior.

The non-relativistic derivation also relies on idealized assumptions about the charge distribution. In many treatments, the charge is modeled as a small, uniformly charged sphere. While this model facilitates mathematical analysis and provides useful insights, it does not fully capture the complexities of a point charge, which is the idealized representation of an electron in many modern theories. The infinite self-energy associated with a point charge is one of the conceptual challenges that ultimately motivated the search for quantum theories of electrodynamics. In the classical regime, the extended charge model works well enough to illustrate the essential features of radiation reaction, but it leaves open questions about the nature of the electron and the limits of classical descriptions.

Additional limitations arise when considering the cumulative effects of the self-force in systems with many interacting charges or in complex geometries. In many practical situations, the radiation reaction is small compared to other forces, and its effects may be masked by external influences or experimental uncertainties. Nonetheless, in high-precision experiments—such as those involving high-energy particle accelerators or intense laser fields—the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force can play a significant role in the overall dynamics of the system. In these cases, neglecting the self-force may lead to discrepancies between theoretical predictions and observed behavior.

In summary, the limitations of the non-relativistic approach can be encapsulated as follows:

The derivation is valid only when the particle's velocity is much lower than the speed of light; relativistic corrections become necessary at higher speeds. The theoretical framework predicts unphysical phenomena, such as runaway solutions and pre-acceleration, which indicate that the underlying assumptions need refinement. The reliance on an extended charge model, while useful for illustrative purposes, does not fully address the challenges posed by point-like charges and the associated divergences in self-energy. In many practical applications, the self-force is a subtle effect that may be overwhelmed by other forces, making experimental verification challenging.

Despite these limitations, the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force remains a critical milestone in our understanding of radiation reaction. It provides a clear conceptual link between the energy radiated by an accelerating charge and the reaction force that must arise to preserve energy conservation. This insight has paved the way for more sophisticated theories that extend the non-relativistic picture into the relativistic regime and beyond.

A Conceptual Visualization

Imagine a small boat on a calm lake that starts to accelerate. As the boat gains speed, it generates waves that ripple outward across the water. The energy carried by these waves represents the energy lost by the boat as it moves. Now, suppose the boat suddenly increases its rate of acceleration; the resulting waves become larger and more energetic. If we were to measure the boat's motion carefully, we would find that it experiences a force that opposes its acceleration—a sort of resistance caused by the energy being siphoned off into the waves. This analogy encapsulates the essence of the Abraham–Lorentz force in the non-relativistic limit. The boat's reaction to the generation of waves is analogous to a charged particle's self-force arising from the emission of electromagnetic radiation.


In this chapter, we have explored the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force through a detailed examination of its derivation, physical interpretation, and practical implications. We began by establishing that an accelerating charge must radiate energy, as captured by the Larmor formula, and that the loss of energy necessitates a self-force to maintain energy conservation. We then delved into the derivation, explaining in intuitive terms how the reaction force emerges from the energy balance of the system and why it depends on the jerk—the rate of change of acceleration.

Next, we considered the practical implications of this jerk dependence. We discussed how systems with rapidly changing forces exhibit pronounced radiation reaction effects, which have tangible consequences in applications such as radio frequency engineering and particle acceleration. The self-force not only acts as a damping mechanism but also serves as a natural regulator that resists abrupt changes in acceleration, thereby ensuring the overall stability of the system.

The discussion then turned to energy balance, where we connected the Larmor formula with the need for a self-force that compensates for the radiated energy. This connection reinforces the idea that the Abraham–Lorentz force is not an ad hoc addition but an inevitable outcome of a rigorous accounting of energy and momentum in classical electrodynamics.

Finally, we addressed the limitations of the non-relativistic approach. We acknowledged that the derivation is valid only under conditions where the particle's speed remains far below that of light and that unphysical predictions such as runaway solutions and pre-acceleration highlight the necessity for further refinements. These limitations have motivated subsequent developments, including relativistic formulations and more nuanced models that attempt to resolve the conceptual challenges posed by point-like charges.

In essence, the non-relativistic Abraham–Lorentz force provides both a valuable teaching tool and a stepping stone toward more advanced theories. Its derivation illustrates the intimate connection between radiation and energy conservation, while its limitations remind us that even the most elegant classical theories must eventually yield to more comprehensive frameworks when faced with extreme conditions.

As we move forward in our exploration of radiation reaction, the lessons learned from the non-relativistic regime will continue to inform our understanding. Future chapters will build on these ideas, extending them into the relativistic domain with the Abraham–Lorentz–Dirac formulation and exploring how modern techniques, including those from quantum electrodynamics, address the remaining puzzles. The journey from classical intuition to modern theoretical sophistication is a testament to the evolving nature of physics, where every insight, however imperfect, contributes to the larger tapestry of scientific understanding.