Fury and Jay Part 3

Fury and Jay. Part 3.- Who are you? SoMi, do you know them?The president tried to try again to talk to me, but a slight

poke of the gun made her keep moving, but she decided to come in the other

way and asked her subordinate.-Silent. In order to finally get the idea that

we are not some rescue squad from Night City, I click the translator on my

rifle, switching it from automatic to single fire.The President sighed tiredly and, deciding not to pull the tigers' mustaches,

silently continued walking.We tried to go as much of the route as possible,

hiding from Barghest. But near one of the streets, we were met by a checkpoint of a pickup truck and

a jeep on one, from which a machine-gun turret was installed.- Okay, guys. It looks like the game of hide-and-seek is over now. Kill

everyone and capture the jeep. Kowalski, you have to keep us quiet again, and

then hack the tracking system beacon in the car. Johnson, you stay with our

fellow travelers, keep an eye on them so that they don't surprise us in the rear. The rest

are working in an assault formation. Questions? No. Then go to your places. - I change the magazine with

armor-piercing bullets to ordinary ones, it was not enough to accidentally damage something in our

car.I had already taken aim at one of the Barghests and was waiting only for Rico,

who was supposed to disable the machine-gunner. But instead of the expected shot,

I heard Kowalski's loud shout.- Cyber attack! They put marks on us! - I had a sharp

headache, but the worst thing was the tremor of my limbs.Only this was the beginning of the problems, the Barghests, as if having received

an alarm signal, opened fire in our direction.- Attack! - I shout and activate my chromium.The tremor of my hands and the headache did not allow me to

calmly aim, so some of the bullets did not hit where I wanted, but still I managed to bring down one

Barghest with a submachine gun, and wound another with an assault rifle.Rico fired a shot, but it was inaccurate and instead of blowing off the machine-gunner's head,

he only wounded him in the shoulder. The others also could not

boast of success in shooting, but our training and chrome still allowed,

albeit not without problems, to kill all the other men of the colonel, who were left

without the support of the heavy.The Heavy, who remained in solitary confinement, did not understand the change in the

situation and stubbornly tried to stand behind the turret again, but Private had already climbed

onto the roof of the jeep and was able to break his neck with a kick in the head.I quickly finished off the wounded Barghest, and then called Kowalski.- What the fuck was that? First a blow, and then a mark. - I ask him, at the same time taking a syringe with a stimulant out of

the pouch."An unknown netrunner carried out a powerful attack. I didn't even have time to

block him before a wave of demons was unleashed on me. Although it definitely couldn't

have been one netrunner, there must be at least a couple or even a group. "

Kowalski wasn't in the best condition either, his biomonitor showed that his

brains had taken massive damage, and his nose was bleeding like a stream.-Shit. Call Bartmoss. You won't be able to protect us alone.

Hell, if we've been tracked down, we don't have to worry too much about anonymity, at least it's good that

she couldn't break through the internal channels, since we can talk.-Already have. When I realized that this was only the first stage of the

cascading attack, I immediately summoned him!- Just don't tell me. - I began to understand

the situation.-Yes. We already feel, and it could be

worse, Bartmoss is holding off at least 80 percent of the attacks right now. We need to get

out of here as quickly as possible." "Kowalski injected a couple of stimulants and netrunner drugs through a special port, one by one

.-All. Take stimulants. A complete set. Johnson, what do you have

? – like Kowalski, I'm starting to inject myself with a bunch of drugs and stimulants, too.

-Sucks. The target is blackout, and so is the president. It was like

lightning in my head." Johnson answered through clenched teeth, enduring the pain."We'll come to you now and take you all on board. Private

to the jeep, Manfredi to the pickup. Rico, you're with me in the pickup truck, Kowalski in the jeep." Faster!

– I change the magazine and battery on the move and jump into the back and help Rico get

up, whose damage from the cyber attack went down his legs.With the engines roaring our car, we drove to the place where we

had left Johnson. The President and Somy were loaded into a jeep for safety. Johnson sat behind the

turret, and Kowalski was to provide protection from

netrunners and watch over the valuable cargo at the same time. Rico and I had to cover them from the

rear."Bartmoss! We need a new route." "I'm using a one-time

communication channel with Bartmoss."Marcus, I'm plotting a new route. There'll be a

secret smuggler's entrance. Deuce. This creature is strong. End of communication Marcus, I can't be distracted!

He abruptly cuts off the communication channel, but manages to send a map showing the

exit from Dog Town."Ahh!" Kowalski shouts loudly, and then a wave of viruses and demons hits us again

, although not as strong as last time, because only a headache without tremor remains

."Hold on, Kowalski!" Private! Manfredi! I'm sending you a map!

Speed up! A couple of jeeps and a motorcycle fly out of a side street.Shooters inside the cars open hurricane fire on us, and the

biker takes out a grenade."Rico, you're a biker!" I put my feet on the

trunk door and opened fire on the jeeps.Rico shoots, but misses. The biker approaches and tries to

cover himself with a motorcycle. But Rico's second shot hits the front wheel of the motorcycle,

and he stops abruptly, as if falling into a pit, and the biker flies out like a

cork from a champagne bottle.I was busy with jeeps, a long burst turns out to damage

the windshield and if not kill, then injure the driver, but one of the passengers

manages to intercept the steering wheel and does not allow the car to crash into the nearest building, although

it lags sharply behind.This trick does not work with another jeep. The driver ducks

and does not allow himself to be reached. Several bullets hit me, but the armor withstands.

I change the magazine to a new one, but with armor-piercing bullets.Rico and I, instead of trying to catch the

shooter, start shooting at the engine in the hope of damaging it and cutting off the pursuers.

We have to empty a couple of magazines, until finally the engine of the Barghest's jeep

begins to cough, and then catches fire."Clean from the rear!" Faster! I shout into the microphone.We speed up, but when we almost got to the exit of Dog Town,

the Barghests were waiting for us there. They tried to make barricades, but our sudden

appearance forced them to block our way with cars.- Private, take them to ram! Manfredi drift sharply brakes twenty meters

before the barricade, everyone inside the jeep fastens their seat belts! - I don't have enough time for

anything more.I grab the side of the pickup truck with all I can and push against

the trunk door. First I hear the drum roll of bullets hitting the car, and

then the roar of the accelerated engine and the sharp sound of metal hitting metal.Manfredi abruptly turns the car sideways, Rico is the first

to kneel and start firing, followed by me in a second.

After the explosion of a stun grenade, which did not blind me

only thanks to the helmet, I go to storm the positions of the Barghests who are coming to their senses.

Manfredi and Rico follow me, and we move as quickly as possible to our

jeep. The front edge of the jeep was just a metal mess. I quickly checked the

readings of my guys' biomonitors, everyone except Kavalski was fine.- Manfredi, quickly put them in order. Rico, keep the sector

under control, I need to organize communication. - I turn on the last

communication channel with Bartmoss now. –Rach! We need to open the gates to the outside urgently.

Kowalski has not yet regained consciousness. Quickly.- you in the ass! I'm here alone, barely trying to

restrain the crazy who attacks non-stop. Now I'll try to do everything,

but it will take time. Reich's words did not add pleasant thoughts to my head,

but I have to work with what I have.-Skipper. A new crowd of enemies is rushing at us. "Rico sent

me a picture from his camera, and I saw a bunch of cars with the symbols of Barghest driving

in our direction."Quickly get into the pickup truck and cover the breach we made.

Then get into a comfortable shooting position. Manfredi, how are ours?"- We're fine. Kowalski needs time to recover.

The passengers were not injured. - Johnson replied and I felt a little better.- Then Private and Manfredi come to me. You will be a nanny for

the president and Somi, and let Kowalski cooperate with Bartmoss and open the way out

. Everyone in their places. Prepare grenades. We work to the last, it's not time

to save money. - I run up to the corpse holding a machine gun and snatch it from my hands, and then

carry it to Manfredi at the barricade of damaged vehicles, he took up a position on

the left flank, the right was occupied by the Private.I handed him the machine gun and he, grumbling that there was not

much to fight with one box, put the machine gun on the bipod. I ran to the position in the center and began

to pull the magazines out of the rear pouches and put them in front of me to speed up

the reloading. I wanted to replace the battery, because I don't remember when I managed to make how many shots I

managed to make, but then the Manfredi machine gun rumbles loudly, which means that the enemy has already

reached the zone of guaranteed destruction by machine gun fire.I abruptly get up from behind cover and activate the chrome to the maximum.

The headache does not prevent me from aiming at the cars, which are now moving at

the speed of snails. I aim at the windshield and start shooting, trying to hit

as many enemies as possible. The private, unlike me, shoots at the tires.A machine gun and two powerful assault rifles were an unpleasant

surprise for the Barghests. One vehicle, having received a long burst of machine guns,

swerved to the side and crashed into the wall of the building. We were able

to force a couple of vehicles to collide with each other. But the enemies still had a lot of reinforcements and

a hefty blond man I had seen earlier came out of one of the vehicles.With threats and orders, he forces the Barghests to prepare for

an assault. But his attempt to take advantage of the numerical superiority and simply

break through by brute force fails after the enemies, having no special shelters,

come under machine-gun fire.We repulsed the first assault, although at the cost of

more ammunition. We have to loot, it's good that the corpses had almost

intact ammunition. While we were busy collecting cartridges, more people arrived

at the enemy.Rico continued to kill anyone in his crosshairs, but

this situation did not last long.-Skipper! They also have a sniper, and he started hunting me.

Until I deal with him, I won't be able to provide normal support." Rico

said briefly and abruptly changed his position.This was only the beginning of the problems, because the colonel himself arrived along with the reinforcements

. That's when the real heat began."Give me Myers and you can leave alive. This is the first and

last offer, mercenaries. I give you a minute to think." The colonel voiced his offer through a

megaphone.Private sat down next to me."What are we going to do, Skipper?""It's as if you don't know. Hold on until they open the

way out for us. We've chopped up so many Barghest soldiers that even if the colonel

gives a guarantee of safety, it won't save us from one angry soldier with

a machine gun. So let's stall for time and prepare for battle." I answered him and drove to the

position.A minute passed quite quickly, although we managed to do everything

possible during this time. We collected more cartridges and grenades.- Mercenaries, you have made your choice. - The colonel, taking a machine gun, led his subordinates to the attack himself

.Apparently, he really wanted to deal with the president and was ready

to take risks. Hatred and revenge blinded him. But this did not affect his skills.This time, the Barghests tried to suppress us as much as possible

and only then go into close combat. My helmet had already been hit several

times, and the bulletproof vest could soon turn into Swiss cheese. The situation was no better for

the others, especially Manfredi, he

had ordinary armor, and not heavy like me and the Private.The barghests began to come closer and we had to switch to

grenades. This forced them to slow down, but not stop. The enemy came within

the range of a dash, after which the massacre of close combat was supposed to begin.But when there were a little more than twenty meters between us, I

received a message from Barmoss that the gate would open in five seconds.- Everyone get ready to retreat. Grenades on the count of three.

Time! Two! Three! Grenades flew one after another in the direction of the enemy.The front line was covered by a series of explosions. After the fragmentation grenades, smoke grenades

came.-Eat. Skipper, I was able to wound an enemy sniper. The news

that came from Rick made me happy.-Withdrawal! Withdrawal! - I gave the command, and we ran towards

the exit.But the colonel did not let us move away calmly. Three large figures appeared from the

smoke screen. The colonel, a blond man and another big man with a

white mask. The distance between us quickly narrowed."Kill them!" The colonel shouts.The Colonel rushed at me, the blond at Manfredi, and the Private

became the target of the white mask.I repelled the revolver aimed at my stomach with the barrel of my rifle,

but missed the attack with the knife in the neck. I had no way to block or dodge,

the only way out that I had was to minimize the damage. Instead of the neck, the

knife hit the helmet, but the colonel was not an easy opponent and

pulled the knife down and it ended up in my shoulder.-Aa! Bitch! – butted the colonel's head right in the face.But this was not enough, so after a blow to the head, I kicked him under

the knee, forcing him to fall. A turn with his body and my butt hits directly into the colonel's jaw.

This was enough for him to release the knife from his grip.I looked in the direction of the guys and saw that Manfredi would not hurt

help from the blond strangling him, but Rico was the first to come to the aid and threw him off the medic with a

shot to the blond's side. With another shot, Rico helped the Private,

who was in a hard clinch with a white mask. The bullet hit the bulletproof vest, but

was able to inflict enough damage for the Private to make a

wrestling throw and get rid of the opponent's grip."Retreat!" I gave the order and, clutching the wound with a

knife still sticking out, ran towards the exit, from where Rico was covering us."Stop them! The Fury promised me the head, Myers!" The Colonel shouted

, but it was too late, we were almost on the other side of the wall that surrounded

Dogtown.A big man with a white mask managed to grab me by the bulletproof vest,

but Kowalski had already given the command to block and a door came down from above, not only saving

us from Barghest, but also giving me a souvenir in the form of a severed hand that

still held my bulletproof vest in a death grip.With such a souvenir, I got into the car that was supposed

to pick us up and take us to the shelter.Only when we left Pacifica could I breathe a sigh of

relief. I took out a pack of cigarettes and lit a cigarette.- What is the skipper now? - Rico asked me and took a cigarette from

my offered pack."First the treatment, the shower, the food. Then I'll take this shit off my

back and make a scratcher out of it for WeeJ. And then—" I paused, blowing out a

stream of smoke."And then what?" asked the Private, who had also lit a cigarette."I'll go punch Blue Eyes in the face. I'll catch my breath and punch him in the

face again. And so on until I get bored." My answer caused laughter from the guys, who were also

not averse to repaying Blue Eyes for all the shit we experienced

today."And the president?" Kowalski pointed to Rosalind Myers, who had not yet recovered

."It's not my problem. If anything, we'll throw it on Chopok Street. Let it

be closer to the electorate. After all, she's a servant of the people. Hahaha, my joke

saturated with evil sarcasm was liked by the guys.Mr. Blue-Eyed himself was waiting for us in the shelter. But before he could open his

mouth, my fist was already flying into his face.It was a very long day and evening. A special one for

the Blue-Eyed One, who had to learn a lot about himself and what one evil Archangel would do to him

if he continued with his games.But it didn't matter, because the mission was successfully completed.