MUST READ!—World Building (Basic)

Ekhem, hi this is DE. In this session I will show you a basic World Building that you guys all must known. This session includes Power System, Ranking, Power Type. Let's get started.


There are two main Power Systems in the Tangible Realm, namely Contractor and Hierophant. Each of them ruled their own world. There is one common thing that exists between the two power systems, which is that they do not depend entirely on the power giver. Contractor gains access to power through Existential who creates a contract for his Contractor. Meanwhile, Hierophants gain power over their worship and sacrifice to their Gods. Contractor and Hierophant go through the same beginning, they all start from the lowest levels.


Contractor and Hierophant have different power systems, Pact and Sacralegent. Pact has 9 steps called Accord. Meanwhile, the Sacralegent has more levels, namely 18 Edict. This is the comparison:


"Oh, ye who grasp at power beyond your station, who forge Pacts with the unfathomable and call it mastery, let this Sacralegent stand as a testament to your folly. Bound not by whim nor ambition, but by laws older than your feeble existence, unyielding as the cosmos itself. Stray but once, and the weight of this covenant shall crush you, for what is sworn here is neither merciful nor kind—only absolute."


1. Credentis (The Believer)

2. Devotus (The Devout)

3. Novitiatus (The Initiate)

4. Observator (The Watcher)


5. Ordinatus (The Ordained)

6. Sacerdos (The Priesthood)

7. Custos Fidei (Faith)

8. Ferrum of Dei (Iron)


9. Vox of Dei (The Voice of Prophet)

10. Manus Divina (The Divine Hand)

11. Sanctus Custos (The Sacred Keeper)

12. Tribunal Dei (The Divine Tribunal)


13. Sacrosanctum (The Sacred One)

14. Immaculatus

15. Imperator Sanctus (The Holy Emperor)


16. Angelus Dei (The Angel of God)

17. Decidium Lux (The Divine Light of God)

18. Hieros Rex (The Divine King)


"And yet, it is by our will that the impossible is made real. We do not kneel before decrees carved in stone, nor shackle ourselves to laws long withered. This Pact is not a chain, but a passage—a defiance written into existence itself. If the weight of this covenant seeks to break us, then let it know: we are not ones to be broken. We are the ones who rewrite fate."

Pact is special, their power is not based straight like Sacralegent. But their power depends on the Existential they make the contract. Currently, there are 26 Existential with 25 types of Pact available. Surely each Pact has a different and varied type of power. Like necromancy, witchcraft, etc. Even unique ones are available. It would be a great spoiler if I went into detail about the 25 Pact with its 225 total type of Accords.

From the lower to higher:

Accord 9 ~ Accord 1 (God)